Lunar New Year At VASC
Last weekend, the County Of Santa Clara Behavioral Health Services department held a Lunar New Year celebration at the Vietnamese American Service Center - Trung Tâm Phục Vụ Việt Mỹ - VASC. Check out the video recap!
County Executive James R. Williams’s remarks on Trump administration’s decision to freeze federal funding
County Executive James R. Williams announced today that County services remain fully open while the County assesses the Trump administration’s unconstitutional freeze of federal funding.
Williams addressed the freeze in a statement to the Santa Clara County community:
“County services remain fully open, and all residents should continue to utilize County services and programs. We are working urgently to understand and assess the freezing of federal funding by the Trump Administration, which is unprecedented, clearly unconstitutional, and extraordinarily harmful. The County relies on federal funding to support numerous lifesaving and essential health care and social services programs, and even short-term interruptions in these programs will have devastating consequences for residents here and across the nation.”
You can watch Williams’ remarks Tuesday to the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday in the video below.
Winter is almost here, but invasive mosquitoes are still buzzing around.
Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are aggressive biters and capable of transmitting diseases such as Zika and dengue that are not typically found in the United States.
You can help protect our community from Aedes aegypti by dumping water out of outdoor water containers, scrubbing them to remove mosquito eggs, and reporting day-biting mosquitoes to the County of Santa Clara Vector Control District.
Learn more at
This Throwback Thursday, we’re bringing back our video with Santa Clara County Household Hazardous Waste Program to remind people how to properly recycle and dispose of holiday items. Don’t throw electronics, batteries, fluorescent light bulbs, cooking oils and other hazardous waste in the garbage. Learn more at
Grand Opening of Women's Library at Elmwood Correctional Campus
Thursday, Dec. 5, marked a new milestone at the Elmwood Correctional Campus. The opening of the newly expanded Elmwood Women's Library was more than just a ribbon-cutting event — it was a symbol of hope, growth, and opportunity for the women in custody at the facility. The new Elmwood Women's Library provides access to educational resources, legal texts, and self-help materials to help women in custody develop new skills and enhance their personal growth.
While it's easy to assume that libraries are just places for casual reading or entertainment, inside a correctional facility, they take on a much deeper role. For many incarcerated women, the library is a sanctuary—a place where they can connect with their minds, their futures, and themselves in ways that are often hard to come by in the daily passage of prison life. Libraries in correctional facilities offer vital resources that support education, vocational training, and mental help, creating a pathway for personal transformation and future success.
Studies have shown that access to education, vocational training, and mental health resources can significantly reduce the likelihood of reoffending. And the Elmwood Women’s Library is an essential piece of that puzzle. The partnership between the Santa Clara County Library District - SCCLD and the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office will play a pivotal role in reducing recidivism and improving reentry outcomes for women incarcerated at Elmwood.
A Bridge to Benefits
Happy Veteran’s Day! Today, we celebrate those that put on the uniform for our country. Thank you for your service of our democracy and freedoms. May the ideals of this nation never be threatened because of the willingness of others to defend them.
Watch our video and read our story about Santa Clara County Office of Veteran Services taking care of our veterans to help them get the services and benefits they’ve earned.
We’re live with community leaders to reaffirm our commitment to the safety and well-being of all residents in Santa Clara County following the results of the presidential election.
We’re live for a press conference to announce expanded services that target the ongoing substance use crisis, with additional inpatient and outpatient offerings being added that will serve thousands of the county’s most vulnerable residents each year.
When you visit the County of Santa Clara animal shelter these days, you’re greeted by a whimsical sight: a giant Chihuahua puppy, playing and pouncing.
The pixelated video is part of a new art installation meant to enliven the experience of visitors to the state-of-the-art Animal Services Center, which opened in 2021.
“It really makes the Animal Services Center pop and stand out,” says Lisa Jenkins, manager of the shelter in San Martin. “It sets the tone for what we’re about. This isn’t a grim or sad place. We try to make it fun and engaging for people.”
Learn more at
County of Santa Clara Animal Care & Control