96th Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Commemoration
Let's reclaim his radical legacy!
Dr. King was not merely a dreamer, he was a doer! He was not one who advocated for small changes, but "We are going to have to change the system!"
How do Dr. King's thoughts, words, and actions apply to the burning questions of today: human rights, human needs, equity, community, love, hate, war, and peace?
Speakers will address the changes ahead in the light of Dr. King's words and deeds.
Cultural performances will include a libation ceremony, poetry, drumming, and dancing!
The event will be held in the Digital Humanities Center (formerly the Friends of the Library bookstore) at the campus-side entrance to the King Library.
Free and open to the public
Wheelchair accessible
Free parking is available in the city parking garage north of Santa Clara Street.
Organized by the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Legacy Committee
Co-sponsored by All-African People's Revolutionary Party, Ambedkar King Study Circle, Ethical Culture Society of Silicon Valley, Human Agenda, Jewish Voice for Peace South Bay, Leonard Peltier Support Group Silicon Valley, NAACP San Jose/Silicon Valley, San José Against War, San José Peace & Justice Center, San José Public Library, Silicon Valley Immigration Committee, Women's International League for Peace & Freedom