POV: You Enroll Your Child at a Davis Street Preschool Program... and they have the time of their lives learning and having fun! Call us today to learn more about our preschool programs!!
We were so lucky to be featured on @kpixtv last night and this morning, getting to share about our Holiday Basket Program!! WE STILL NEED TOYS!!!! If you can donate please head to our site- or drop off new toys and gift cards directly to us.
Giving Tuesday is right around the corner!
Consider Davis Street as you decide where to give this year. Our wrap around safety net services helps thousands of individuals who need it most.
Giving Tuesday is 2 weeks away! When deciding where to give this year, consider Davis Street. Our backpack and shoe giveaway is just one of the many programs we do to support our community, and we can't do it without you.
This Christmas during our Holiday Basket program, we are giving away more baskets filled with presents, food, and household items than ever. We need YOUR help!! Each year we donate 1,200 baskets to the San Leandro community. Can you donate a $50 gift card to our cause?
Who's ready for a #DavisStreetDadJoke? We are so proud to partner with the Alameda County Father's Corps, to bring programming and messaging about the importance of fatherhood! If you want more resources on the importance of fatherhood, reach out and we can get you connected!
We are O N E month away from Giving Tuesday! As you begin to reflect on where to donate this year, please consider Davis Street. We are so fortunate to be able to help people every. single. day.