Jó reggelt — good morning from Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺. Seeing this stunning capital city from the water gives travelers a unique perspective. We’re counting down the days until our ‘Danube Rhapsody’ travelers arrive here in April for the 2025 Palos Verdes Peninsula High river cruise 🚢 and Incantato Concert Tours experiences.
Guten Morgen, good morning from ??? Do you recognize this stunning cathedral in the heart of Austria’s 🇦🇹 capital city Vienna? The Palos Verdes Peninsula High Performing Ensembles present the first highlight concert of their 2025 ‘Danube Rhapsody’ Incantato Concert Tours river cruise here on Thursday, April 10. Check back for more details. You’re cordially invited to join. #pvphs #makeEuropeyourstage #concerttour #EuropeInsiders Inside Europe Travel Experiences
Who’s ready for Sunday morning breakfast? Come aboat the Amadeus Silver with us for a close(r) look at what life is like on Lüftner Cruises, a trusted partner of Inside Europe Travel Experiences and Incantato Concert Tours - Make Europe Your Stage for over a decade. #travelbettertogether #insidetravelexperiences #rivercuise #gutenappetit
Bom Dia Lisboa - goood morning Portugal 🇵🇹with sweeping views from the InterContinental Lisbon. #visitportugal #lisbon #roomwithaview #sightsleeping #travelbettertogether
Wednesday Greetings from Città del Vaticano -- where our FELICITÀ and GIOIA travelers from Southern California got front row seats and a close-up view of the Holy Father Papa Francesco. Here's a snippet Ted took at the Papal Audience.
Tomorrow, Thursday, June 6, the Orange County Youth Chorale directed by Mr. Keith Hancock will be the featured singers for Holy Mass at 6 pm at the main altar in St. Peter's Basilica.
#wheninrome #ocycitaly #choirtour #makeEuropeyourstage #travelbettertogether
‘Tis the season to be merry… Weihnachtsmarkt season in Germany 🇩🇪is in full swing and what better way to get into the holiday spirit than to eat, drink and enjoy the festive celebrations. visitfrankfurt Frankfurter Weihnachtsmarkt EUROPE
Hallelujah: Happy Easter 2023
The San Marino High School Choirs directed by Mr. Derek Jamieson at the Grande Hall at Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte just now.
#livefrom France 🇫🇷
#makeEuropeyourstage #smhschoirs #singinfrance #easter2023 #insideeuropetravelexperiences
Bonjour et Joyeuses Pâques 2023.
Easter 🐣 morning greetings from France 🇫🇷 and the gardens of Château de Bourron to be precise. What a glorious view and sounds to wake up to!
Our Enchantez family and friends travelers are sight-sleeping in the French countryside in this family-owned castle and today, the San Marino High School Choirs will be performing twice at nearby Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte.
We‘ll be sharing more updates and impressions and wish everyone near and far a very happy holiday.
#ExploreFrance #thisisfrance #chateaubourron #smhschoirs #sightsleeping #travelgram #insideeuropetravelexperiences #singinfrance #sightsleeping
Buongiorno + Buon Appetito!
LCHS Choral at Tenuta di Artimino this morning.
And this is just a third of the spread that awaited our 2023 Cantiamo, Bellissima and Dolce Vita travelers in the charming medieval Borgo in Tuscany, Italia.it 🇮🇹.
#insideeuropetravelexperiences #lchsitaly #italy2023 #makeEuropeyourstage #thisisItay #travelbettertogether #livefromitaly #travelgram
Welcome to Italia.it: Surprise impromptu at the Colosseum by the LCHS Choral Artist directed by Dr. Jeff Brookey.
Grazie! Thank you for the music 🎶.
#lchsitaly #lchschoral #makeEuropeyourstage #thisisitaly #insideeuropetravel #EuropeInsiders