My decades of structure and technique with whip and blades now online
De Longis Professional Bullwhip & Bladed Weapons Instruction
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DPACA (De Longis Performance & Combat Arts)
ANTHONY DE LONGIS - Whip Master / Sword Master / Weapons Expert / Teacher-Trainer / Actor / Voice Artist /Horseman
Intensive Bullwhip Instruction and Training for Film, Television, Stage Performance, Whips from Horseback and Combative Martial Applications.
Step-by-step progressive lessons to develop skills for confident professional level excellence.
“You can only ‘wing it’ if you have the skills to fly.”
BULLWHIP COMBATIVES AT MULTIPLE RANGES for Martial and Fight Choreography Applications with Sensei Anthony De Longis and Sr Grand Master Ron Lew
De Longis created and refined his unique “De Longis Rolling Loop” methodology based on five decades of bladed weapons training in European swords with Maestro Ralph Faulkner), Filipino Martial Arts and bladed weapons with G**o Dan Inosanto and Japanese bladed weapons (Kaiso Toshishiro Obata and Sensei Mathew Lynch. He often refers to the whip as a 'super-sonic telescoping blade'. His methods utilize structure and alignment to produce explosive energy with a minimum of effort. He applies the bladed weapons principle of ‘proportionate' movement so the whip always operates within the physical dimensions of the wielder making it extremely difficult for an adversary to close from long range. He long envisioned effective options for medium and close range whip applications utilizing the ‘live’ companion hand as well as the Baton, Punyo and Thong of the whip for striking, redirecting, enveloping and submission techniques at medium and close ranges.
Sensei De Longis invited Senior Grand Master Ron Lew, an expert at close range fighting to join his explorations. SGM Ron has over 50 years of martial arts study and training and is an 11th degree Black Belt in Eskrima and Eskrito. SGM Lew has developed his own unique close range bullwhip martial arts form called the Tibetan Wave, based on his work in Tai Chi, Tibetan energy work, and Cacoy Canete Doces Pares Eskrima and Eskrido,
The result is BULLWHHIP COMBATIVES AT MULTIPLE RANGES, the culmination of over 100 years of collective martial arts training and experience. This is not a ‘beginners’ whip presentation, it requires solid fundamental skills and whip control to get the most out of our shared martial explorations. De Longis recommends studying Mastering the Bullwhip: The Supersonic Flexible Blade, Vol 3&4. Careful practice will help you develop a supersonic ally instead of an adversary.
Contents Include :
Grip / Leverage / Balance
Stance & Alignment
8 Angles of Attack
Rolling Loop Long Range techniques and combinations
Big Loop (halving the whip) for strikes, controlling envelopments
Medium Range Rolling Loop / Long Range Tibetan Wave
Close Range options for both Rolling Loop and Tibetan Wave systems
Baton options Rolling Loop and Tibetan Wave
Punyon / Pommel options
Intercepting / Redirecting techniques
Nunchuk Whip / Rope Dart / Flail options
Companion Hand / Checking Hand / Companion Weapons applications
Submission techniques
Rolling Loop / Tibetan Wave Versus Weapons : knife, stick, long blade (barong / machete)
Total Running Time 130 minutes
MASTERING THE BULLWHP Vol 1 : Anatomy of the Bullwhip
MASTERING THE BULLWHP Vol 2 : Faster Than A Speeding Bullet
MASTERING THE BULLWHP Vol 3 : The Supersonic Flexible Blade - Building Efficient, Effective Accuracy and Skills
MASTERING THE BULLWHP Vol 4 : Targeting with a Partner, Body Envelopments, Prepping the Horse and More
RAPIER FOR THE STAGE & SCREEN VOL 1 & 2 : Foundational Beginner-to-Intermediate structures for single handed weaponry including saber, rapier, cutlass and smallsword.
BROADSWORD FOR THE STAGE & SCREEN Vol 1 & 2 : Geared to swordpersons with Intermediate-to-Advanced Skills including Broadsword, Bastard Sword, Katana and virtually any two-handed weapons application. These lessons will add depth and dimension to both technique and choreography and greatly expand performance choices.
DPACA - De Longis Performance & Combat ArtsANTHONY DE LONGIS - Whip Master / Sword Master / Weapons Expert / Teacher-Trainer / Actor / Voice Artist / HorsemanIntensive Training and Instruction for Film, Television and Stage Performance, Historical and Modern Martial Skills. Step by step progressiv.....