It's a wrap on the 1st week of the 2020 salmon season as it is now closed and scheduled to reopen May18th. Thank you for all the orders and welcome smiles at your homes.
Our daughter did AMAZING with her 1st 12 days on the job, never complaining and always giving 110%. In total, 79 fish were landed, countless seals were fed ;) and numerous whale shows witnessed. There were some bad weather days and some days with not many fish caught.
Any deliveries we failed to produce are automatically moved to the next round after the 18th. During this week 5/13-5/17 energy will be focused on Halibut/Lingcod/Rockfish. However, swell is pounding until at least the weekend which is going to produce minimum to no results on halibut grounds~Lingcod will most likely be the ticket.
Those with pre-existing Halibut orders will be contacted. Thanks again, Stay well, Stay healthy!!
For orders please text Raina at 831-252-1776!