Just a quick update on our rebuilding progress from Hurricane Helene. The initial mitigation - removal of kitchen base cabinets, water heater, bathroom, interior doors. and 2-4' of drywall - has been done. We are now entering the "whitebox" stage where the contracted team will reinstall the drywall and the shower pan. Still uninhabitable at that point. ☹️ Then our finishing contractor will be able to come in and replace the floors, doors, cabinets, water heater, bathroom tile/toilet/shower, doors.,, With 72 villas in the same boat, and many using the same contractor, it is hard to nail down a timeline. I have emailed any guests who are reserved through April and have blocked reservations until June. Hopefully our beautiful villa will be open before then, but I would rather be cautious than need to cancel more reservations. Rest assured, if you are a yearly guest, that your spot is being saved for next year! Looking forward to the day we announce we are open for rental!