Proud of Wade Forrester on his first 4h club skeet shoot today !! He did great !
Mr. Q knows what’s up when it comes time to put Redfish in the boat . Get these kids fishing and they’ll be looking for fish and not Trouble!
Contact me for a fun day on the bay.
You’ll love it out here .
“Take Advantage Of The pre winter and winter fishing specials going on right now , text or call for details”
Capt. Hollis Forrester
#7dayaddiction #downsouthlures #chickenboylures #grindterminatackle #troutsupport #outcast_rods #ezwade
Yap we are having a ball this morn . This is happening now . Tight lines friends 👍🎣
Capt. Hollis Forrester
#7dayaddiction #downsouthlures #chickenboylures #grindterminatackle #troutsupport #outcast_rods #ezwade
This is what it’s all about . Talk about a fun day , we’re having it .
**This Wednesday is open for now** also August has some good days left in it with some weekend days open for now**
Capt. Hollis Forrester
#7dayaddiction #downsouthlures #chickenboylures #grindterminatackle #troutsupport #outcast_rods #ezwade
My New York Fellows video from yesterday . Talk about a ball to be around with. There was not ever a dull
Moment around them yesterday , lol .
Capt. Hollis Forrester
Matagorda Bay Complex out of Sargent Tx. 979-236-3115
[email protected]
#capthollisforrester #7dayaddiction #downsouthlures #chickenboylures #outcast_rods #grindterminaltackle #ezwade
*** don’t forget to ask about the nice peaceful lodging available on Caney Creek I offer ***
Doin well in this ol foggy soup this morn with Cole Story and Travis out of Houston Tx. I’m sure their stringers look the same, Perfect morn 😁👍 Down South Spicy Pumpkin with Michael Bosse .
***wintertime Specials are here , This Coming Saturday Is Open So Come Join Me
Capt. Hollis Forrester East Matagorda
[email protected]
#7dayaddiction #outcast_rods #downsouthlures #troutsupportlures #chickenboylures #grindterminaltackle #ezwade
I always have to video her because it makes her nervous if I’m getting the net or not 😂😂😂😂 good goin Ami Forrester!
Winter Time Specials are here. Great prices for a great day fishing out here.
Capt. Hollis Forrester East Matagorda
[email protected]
#7dayaddiction #outcast_rods #downsouthlures #troutsupportlures #chickenboylures #grindterminaltackle #ezwade
Les put it on em let me tell ya !
Capt. Hollis Forrester East Matagorda
[email protected]
#7dayaddiction #outcast_rods #downsouthlures #troutsupportlures #chickenboylures #grindterminaltackle #ezwade
Sorry it’s side ways but this is what we’ve been facing when the reds trap bait in a cut, so we go out there and get them. Literally hundreds of Reds in there and i had the wife out Ami Forrester , i enjoyed watching her tear em up, she’s a great angler no doubt! It’s been a blast and a handful of open days in June and a little more in July . Come on out and join me , you’ll love it out here. Capt. Hollis Forrester
“I do have a house on Caney Creek that i rent out to my customers pending if it’s not booked. It’s $150 a night and it’s super sweet!! It has an awesome location for fishing , and it sleeps 5 people . You will love it .”
[email protected]
Here is Part 2 of the video . I did it fb live.
#7dayaddiction #outcast_rods #ezwade #grindterminaltackle #chickenboylures #downsouthlures #troutsupportlures #
Yesterday’s trip was the day of what I call our first major cold front that hit and finally knocked some water out of the bay with the strong North West winds . The funny part about this trip and with all the fish we caught is that the fish did not bite until the front came in and those 30+ mph winds kicked off. When that happened it kicked off some excellent fishing with probably over 100 reds caught and plenty of Trout. We fished until we were limited out on our fish and then the winds got stronger and I could not get the power pole to hold so therefore it was time to go but what a heck of a time it was. Anyway to get back to what’s happening out here now being that we have finally gotten some water knocked out of the bay, this means from now through winter our birds are going to be working over flushed shrimp and fry that are now knocked out in the bay and it is now the time for epic fishing under working birds and also the kick off time to begin our Trophy Trout fishing, “ No Doubt The Next 3 Months Are My Favorite Times Of The Year “. My tactics are going to change some, for my drift fisherman we’ll be fishing under working birds which is a blast with live shrimp, gulp and Down South Lures, and don’t forget, Kids love this or someone that is new to the game because they will be hooked for life when they get to experience fishing working birds in the bay. My wade fisherman will be throwing, Downsouth Lures, Corkies and top waters catching those Big Mama Trout, Reds plus Flounder because they are in the bay thick right now . The Trout are already very nice and fat right now and I’m definately expecting a record breaking year for the numbers of 9-10+ lb Trout that are going to be caught this winter. I’ve got there number and will be definately fishing in the areas where they will be haunting. For you drift fisherman , don’t think just because you can’t wade that you can’t catch these bigger fish because you can. These bigger Trout , Reds an