#onlyinsausalito #liveaboardlife #finedayforsailing
Wow these kids blew me away tonight @tamhighmusic (Julius on bass and Charly Kerr on vocals - a buddy from way back in kindergarten, played along with several other talented kids he has been playing with since they were 5 so it was especially cool to see them all rockin together 10 years later!) …how do they grow up so fast? #boatkid #boatschooled #lovemyson #proudmomma❤️
When foiling friends on @candelaboats swing by to say hello… #finedayforsailing
The sun is setting earlier and the last days if summer are upon us but sunset sails are still my favorite way to end the weekend. #sausalitomagic #sunsetsail #houseboatlife #finedayforsailing
One of my favorite things about my job is filling up another log book! #lifeofacaptain #shecaptain #bestjobever #lovethis #sailing #sailingfamily #sailingwithkids #airbnbexperiences #logbook #guestsonboard #charteryacht
Sound check is happening and #maritimeday is ON! Come on down to Galilee Harbor today and party with us. This is a fun free event to celebrate our salty waterfront community of artists and mariners. Show the #sausalitoworkingwaterfront some love and see what we are all about! @galilee_harbor 300 Napa street Sausalito
Hitchin a ride today to #halfmoonbay with @captdlawson and what do you know, its raining in August!
The #armycorpsofengineers and @oceanvoyagesinstitute Sailing Vessel Kwai offloading massive amounts of plastic hauled out of the Pacific Ocean’s #greatpacificgarbagepatch today… #saynotoplastic #nomoreplastic #keepitorganic
Sausalito has sunshine and fog all at the same time… What a stunning place to learn to sail- lucky boys! #lovemysons #finedayforsailing #boatkids #morekidsonboats #sailinglife #sausalitocalifornia @sausalitoyouthsailing
The California Brown Pelican was nearly extinct in 1970 and not until the chemical DDT was banned in California did the population start to come back from the brink of extinction. This year there are thousands if young pelicans in the bay, a reminder that if we take decisive action to do the right thing we can trust nature to do the rest. Now lets do something about plastics… #cleanseas #banplastic #conservation #cleanenergy #finedayforsailing #brownpelican #oceanlover
A beautiful Bolinas day for a tribute to one of the best humans I have know, we will always miss you Brendan. Thank you for capturing us @evanallison Brendan would have loved this timelapse too. #live.every.day
Always nice when friends drop by to say hi 🤩 @sailing_somewhere looking good on the @ppcfoiling #wing under the #goldengatebridge #finedayforsailing