A few quick words from a Smoky Mountain Bear! A quick tour of the #GuideRoom in the Embassy Suites in Gatlinburg by a fuzzy friend! @embassygatlinburg Would you like more info from a bears perspective?? Let us know in the comments!
The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the most visited National Park for a reason. That can mean crowds. We get it. Our experience and local knowledge is a great asset to help you find what you’re looking for away from it all.
Pro tip: February is a great month to visit as less crowds means lots of mountain beauty to be seen and experienced. Vanquish cabin fever with a lovely guided hike or a cozy scenic driving tour! Book today!
SOLO Wilderness First Aid Course - February 23,23 - 2025
Hosted by BridgeMont Camp & Smoky Mountain Guides
Join us for the exciting local Wilderness First Aid training at @bridgemont.camp
There is no such thing as bad weather to get outside! With the right gear and some experience you can have a great time and experience all nature has to share with us in all its many quickly changing and bipolar seasons! 😉 Today here in the guide room in the @embassygatlinburg it is a balmy 67 degrees F. It snowed a few days ago! Always an adventure here at the foot of these old mountains. 😁❄️☀️☁️🌨️🌦️🌧️⛈️⛅️🌥️🌩️💨
We have what you’re searching for this winter! Our “Winter on the peaks” backpacking trip can’t be beat. Looking for something just for the day? We have you covered. Amazing day trip adventures are also available. Check out our website for dates and prices. smokymountainguides.com
There is no better time to go backpacking then in the fall and no better time to book a trip then now! 15% off if you book before September 11th. To book: Email us at: [email protected] Call us at: (865)-223-5397 Or send us a message here.
We value being the best at our guiding disciplines! All in hopes to provide the best experience here in these amazing mountains for you —————— #hikemore #outside #getoutside #backpacking #kayaking #kidsinnature #fog #mountains #gsmnp #smokymountains #recconectingwithnature #familyfun #vantours #clingmansdome #appalachiantrail #landofthebluesmoke #endlesshills #advenureguides #proffesionalguides #expertoutdoorsman #expertoutdoorswoman #fishing #flyfishing #flyfishinginthesmokies #trout #memoriesinthemountains
Ahh summer… so many adventures, so many special moments. We are excited to show you all some of the memories made this July. Stay tuned! Goodbye July! August here we come!
June was amazing! Here is just a small glimpse at all the adventures that were had. Don’t forget to subscribe and turn on notifications so you don’t miss what we will share for July! 😁
The Great Smoky Mountains showing off again this trip! @smgflyguide lead his guests on a beautiful adventure! Here is a peak at their trip. Sleeping on the ground to the sound of the wind, forest and rivers… come with us! We have so much to show you! #backpacking #sunset #smokymountains