Ella our mistery snail!
Best pet ever! Ella has cleaned the tank and it has been super entretaining to watch it move around.
Practicing techniques that she learned at The Artsy Wagon art clases!
During the summer Kaly watched me doing a virtual art class. Here is how my work inspired dramatic play. #quarantine
We got curious about a watermelon in our garden!
Here one example of how witty Kaly is! 😂 That shelf was temporarily at the living room before the final destination, so she decent to use it as a house.
We subscribed to the Spanish emersion boxes. Every month we will receive a box with activities to enrich her Spanish! So far Kaly is loving the sand.
Kaly’s introduction video!
Kaly had her first school assignment. To introduce herself in a video and send to the teachers.
- she did not wanted me to do her hair
- the plan was just to just sit at the picnic table and talk about her, but this is what we got, all her ideas and own words
Exploring the weight of things outside.
Today exploring outside, she found something heavy and two things that are light! Also you can probably tell she has been watching lots of YouTube videos during this quarantine! 😉
Video about masks with Nurse Wanda! We had so much fun!
Video by Wanda Miller
To be honest, since March, when the preschool closed and we (parents) started working from home, it has been challenging to sit with her to do school work every day. She did use the recommended educational apps, and we read to her, but I wanted handwork, plus I know she loves this type of work. So yesterday, I grabbed all the Kindergarten workbooks from #dollartreefinds #kindergarten #momswithcameras