Relaxation therapy provides benefits to the body that include higher energy levels, improved sleep, stronger cognitive abilities, an enhanced immune system and the ability for an individual to de-stress. Studies show that up to 85% of bodily dysfunction can be associated with emotional imbalance or stress and, if not effectively dealt with, can seriously compromise an individual’s health. The auto
nomic nervous system (ANS) is part of the peripheral nervous system that controls bodily functions over which we have little or no conscious control; functions such as digestion, blood pressure, heart rate and the operation of major organs and glands. Often referred to as the fight or flight and rest and digest responses, many of us are in a consistent state of imbalance as a result of our fast paced, demanding environment. This automatic part of our nervous system must be balanced to maintain good health and optimal healing capacity. Relaxation techniques are one of the primary ways to maintain a healthy and balanced ANS. EnergyGenesis utilizes a combination of vibration, sound and light in a non-invasive series of sessions. The light allows for an increase in both blood circulation and oxygen levels in the cells, while the simultaneous combination of vibration, sound and light facilitates the ultimate experience in relaxation therapy. By allowing the body to reach this state, many benefits of relaxation to the body can be obtained and include: stress reduction, higher energy levels, improved sleep, stronger cognitive abilities and an enhanced immune system.