Grand Holidays 皇室假期

Grand Holidays 皇室假期 【盡善盡美】,【優質保證】,【以客為尊】

皇室假期(Grand Holidays) 於1981年於美國三藩市成立至今,已超過40年優良傳統和經驗,竭誠為北美僑胞及同業提供及代理可靠而多元化的旅遊產品,服務網絡龐大,分公司遍佈北美:三藩市、洛杉磯、紐約、芝加哥、溫哥華、北京等地。



Pacific Air Travel

機票批發專門店,專注於提供國際及國內機票預訂和開票服務.擁有40間國內外航空公司的合約代理. 用我們的信息和殷勤的客戶服務,綜合最新的技術支援,讓你得到你所需要旅行目的地的機票資料。7天24小時為你網上服務. ( 祇適合旅行社專用)

Canadian Grand Holidays


,配備專業的高質素的旅遊從業員. 專業領隊導遊團隊,更擁有大小旅遊巴士多部;具備多間酒店團體合約,熱情接待北美僑胞及海外旅客。

Grand Holidays(Beijing):


Grand Destinations:

由一隊旅遊專業人員組成,擁有豐富經驗,專為中國遊客進入美加,精心策劃及安排國際會議、展覽、商業團、交流團等等. 我們更設當地辦事處. 專人助理特發性事件及進行日常行程上的監管。

Grand Select






🎉🤩 ✈【 保證出發 10/5】12天葡萄牙,直布羅陀,西班牙世界文化遺產之旅 $2599+✈暢遊:波圖、奧比多斯、里斯本、新特拉、依奴拉、塞維爾、直布羅陀、太陽海岸、哥多華、杜麗多、馬德里、塞哥維亞、巴塞羅那✨ 精彩特色:• 波圖進、巴塞...

🎉🤩 ✈【 保證出發 10/5】12天葡萄牙,直布羅陀,西班牙世界文化遺產之旅 $2599+

✨ 精彩特色:
• 波圖進、巴塞羅那出,享受高速AVE火車直達,節省8小時顛簸車程
• 欣賞安東尼高迪的四大建築鉅作:聖家族大教堂、桂爾公園、米拉之家、巴特由之家
• 全程四星級酒店,每日自助早餐,里斯本、馬德里、巴塞羅那各連續住宿兩晚
• 包含1午5晚餐,品嚐正宗葡式蛋撻、葡國烤雞、燒墨魚+海鮮飯、米芝蓮推介烤乳豬、西餐
• 星級導遊中/英雙語講解,服務周到,並在主要城市加派當地專業導遊
• 隨團包括13個必到景點的入場門票:[葡萄牙] 萊羅書店、證券交易所宮、新特拉國家皇宮、人骨教堂;[直布羅陀] 聖米高鐘乳石洞;[西班牙] 哥多華清真寺、白風車村、杜麗多主教堂、馬德里皇宮、阿卡莎城堡、聖家教堂、桂爾公園、米拉之家

📍出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 10/5, 11/2
📞 西岸: 877-895-7988 / 東岸: 877-825-7988


✈😎【 Guaranteed Departure 10/5】12-Day Portugal, Gibraltar and Spain UNESCO Tour $2599+

✈Visit Porto, Obidos, Lisbon, Sintra, Evora, Seville, Gibraltar, Costa del Sol, Cordoba, Toledo, Madrid, Segovia, Barcelona

✨ Highlights:
• Entry in Porto, exit in Barcelona, enjoy the high-speed AVE train direct to Barcelona, saving 8 hours of bumpy bus rides
• Admire Antoni Gaudí’s four masterpieces: Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Casa Milà, Casa Batlló
• Stay in four-star hotels throughout, with daily buffet breakfast, two consecutive nights each in Lisbon, Madrid, and Barcelona
• Includes 1 lunch and 5 dinners, tasting authentic Portuguese egg tarts, Portuguese grilled chicken, grilled squid + seafood rice, Michelin-recommended roast suckling pig, and local Western cuisine
• Star-rated guides providing bilingual (Chinese/English) commentary, with additional local professional guides in major cities
• Includes admission tickets to 13 must-visit attractions: [Portugal] Livraria Lello, Bolsa Palace, Sintra National Palace, Chapel of Bones; [Gibraltar] St. Michael's Cave; [Spain] Córdoba Mosque, Windmills of Consuegra, Toledo Cathedral, Royal Palace of Madrid, Alcázar of Segovia, Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Casa Milà

📍Departure Dates: (2024) [Sat] 10/5, 11/2
📞 West: 877-895-7988 / East: 877-825-7988

#葡萄牙 #西班牙 #直布羅陀 #畢加索逝世50週年

🤩【 10/19  保證出發】9/ 13 天意大利,梵蒂崗深度精華遊 $1,799+🚌暢遊:米蘭,維羅納,威尼斯,帕爾馬,比薩,佛羅倫斯,錫耶納,梵蒂崗,羅馬 (13-D巴里,阿貝羅貝洛,馬特拉,龐貝,拿坡里,薩萊諾,阿瑪菲海岸,波斯塔諾,...

🤩【 10/19 保證出發】9/ 13 天意大利,梵蒂崗深度精華遊 $1,799+
🚌暢遊:米蘭,維羅納,威尼斯,帕爾馬,比薩,佛羅倫斯,錫耶納,梵蒂崗,羅馬 (13-D巴里,阿貝羅貝洛,馬特拉,龐貝,拿坡里,薩萊諾,阿瑪菲海岸,波斯塔諾,蘇連多,卡布里島)
📍出發日期:(2024) [星期六] 9/21, 10/19, 11/23

• 悉心安排米蘭入,羅馬走,旅程順暢,不走回頭路
• 包乘水翼船、渡輪、火車和纜車,穿梭多個風景如畫的海岸城巿和島嶼 - 威尼斯、五漁村、巴里、阿瑪菲海岸、波西塔諾、蘇連多、卡布里島、拿坡里…
• 包白露里治奧天空之城、龐貝古城入場門票
• 全程住宿便捷四星級酒店,包每日自助早餐
• 額外包4主餐 (9天遊)/ 7主餐 (13天遊) :威尼斯地道墨魚麵+炸海鮮盤、佛羅倫斯丁骨牛扒、拿坡里風格薄餅等....


😎[ 10/19 Guaranteed] 9/13-Day Italy, Vatican Highlights Tour $1,799+
🚌Visit Milan, Verona, Venice, Parma, Pisa, Florence, Siena, Vatican, Rome (13-D: Bari, Alberobello, Matera, Pompeii, Naples, Salerno, Amalfi Coast, Positano, Sorrento, Capri Island)
📍Departure Date: (2024) [Sat] 9/21, 10/19, 11/23

• Attentive planning on the tour route from Milan to Rome
• Include exceptionally diversified travel experience on hydrofoil, ferry, train and cable car when shuttling multiple picturesque coastal cities and islands, Venice, Bari, Alberobello, Sorrento, Capri, Naples.
• Include admissions to Bagnoregio & Pompeii
• Overnight at convenient 4-star upscale hotels with daily buffet breakfast included
• Include 4 main meals (9D) / 7 main meals (13D) with Venetian Seppia Pasta & Fried Seafood Platter, T-bone steak at Florence, Naples-style pizzas, etc.


✈✈限時優惠! 3+晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+ 4/5星級帝都酒店套餐 US$1099+特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3晚香港酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項🏢🏢 4⭐️北角歷山酒店 $1,109+🏢🏢 5⭐️港島海逸君綽酒店 $1...

✈✈限時優惠! 3+晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+ 4/5星級帝都酒店套餐 US$1099+
特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3晚香港酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項

🏢🏢 4⭐️北角歷山酒店 $1,109+
🏢🏢 5⭐️港島海逸君綽酒店 $1,209+
🏢🏢 5⭐️沙田帝都酒店 $1,109+
🏢🏢 4⭐️九龍維景酒店 $1,099+
🏢🏢 4⭐️九龍恆豐酒店 $1,109+
🏢🏢 4⭐️九龍皇家太平洋酒店 $1,129+

📞 美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

✈✈Limited-time Offer! 3+Nights Hong Kong CX Air + 4/ 5-Star Hotel Alexandra Packages US$1099+
🎁🎁Package includes CX HKG Roundtrip Economy Air Ticket + 3 Nights Hotel Stay + Fuel Surcharge & Taxes

🏢🏢 4⭐️Hotel Alexandra North Point $1,109+
🏢🏢 5⭐️Harbour Grand Hong Kong North Point $1,209+
🏢🏢 5⭐️Royal Park Hotel Sha Tian $1,109+
🏢🏢 4⭐️Metropark Hotel Kowloon $1,099+
🏢🏢 4⭐️Prudential Hotel Kowloon$1,109+
🏢🏢 4⭐️Royal Pacific Hotel Kowloon $1,129+

* Book 3 night HKG package, will receive a complimentary admission ticket to sky100, the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong, while supplies last!

📞 West Coast USA: 877-895-7988 / East Coast USA: 877-825-7988

🎄 8天德奧意聖誕古城浪漫之旅 🌟【12/20保證出發】🎉筍盤價😱$1809 +🤩😎探索充滿歐陸風情的聖誕奇幻之旅!踏上德國、奧地利、意大利三國,感受獨特的聖誕氛圍和浪漫古城魅力。🎠 德國聖誕市集:拜訪法蘭克福羅馬廣場的歷史悠久聖誕市集,體...

🎄 8天德奧意聖誕古城浪漫之旅 🌟【12/20保證出發】🎉筍盤價😱$1809 +

🎠 德國聖誕市集:拜訪法蘭克福羅馬廣場的歷史悠久聖誕市集,體驗旋轉木馬、手工藝品、美食佳餚和現場聖誕表演。
🛍️ 米蘭時尚之旅:入住市中心精品酒店,自由時間盡享購物狂歡。
🍷 聖誕大餐:平安夜和聖誕夜安排精緻四道菜晚宴,搭配美酒,讓您在節日中盡享美味盛宴。
🏰 古城風情:漫遊德國的羅滕堡和紐倫堡,感受中世紀的浪漫;奧地利的茵斯布魯克,仿佛時光倒流。

📞 聯絡我們: 西: 877-895-7988 / 東: 877-825-7988

🎄 8-Day Christmas Romance in Germany, Austria, and Italy 🌟 [Guaranteed departure 12/20] 😎🎉HOT DEAL 😱 $1809+

😎🎉Unbeatable offer to explore a magical Christmas journey filled with European charm! Embark on a tour of Germany, Austria, and Italy, and experience unique Christmas atmospheres and the romance of historic cities.
🎠 German Christmas Markets: Visit the historic Christmas market at Frankfurt's Römer Square, enjoy the carousel, handcrafted goods, delicious food, and live Christmas performances.
🛍️ Milan Fashion Tour: Stay at a chic city-center hotel and enjoy free time for shopping extravaganzas.
🍷 Christmas Dinners: Indulge in exquisite four-course dinners with wine on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, savoring the festive culinary delights.
🏰 Historic City Charm: Wander through Germany’s Rothenburg and Nuremberg, experiencing medieval romance, and travel back in time in Austria's Innsbruck.
Italian Highlights: Explore Venice, Verona, and Milan, visit St. Mark's Basilica and Milan Cathedral, and enjoy holiday discounts.
Stay at comfortable city-center 4-star hotels throughout, with detailed bilingual (English/Mandarin) guidance from experienced guides. Book now to start your dream Christmas journey! ✨🎁

📞 Contact us: West: 877-895-7988 / East: 877-825-7988

🌟 10天新西蘭南北島深度精華遊 & 10天澳洲東岸大自然海灣暢意之旅 🌟踏上兩大夢幻旅程,感受大自然的無限魅力!最低價格只是需要 $3919起🤩👍我們為您精心打造了兩個絕美的旅程,帶您探索新西蘭和澳洲東岸的獨特風景與文化。無論是新西蘭的冰...

🌟 10天新西蘭南北島深度精華遊 & 10天澳洲東岸大自然海灣暢意之旅 🌟
最低價格只是需要 $3919起🤩

🌊 澳洲東岸大自然海灣暢意之旅:$3919起
• 雪梨:打卡雪梨歌劇院與港口大橋,享受世界聞名的美景
• 黃金海岸:玩樂樂於主題樂園和陽光海灘
• 凱恩斯:造訪大堡礁,浮潛或搭乘玻璃底船,欣賞海底世界
• 熱帶雨林:體驗熱帶雨林的神秘與壯觀

🌿 新西蘭南北島深度精華遊:$3939起
• 奧克蘭:感受城市的現代與自然的完美融合
• 羅托魯瓦:泡溫泉,欣賞地熱奇景
• 皇后鎮:盡情享受冒險活動與壯麗景色
• 米爾福德峽灣:乘船遊覽,探秘自然奇觀
• 基督城:體驗「花園之城」的獨特魅力

📞 聯絡我們: 西: 877-895-7988 / 東: 877-825-7988


🌟 10-Day New Zealand North and South Island Highlights Tour & 10-Day Australia East Coast Nature and Bay Adventure 🌟
Embark on two dream journeys and feel the infinite charm of nature!
Starting from just $3919 +🤩
👍We have meticulously crafted two stunning trips for you to explore the unique landscapes and cultures of New Zealand and the Australian East Coast. Whether it’s New Zealand’s glacial lakes and volcanic wonders or the Great Barrier Reef and tropical rainforests of the Australian East Coast, every moment will be an unforgettable memory.

🌊 Australia East Coast Nature and Bay Adventure: $3919 +
• Sydney: Visit the Sydney Opera House and Harbor Bridge, and enjoy world-renowned views
• Gold Coast: Have fun at theme parks and sunny beaches
• Cairns: Visit the Great Barrier Reef, snorkel or take a glass-bottom boat to see the underwater world
• Tropical Rainforest: Experience the mystery and grandeur of tropical rainforests

🌿 New Zealand North and South Island Highlights Tour: $3939 +
• Auckland: Experience the perfect blend of urban modernity and nature
• Rotorua: Soak in hot springs and admire geothermal wonders
• Queenstown: Enjoy adventure activities and breathtaking scenery
• Milford Sound: Take a boat tour to explore natural wonders
• Christchurch: Experience the unique charm of the "Garden City"

📞 Contact us: West: 877-895-7988 / East: 877-825-7988

#新西蘭 #皇室假期 #皇后鎮 #奧克蘭 #澳洲

✈✈限時優惠! 3/ 7晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+ 4/5星級帝都酒店套餐特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3或7晚5星級帝都酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項🏢🏢 4⭐️九龍維景酒店 $1,269+🏢🏢 4⭐️北角歷山酒店 $1,229...

✈✈限時優惠! 3/ 7晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+ 4/5星級帝都酒店套餐
特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3或7晚5星級帝都酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項

🏢🏢 4⭐️九龍維景酒店 $1,269+
🏢🏢 4⭐️北角歷山酒店 $1,229+
🏢🏢 5⭐️沙田帝都酒店 $1,279+

📞 美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

✈✈Limited-time Offer! 3/ 7 Nights Hong Kong CX Air + 4/ 5-Star Hotel Alexandra Packages
🎁🎁Package includes CX HKG Roundtrip Economy Air Ticket + 3/ 7 Nights Stay at 4-Star Hotel Alexandra+ Fuel Surcharge & Taxes

🏢🏢 4⭐️Metropark Hotel Kowloon $1,269+
🏢🏢 4⭐️Hotel Alexandra North Point $1,229+
🏢🏢 5⭐️Royal Park Hotel Sha Tian $1,279+

* Book 3 night HKG package, will receive a complimentary admission ticket to sky100, the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong, while supplies last!

📞 West Coast USA: 877-895-7988 / East Coast USA: 877-825-7988

🌌 揭開北極光的神秘面紗,踏上夢幻的浪漫之旅!🌟 3-5天加拿大黃刀追踪浪漫幸福之光  $369 起【8/14/24-4/11/25 天天出團】🌟✈在加拿大黃刀鎮,觀賞世界聞名的北極光!每年240個夜晚可見極光,我們提供多種體驗:印第安狩獵...

🌌 揭開北極光的神秘面紗,踏上夢幻的浪漫之旅!

🌟 3-5天加拿大黃刀追踪浪漫幸福之光 $369 起
【8/14/24-4/11/25 天天出團】🌟

🌟 10天北歐3國 [玻璃屋賞極光、捕捉帝皇蟹、冰雪玩樂] 之旅 $4879 起
✨ 3晚極光追蹤:入住極光村玻璃屋,暖和靜候極光降臨
🦀 捕捉帝皇蟹:親自捕蟹,享受鮮美午宴
❄️ 雪上玩樂:雪橇犬場 & 馴鹿園,體驗雪上拉車的刺激
📸 跨越北極圈:拍照留念,獲取探險證書
🏨 四星酒店住宿:每日豐富早餐及地道特色餐食
📞聯絡我們:美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

🌌 Unveil the Mysteries of the Northern Lights and Embark on a Dreamy Romantic Journey!

✈🎉3 to 5-Day Northern Lights Romance Tour in Yellowknife, Canada $369
【8/14/24-4/11/25 Daily Departures】🌟
✈🎉In Yellowknife, Canada, witness the world-renowned Northern Lights! Visible for 240 nights each year, we offer various experiences: from Indian hunting tent camps to aurora chasing tours. Enjoy daytime activities like the ice road and ice castle, creating precious winter memories.

🌟 10-Day Nordic Aurora Fun Tour [Norway, Finland, Sweden] $4879
【Departure Date: 12/2/24】🌟
✨ 3 Nights Aurora Chase:Stay in the Aurora Village Glass Igloos, warm and await the arrival of the aurora.
🦀 Catch Emperor Crab: Personally catch crabs and enjoy a delicious fresh crab lunch.
❄️ Snow Adventures: Experience the thrill of dog sledding and reindeer park.
📸 Cross the Arctic Circle:Capture the moment, and receive an adventure certificate.
🏨 Four-Star Hotel Accommodation: Includes daily rich breakfast and local specialty meals.
📞 Contact us: US West: 877-895-7988 / US East: 877-825-7988

🤩精彩中國多元之旅,探索不同風景與文化!$599+✈️✈️帶您探索大江南北,享受全新旅遊體驗…😎6 天粵港澳大灣區純玩之旅 $599+暢遊:深圳、東莞、虎門、廣州、佛山、江門、中山出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 10/5, 11/2,...


😎6 天粵港澳大灣區純玩之旅 $599+
出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 10/5, 11/2, 12/7

😎7 天江南古鎮絕景佳肴享樂之旅 $629+
出發日期: (2024) [星期四] 9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 12/12

😎9天經典雲南世外桃源深度遊 $1989+
出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 7/13, 8/10, 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/14

😎11天西藏拉薩深度探索豪華遊 $2699+
出發日期: (2024) [星期三] 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18

😎13天大江南、長江三峽錦秀山河 “世紀遊輪“ 奢華之旅 $2839+
出發日期: (2024) [星期三] 9/25, 10/16, 11/6, 11/27

📞📞美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

🤩Discover the Diverse Wonders of China with Our Exquisite Tours!
✈️✈️Explore China on our Brand-New Tours…

😎6-Day Greater Bay Area Fun & Foodie Tour $599+
Visit Shenzhen, Dongguan, Humen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Jiangmen, Zhongshanh
Departure Dates: (2024) [Sat] 10/5, 11/2, 12/7

😎7-Day Jiangnan Ancient Towns Splendid Tour $629+
Visit Nanjing, Liyang, Yangzhou, Wuxi, Puyuan, Hangzhou, Shanghai
Departure Dates: (2024) [Thu] 9/12, 10/10, 11/7, 12/12

😎9-Day Yunnan: The Hidden Paradise Tour $1989+
Visit Kunming, Dali, Jianchuan, Lijiang, Shangri-La
Departure Dates: (2024) [Sat] 9/14, 10/12, 11/9, 12/14

😎11-Day Journey of Fascinating Tibet $2699+
Visit Chengdu, Linzhi, Lhasa, Shigatse
Departure Dates: (2024) [Wed] 9/18, 10/16, 11/20, 12/18

😎13-Day Voyage of Legendary Yangtze River and Three Gorges (Century Cruises) $2839+
Visit Shanghai, Yangzhou, Nanjing, Chizhou, Jiujiang, Wuhan, Yueyang, Jingzhou, Yichang, Fengjie, Fengdu, Chongqing
Departure Dates: (2024) [Wed] 9/25, 10/16, 11/6, 11/27

📞📞West Coast USA: 877-895-7988 / East Coast USA: 877-825-7988

🚀 來參加我們的美食純玩之旅,開啟一段舌尖上的極致冒險!🚀😋😋9天粵港大灣區純玩美食之旅  USD$999+ 【10/30 保證出發】🎁 現在報名即送「天際100」觀景台入場票和可任選以下超值禮品之一:• 額外3晚香港4星級酒店住宿(尖沙咀...

🚀 來參加我們的美食純玩之旅,開啟一段舌尖上的極致冒險!🚀
😋😋9天粵港大灣區純玩美食之旅 USD$999+ 【10/30 保證出發】
🎁 現在報名即送「天際100」觀景台入場票和可任選以下超值禮品之一:
• 額外3晚香港4星級酒店住宿(尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店 / 恆豐酒店)
• 🤩每房立減$300
• 機場和酒店之間專車來回接送服務
🏨首3晚住宿香港4星級知名酒店 [尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店],坐落交通樞紐中心,附近大型購物商場和最新旅遊景點,應有盡有!
🌐 暢遊大灣區各大節點城市和知名旅遊景點,體驗迅速發展的成果。住宿4/5星級酒店,包自助早餐和3 日9菜1湯午餐,品嚐地道美食:佛山紅蔥頭雞、中山乳鴿、珠海海上鮮餐…
🚄 去程選乘廣深港高速鐵路,省時舒適;回程搭高速噴射船,享受不一樣的體驗。
👨‍💼 經驗導遊提供國/粵語詳盡講解。(個別行程或提供英語服務,歡迎查詢)
✨ 歡迎查詢私人包團、香港酒店續住、機場接送等優惠。
📞 西岸: 877-895-7988 / 東岸: 877-825-7988

🚀 Join our gourmet tour and embark on a culinary adventure like no other! 🚀
😋😋9-Day Gourmet Tour of the Greater Bay Area USD$999 【10/30 Guaranteed】
🎁 Sign up now and receive a free ticket to the "Sky100" Observation Deck, plus choose one of the following fantastic gifts:
• Extra 3 nights' stay at a 4-star hotel in Hong Kong (Royal Pacific Hotel / Prudential Hotel)
• 🤩$300 discount per room
• Round-trip between airport and hotel transfer service
🏨 Accommodate at well-known 4-star hotel, Royal Pacific Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong for the first 3 nights, with convenient access to transportation network, a prestigious shopping mall, major famous attractions, like sky100, etc.
🌐 Explore key cities and famous tourist attractions in the Greater Bay Area, experiencing its rapid development. Stay in 4/5-star hotels, including a buffet breakfast and a 9-dish, 1-soup lunch, and savor local delicacies such as Foshan Red Onion Chicken, Zhongshan Pigeon, and Zhuhai Seafood...
🚄 Travel comfortably with the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail on the way there; and enjoy a unique experience on the high-speed ferry on the return trip.
👨‍💼 Experienced guides provide detailed commentary in Mandarin/Cantonese. (Some tours may offer English service; please inquire for details.)
✨ Inquire about private group tours, extended stays at Hong Kong hotels, airport transfers, and other special offers.
Sign up now and start your unforgettable Greater Bay Area gourmet journey! 🍽️🏙️


#大灣區 #香港 #香港酒店 #美食 #旅遊

🌏 探索台灣與越南的夢幻旅程 US$999+!✨ 台灣環島精選 US$999+🤩環島探索台灣的自然美景與文化遺產,行程從台北開始,經過多個著名景點。• 漫遊台北市,探訪必到的觀光熱點。• 探索台灣三大國家公園:墾丁、東海岸、太魯閣。• 感受...

🌏 探索台灣與越南的夢幻旅程 US$999+!
✨ 台灣環島精選 US$999+
• 漫遊台北市,探訪必到的觀光熱點。
• 探索台灣三大國家公園:墾丁、東海岸、太魯閣。
• 感受日月潭的如詩如畫,享受舒適的四/五星級酒店住宿。
• 品嚐六合夜市的台式美食,讓味蕾大開!

🌟 越南經典之旅 US$1239+
⛪️⛪️出發日期: (2024) 逢星期二

• 遊覽河內、峴港、胡志明市等必訪城市,打卡馮興壁畫街、巴拿山黃金佛手橋等網紅景點。
• 走進會安古城和古芝地道,感受歷史與現代的交融。
• 乘船遊覽下龍灣與湄公河,欣賞壯麗的自然景觀。
• 全程入住四星級酒店,享受舒適與便捷。

📞📞西岸: 877-895-7988 / 東岸: 877-825-7988

🌏 Explore the Dream Journey to Taiwan and Vietnam US$999+!
✨ Taiwan Island Highlights
Embark on a round-island tour to discover Taiwan's natural beauty and cultural heritage, starting from Taipei and covering multiple famous attractions.
• Stroll through Taipei City and visit must-see tourist hotspots.
• Explore Taiwan's three major national parks: Kenting, East Coast, and Taroko.
• Experience the poetic beauty of Sun Moon Lake while enjoying comfortable four- or five-star hotel accommodations.
• Savor the deliciou

🌟 Vietnam Classic Tour US$1239+
⛪️⛪️Departure Date: (2023) Every Tuesday
✈✈Included: 2 inland air tickets + one night of Deluxe Balcony Room Athena Signature Cruise🤩
🤩Travel from north to south and experience Vietnam's unique charm and culture.
• Visit must-see cities like Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City, and check out Instagram-worthy spots like Phung Hung Mural Street, the Golden Hand Bridge on Ba Na Hills, and the French Village.
• Step into the ancient town of Hoi An and the Cu Chi Tunnels to witness the perfect blend of history and modernity.
• Cruise through Halong Bay and the Mekong River, admiring the stunning natural landscapes.
• Stay in comfortable four-star hotels throughout the journey, ensuring convenience and relaxation.

📞📞West: 877-895-7988 / East: 877-825-7988

🎉🤩 ✈【 保證出發 10/5】12天葡萄牙,直布羅陀,西班牙世界文化遺產之旅 $2599+✈暢遊:波圖、奧比多斯、里斯本、新特拉、依奴拉、塞維爾、直布羅陀、太陽海岸、哥多華、杜麗多、馬德里、塞哥維亞、巴塞羅那✨ 精彩特色:• 波圖進、巴塞...

🎉🤩 ✈【 保證出發 10/5】12天葡萄牙,直布羅陀,西班牙世界文化遺產之旅 $2599+

✨ 精彩特色:
• 波圖進、巴塞羅那出,享受高速AVE火車直達,節省8小時顛簸車程
• 欣賞安東尼高迪的四大建築鉅作:聖家族大教堂、桂爾公園、米拉之家、巴特由之家
• 全程四星級酒店,每日自助早餐,里斯本、馬德里、巴塞羅那各連續住宿兩晚
• 包含1午5晚餐,品嚐正宗葡式蛋撻、葡國烤雞、燒墨魚+海鮮飯、米芝蓮推介烤乳豬、西餐
• 星級導遊中/英雙語講解,服務周到,並在主要城市加派當地專業導遊
• 隨團包括13個必到景點的入場門票:[葡萄牙] 萊羅書店、證券交易所宮、新特拉國家皇宮、人骨教堂;[直布羅陀] 聖米高鐘乳石洞;[西班牙] 哥多華清真寺、白風車村、杜麗多主教堂、馬德里皇宮、阿卡莎城堡、聖家教堂、桂爾公園、米拉之家

📍出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 9/7, 10/5, 11/2
📞 西岸: 877-895-7988 / 東岸: 877-825-7988


✈😎【 Guaranteed Departure 10/5】12-Day Portugal, Gibraltar and Spain UNESCO Tour $2599+

✈Visit Porto, Obidos, Lisbon, Sintra, Evora, Seville, Gibraltar, Costa del Sol, Cordoba, Toledo, Madrid, Segovia, Barcelona

✨ Highlights:
• Entry in Porto, exit in Barcelona, enjoy the high-speed AVE train direct to Barcelona, saving 8 hours of bumpy bus rides
• Admire Antoni Gaudí’s four masterpieces: Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Casa Milà, Casa Batlló
• Stay in four-star hotels throughout, with daily buffet breakfast, two consecutive nights each in Lisbon, Madrid, and Barcelona
• Includes 1 lunch and 5 dinners, tasting authentic Portuguese egg tarts, Portuguese grilled chicken, grilled squid + seafood rice, Michelin-recommended roast suckling pig, and local Western cuisine
• Star-rated guides providing bilingual (Chinese/English) commentary, with additional local professional guides in major cities
• Includes admission tickets to 13 must-visit attractions: [Portugal] Livraria Lello, Bolsa Palace, Sintra National Palace, Chapel of Bones; [Gibraltar] St. Michael's Cave; [Spain] Córdoba Mosque, Windmills of Consuegra, Toledo Cathedral, Royal Palace of Madrid, Alcázar of Segovia, Sagrada Família, Park Güell, Casa Milà

📍Departure Dates: (2024) [Sat] 9/7, 10/5, 11/2
📞 West: 877-895-7988 / East: 877-825-7988

#葡萄牙 #西班牙 #直布羅陀 #畢加索逝世50週年

🏔️探索加西夏日美景之旅☀️🚌5-8天加西温哥華、洛磯山夏季探索遊 $759+😎🚌暢遊:加西洛磯山脈4個著名國家公園,歐陸小鎮班芙,尤如人間仙境的碧綠湖泊 - 露易斯湖、夢蓮湖、沛托湖,萬年的冰原遺跡......* 免費溫哥華機場接送 + ...

🏔️探索加西夏日美景之旅☀️🚌5-8天加西温哥華、洛磯山夏季探索遊 $759+

😎🚌暢遊:加西洛磯山脈4個著名國家公園,歐陸小鎮班芙,尤如人間仙境的碧綠湖泊 - 露易斯湖、夢蓮湖、沛托湖,萬年的冰原遺跡......
* 免費溫哥華機場接送 + 免費溫哥華市重點觀光遊 / 名牌折扣購物中心購物遊 (有條件限制)
📍📍出發日期: (2024) 5/1 - 10/11逢星期一、三、五 (7/1-8/31加開星期六)
📞 美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

🌟 Luxurious Southern France and Monaco Tour☀️🚌5-8 Days Vancouver & Canadian Rockies Summer Tour Package $759+

😎🚌Visit: 4 famous national parks in the Western Canadian Rockies, the European town of Banff, the world-famous fairytale turquoise lakes - Lake Louise, Moraine Lake and Peyto Lake, and the thousands-year-old icefield...
*FREE YVR Airport pickup + FREE Vancouver city highlight tour or YVR airport outlet shopping tour (subject to conditions).
📍📍Departure Dates: (2024) 5/1 - 10/11 Every Mon, Wed, Fri (7/1-8/31 also every Sat)

🏞 Explore Natural Wonders Up Close Stroll along the shores of Lake Louise, Moraine Lake, and Peyto Lake, and admire the emerald lakes, towering mountains, and magnificent glaciers, as if stepping into a fairyland!
🚡 Unforgettable Experiences Take a gondola ride to the top of Sulphur Mountain and enjoy panoramic views of the charming town of Banff, Bow River Valley, and the surrounding mountains. Ride a specially designed giant snow coach to the largest icefield remnant in the world—Columbia Icefield. Step onto the thrilling Glacier Skywalk and marvel at the glaciers and snow-capped peaks within Jasper National Park.
🍷 Taste Fine Wines Visit the famous wineries of Kelowna and savor world-renowned Canadian wines and authentic ice wines.
🏨 Comfortable Accommodation Stay at a hotel in Banff, conveniently located for leisurely strolls along the European-style Banff Avenue, where you can indulge in dining and shopping for souvenirs.
🚌 Thoughtful Services Travel by tour bus with free Wi-Fi service (conditions apply). Experienced guides provide detailed explanations and attentive service in both English and Chinese throughout the tour.

📞 West Coast USA: 877-895-7988 / East Coast USA: 877-825-7988

#温哥華 #洛磯山

✈✈抓緊本年歐遊最後機會 (9-12月保證出發)🎄🎄[聖誕主題] 8天歐陸 [德奧意] 聖誕古城浪漫之旅 (12/20 ~ $1809+)👉👉🤩🤩9/13 天意大利,梵蒂崗深度精華遊 ...

✈✈抓緊本年歐遊最後機會 (9-12月保證出發)
🎄🎄[聖誕主題] 8天歐陸 [德奧意] 聖誕古城浪漫之旅 (12/20 ~ $1809+)

🤩🤩9/13 天意大利,梵蒂崗深度精華遊 (10/19 ~ $1799+)

🤩🤩10天法國南部大巡遊 (9/14 ~ $2699+)

🤩🤩12天葡萄牙,直布羅陀,西班牙世界文化遺產之旅 (10/5 ~ $2599+)

🤩🤩12/14天9/10國西歐皇者之選 (9/11, 10/9 ~ $2809+)
✈✈Last call for Europe Summer Tours (Guaranteed Departures)
🎄🎄8-Day Continental Europe Sparkling Christmas Tour (12/20 ~ $1809+)

🤩🤩9/13-Day Italy, Vatican Highlights Tour (10/19 ~ $1799+)

🤩🤩10-Day Grand Tour of Enchanting Southern France (9/14, $2699+)

🤩🤩12-Day Portugal, Gibraltar and Spain UNESCO Tour (10/5 ~ $2599+)

🤩🤩12/14-Day 9/10 Countries Western Europe Imperial Tour (9/11, 10/9 ~ $2809+)

✨ 🍇準備好迎接一場充滿浪漫與驚喜的冒險嗎?趕快加入我們的【10天法國南部大巡遊】吧,在陽光明媚的南法探索無盡的美景和文化吧!趕緊立即預訂,與我們一起揭開法國南部的神秘面紗,創造難忘的回憶! 🍇✨✈️【9/14 保證出發】10天法國南部大巡...

✨ 🍇準備好迎接一場充滿浪漫與驚喜的冒險嗎?趕快加入我們的【10天法國南部大巡遊】吧,在陽光明媚的南法探索無盡的美景和文化吧!趕緊立即預訂,與我們一起揭開法國南部的神秘面紗,創造難忘的回憶! 🍇✨
✈️【9/14 保證出發】10天法國南部大巡遊 🤩$2699+
🚌暢遊:尼斯,蒙地卡羅 (摩納哥) ,康城,馬賽,亞維儂,尼姆,卡卡頌古城,圖盧茲,阿卡雄灣,波爾多,聖艾美倫,巴黎
📍出發日期: (2024) [星期六] 9/14, 10/5
🤩 漫步於風景如畫的尼斯海濱,感受地中海的魅力
🤩 探索摩納哥的奢華與輝煌
🤩 在坎城感受電影之都的魅力
🤩 遊覽馬賽的歷史與現代交融
🤩 體驗亞維農的古老城牆與悠久歷史
🤩 造訪卡爾卡松中世紀的傳奇城堡
🤩 在波爾多和聖艾美隆享受世界級的美酒
📞 美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

✨ 🍇 Ready for an adventure full of romance and surprises? Join our 10-Day Grand Tour of Southern France and explore endless beauty and culture under the sunny skies of the South of France! Book now and uncover the mysteries of Southern France with us, creating unforgettable memories! 🍇✨
✈(9/14 Guaranteed Departures) 10-Day Grand Tour of Enchanting Southern France 🤩$2699+
🚌Visit Nice, Monte Carlo (Monaco), Cannes, Marseille, Avignon, Nimes, Carcassonne, Toulouse, Arcachon Bay, Bordeaux, Saint Emilion, Paris
📍Departure Dates: (2024) [Sat] 9/14, 10/5
• Stroll along the picturesque nice seafront and soak in the Mediterranean charm
• Discover the luxury and splendor of Monaco
• Experience the allure of Cannes, the city of cinema
• Explore the blend of history and modernity in Marseille
• Walk through the ancient walls and rich history of Avignon
• Visit the legendary medieval castle of Carcassonne
• Enjoy world-class wines in Bordeaux and Saint-Emillion

📞 West Coast USA: 877-895-7988 / East Coast USA: 877-825-7988

🌍✨ 西歐皇者之選! 14天10國 & 12天9國🌍✨【9/11 & 10/9 保證出發】12天9國西歐皇者之選 - $ 2809+14天10國西歐皇者之選 - $ 3549+加入我們的最受歡迎和最經典的西歐行程,一次暢遊義大利、梵蒂岡、奧...

🌍✨ 西歐皇者之選! 14天10國 & 12天9國🌍✨【9/11 & 10/9 保證出發】
12天9國西歐皇者之選 - $ 2809+
14天10國西歐皇者之選 - $ 3549+
📍 亮點行程:
• 探索阿姆斯特丹運河之城,乘坐玻璃船遊覽千年運河。
• 遊覽多個世界文化遺產:羅馬鬥獸場、聖彼得大教堂、比薩斜塔、聖母百花大教堂、大笨鐘、倫敦塔橋、羅浮宮、埃菲爾鐵塔等。
• 法國迷人童話小鎮科瑪,漫步鵝卵石小巷,探索風景如畫的「小威尼斯」。
• 乘坐貢多拉遊威尼斯水城、瑞士琉森湖和德國萊茵河、阿姆斯特丹運河玻璃遊船、瑞士鐵力士雪山纜車和德國海德古堡纜車。
• 四星級酒店住宿,享用每日自助早餐和地道美食,品嚐威尼斯墨魚汁麵、德國烤豬手、法國鵝肝等美味。
• 星級導遊提供中/英雙語講解,深入了解每個景點和當地風情。
📞📞 美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988
🌐 👉

✈✈✈ 🍁🍁🍁 ✈✈✈ 🍁🍁🍁

🌍✨ Western Europe Royal Tour! 14 Days, 10 Countries & 12 Days, 9 Countries 🌍✨ 【9/11 & 10/9 Guaranteed Departure】
12 Days, 9 Countries Western Europe Royal Tour - $2809+
14 Days, 10 Countries Western Europe Royal Tour - $3549+
Join our most popular and classic Western Europe itinerary. Explore Italy, Vatican City, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, and the UK all in one go, or choose the 12-day, 9-country tour. Perfect for first-time travelers to Europe, experience the unique charm of each country.
• Explore Amsterdam’s canal city and enjoy a glass boat tour of the ancient canals.
• Visit numerous World Heritage sites: Colosseum in Rome, St. Peter’s Basilica,
Leaning Tower of Pisa, Florence Cathedral, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, and more.
• Stroll through the enchanting fairy-tale town of Colmar in France, with its cobblestone streets and picturesque “Little Venice” district.
• Gondola ride in Venice, boat tours on Lake Lucerne in Switzerland and the Rhine
River in Germany, glass boat tour in Amsterdam, cable car ride up Mt. Titlis in Switzerland and Heidelberg Castle in Germany.
• Stay in four-star hotels, enjoy daily buffet breakfast and authentic local cuisine including Venetian squid ink pasta, German roast pork knuckle, French foie gras, and more.
• Expert guides providing detailed bilingual (Chinese/English) explanations, offering deep insights into each attraction and local culture.

📞📞 West Coast: 877-895-7988 / East Coast: 877-825-7988
🌐 👉

🌌 探索極光的魔力!🌌踏上非凡之旅,親眼目睹兩個令人驚嘆的目的地的極光奇觀!🌟 3-5天加拿大黃刀追踪浪漫幸福之光  $369 起【8/14/24-4/11/25 天天出團】🌟• 在加拿大黃刀鎮,觀賞世界聞名的北極光!每年240個夜晚可見極...

🌌 探索極光的魔力!🌌

🌟 3-5天加拿大黃刀追踪浪漫幸福之光 $369 起
【8/14/24-4/11/25 天天出團】🌟
• 在加拿大黃刀鎮,觀賞世界聞名的北極光!每年240個夜晚可見極光,我們提供多種體驗:印第安狩獵帳篷營地和極光追逐之旅。白天還有冰上大道和冰上城堡等活動,留下珍貴冬季回憶。


🌟 10天北歐3國 [玻璃屋賞極光、捕捉帝皇蟹、冰雪玩樂] 之旅 $4879 起
• 把握最佳時機,感受3晚極光奇觀,2晚入住特色木製荒野小屋和世界著名的芬蘭極光村玻璃屋,溫暖地等待極光降臨。另1晚搭乘專車戶外追光,享受不一樣的樂趣。🔥
• 前往挪威基凱尼斯捕捉帝皇蟹,品嚐最鮮甜味美的活蟹午宴!🦀
• 與哈士奇雪橇犬、馴鹿近距離接觸,體驗雪上拉車的刺激快感🐕


🌐 詳情請瀏覽
📞聯絡我們:美西:877-895-7988 / 美東:877-825-7988

🌌 Experience the Magic of the Northern Lights! 🌌
Embark on an extraordinary journey and witness the spectacular auroras at two stunning destinations!

3 to 5-Day Northern Lights Romance Tour in Yellowknife, Canada $369
【8/14/24-4/11/25 Daily Departures】🌟
• In Yellowknife, Canada, witness the world-renowned Northern Lights! Visible for 240 nights each year, we offer various experiences: from Indian hunting tent camps to aurora chasing tours. Enjoy daytime activities like the ice road and ice castle, creating precious winter memories.


🌟 10-Day Nordic Aurora Fun Tour [Norway, Finland, Sweden] $4879
【Departure Date: 12/2/24】🌟
• Seize the best opportunity to experience the aurora over 3 nights! Stay 2 nights in a unique wooden wilderness cabin and the world-famous glass igloos of Finland's Aurora Village, warmly awaiting the aurora's arrival. Enjoy a different kind of fun on the third night with an outdoor aurora chase by private coach. 🔥
• Travel to Kirkenes, Norway, to catch king crabs and enjoy the freshest seafood lunch! 🦀
• Get up close with husky sled dogs and reindeers, experiencing the thrilling excitement of a snow sled ride 🐕


🌐 For details, visit:
📞 Contact us: US West: 877-895-7988 / US East: 877-825-7988

✈✈最後機會! 3/7晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+5星級帝都酒店套餐特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3或7晚5星級帝都酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項🎁🎁*現凡預訂3+晚香港套餐,每人均可獲贈「天際100」香港唯一的室內觀景台入場門票,...

✈✈最後機會! 3/7晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+5星級帝都酒店套餐
特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3或7晚5星級帝都酒店住宿 + 燃油附加費和稅項


✈✈限時優惠! 晚香港國泰航空(CX)機票+4星級歷山酒店套餐
特惠套餐包CX來回香港經濟艙機票 + 3晚4星級歷山酒店套餐 + 燃油附加費和稅項


✈✈Last Call! 3/7 Night Hong Kong CX Air + 5-Star Royal Park Hotel Packages
🎁🎁Package includes CX HKG Roundtrip Economy Air Ticket + 3/7 Nights Stay at 5-Star Royal Park Hotel + Fuel Surcharge & Taxes

* Book 3+ night HKG package, will receive a complimentary admission ticket to sky100, the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong, while supplies last!


✈✈Limited-time Offer! 3 Nights Hong Kong CX Air + 4-Star Hotel Alexandra Packages
🎁🎁Package includes CX HKG Roundtrip Economy Air Ticket + 3 Nights Stay at 4-Star Hotel Alexandra+ Fuel Surcharge & Taxes

* Book 3 night HKG package, will receive a complimentary admission ticket to sky100, the only indoor observation deck in Hong Kong, while supplies last!


🚀 來參加我們的美食純玩之旅,開啟一段舌尖上的極致冒險!🚀9天粵港大灣區純玩美食之旅 – 團費 $999起🎁 現在報名即送「天際100」觀景台入場票和可任選以下超值禮品之一:• 額外3晚香港4星級酒店住宿(尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店 / 恆豐酒店...

🚀 來參加我們的美食純玩之旅,開啟一段舌尖上的極致冒險!🚀
9天粵港大灣區純玩美食之旅 – 團費 $999起
🎁 現在報名即送「天際100」觀景台入場票和可任選以下超值禮品之一:
• 額外3晚香港4星級酒店住宿(尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店 / 恆豐酒店)
• 每房立減$300
• 機場和酒店之間專車來回接送服務
🏨首3晚住宿香港4星級知名酒店 [尖沙咀皇家太平洋酒店],坐落交通樞紐中心,附近大型購物商場和最新旅遊景點,應有盡有!
🌐 暢遊大灣區各大節點城市和知名旅遊景點,體驗迅速發展的成果。住宿4/5星級酒店,包自助早餐和3 日9菜1湯午餐,品嚐地道美食:佛山紅蔥頭雞、中山乳鴿、珠海海上鮮餐…
🚄 去程選乘廣深港高速鐵路,省時舒適;回程搭高速噴射船,享受不一樣的體驗。
👨‍💼 經驗導遊提供國/粵語詳盡講解。(個別行程或提供英語服務,歡迎查詢)
✨ 歡迎查詢私人包團、香港酒店續住、機場接送等優惠。

🚀 Join our gourmet tour and embark on a culinary adventure like no other! 🚀
9-Day Gourmet Tour of the Greater Bay Area – Starting from $999
🎁 Sign up now and receive a free ticket to the "Sky100" Observation Deck, plus choose one of the following fantastic gifts:
• Extra 3 nights' stay at a 4-star hotel in Hong Kong (Royal Pacific Hotel / Prudential Hotel)
• $300 discount per room
• Round-trip between airport and hotel transfer service
🏨 Accommodate at well-known 4-star hotel, Royal Pacific Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong for the first 3 nights, with convenient access to transportation network, a prestigious shopping mall, major famous attractions, like sky100, etc.
🌐 Explore key cities and famous tourist attractions in the Greater Bay Area, experiencing its rapid development. Stay in 4/5-star hotels, including a buffet breakfast and a 9-dish, 1-soup lunch, and savor local delicacies such as Foshan Red Onion Chicken, Zhongshan Pigeon, and Zhuhai Seafood...
🚄 Travel comfortably with the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail on the way there; and enjoy a unique experience on the high-speed ferry on the return trip.
👨‍💼 Experienced guides provide detailed commentary in Mandarin/Cantonese. (Some tours may offer English service; please inquire for details.)
✨ Inquire about private group tours, extended stays at Hong Kong hotels, airport transfers, and other special offers.
Sign up now and start your unforgettable Greater Bay Area gourmet journey! 🍽️🏙️


#大灣區 #香港 #香港酒店 #美食 #旅遊


103 Linden Avenue
South San Francisco, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 6pm
Tuesday 9am - 6pm
Wednesday 9am - 6pm
Thursday 9am - 6pm
Friday 9am - 6pm


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