Take a look at the New Scotty Fishing Products 139 Phone Holder! Finally a secure phone holder for the boat and my quad! Great new product from Scotty! #thewaytofish
Some nice King’s and a few nice Steelhead in Grand Haven tonight.
1 down, 29 to go! Bring on the 2020 season.
Lake Trout misses J-Plug
Quick Video of a nice Lake Trout missing a Team Dreamweaver Captains Choice J-plug a few times..... Gives you a good idea of what those quick bumps are! It is amazing how many fish come to check out your baits without a strike. 9-12 today and I have 40 -50 fish on camera...
Big Weenie 10" Spotted Dick Glow _ Lake Trout
Underwater Camera getting some footage at the bait.... This video shows a Lake Trout follow and hit a 10" Glow Spotted Dick from Big Weenie Brand. Look for more footage to come soon.
This is how the girls fish on "On The Fly" at the Big Red Classic
We are now taking donations for our new fishing boat ... Here is a short video of it on the water today
One more from the ladies event at the Tri-Port Challenge.