Check A Pro

Check A Pro The trusted source for homeowners to find qualified contractors. Check A Pro Houston members are based in the Greater Houston Area, serving our community.

Check A Pro / Katy Pros offers local residents a resource to search for local pre-qualified Home Service Providers in the greater Katy and Houston Area. From air conditioning repair to window replacement, our exclusive resource of local professionals are here to serve you. Check A Pro Houston has interviewed a select group of service providers and have "pre-qualified" them in order to assist you in making informed decisions. To find a pre-qualified provider visit us online at


Join Jim and HVAC expert Mario Lopez, also known as the Attic Man, on Check A Pro Radio as they delve into the telltale signs that your heating and cooling system might be in need of repairs or replacement. Learn about common issues like frequent breakdowns, skyrocketing energy bills, and uneven airflow, and gain insights into knowing the right time to consult a professional.
Mario shares his expertise on the average lifespan of HVAC systems, potential quick fixes, and the importance of choosing certified technicians for the job. He warns against opting for cheap repairs that may end up costing more in the long run and highlights the advancements in HVAC technology that promise more efficiency and smarter systems. Tune in to equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed maintenance decisions for your home.
For More Information visit AtticMan at call us at (916 ) 299 - 7558.


Our host, Jim Klauck welcomes Jim Cosmos, his guest from Florida as they dive into the world of radio and its significant impact on the home service industry. Discover how the Blue Collar Wave and understanding your customer avatar can transform your business. Despite the digital craze, modern broadcasting holds untapped potential for service professionals, particularly those under 50 who may dismiss it as outdated. Learn the magic behind radio's influence, its dominance over TV and Facebook, and why it remains a trusted medium.
The episode delves into the demographic age group that's most lucrative, spotlighting how 50+ homeowners are still loyal to radio. It explores this pivotal audience, uncovering insights into their purchasing behavior and how contractors can capitalize. Are digital natives missing out by ignoring radio? Witness how creating demand through this "old" media can lead to direct business growth.
Contact Jim Klauck


Atticman Heating & Air, Insulation is on the AIR! Mario Lopez is a natural. Mario educates the listener while entertaining making it easy for the homeowner to engage with him and his company.
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Welcome to the Check A Pro Radio Show, where home improvement is our passion. In this episode, we are joined by Mario Lopez, the expert known as "The AtticMan," to dive into the world of HVAC, an acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Mario shares valuable insights into why choosing a professional company like Attic Man for your HVAC needs is crucial.
Discover the story behind Attic Man, a company founded on honesty and integrity, dedicated to providing exceptional heating and air conditioning services. Experience the satisfaction of their team as they become the heroes who save homes from unbearable heat with their expertise.
Explore what sets AtticMan apart in a world where HVAC companies are plentiful. From exceptional customer service to effective communication and building trust with their clients, AtticMan excels beyond expectations. Learn about their commitment to respecting every home as a fortress and ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for your family.
For More Information visit AtticMan at call us at(916 ) 299 - 7558.


Welcome to the Check A Pro Radio Show, where home improvement is our passion. In this episode, we are joined by Mario Lopez, the expert known as "The AtticMan," to dive into the world of HVAC, an acronym for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. Mario shares valuable insights into why choosing...


Join host Jim Klauck as he delves into the fascinating world of construction with his guest, Duncan Farrow, founder of Farrow Built from British Columbia, Canada. Discover how Duncan transitioned from a hands-on construction worker to a CEO who still loves to build.
Listen as Duncan shares insights about creating unique structures like barns, shops, and equestrian buildings, and the challenges and triumphs he faces in managing his business. Gain inspiration from his journey, including how finding a supportive partner and learning from mentors has contributed to his success.
Explore the significance of customer referrals, effective advertising, and the goal of expanding Farrow Built into a sustainable and scalable operation. Whether you're interested in the construction industry or seeking advice on entrepreneurship, this episode has something to offer.


Welcome to the Check A Pro Radio Show! Today, Check A Pro Joe brings you an essential episode to help you stay cool and save money during one of the hottest summers on record in Houston. Joining Joe in the studio is David Rostran from Horizon Air Solutions. David shares expert advice on maintaining your air conditioning system to ensure it runs efficiently and effectively.
David also unveils an exclusive offer for Check A Pro listeners: $100 off a 28-point AC system evaluation, making it only $49 instead of the usual $149. Additionally, eight lucky listeners will receive a year’s worth of free air filters valued at $400 and a free month of Horizon’s Care Plan (HCP), which includes priority service and discounts on labor and materials.
Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to improve your home's comfort and reduce your utility bills. Tune in to learn more about the importance of regular AC maintenance, the benefits of joining the HCP, and how Horizon Air Solutions can help you stay cool this summer.
Call now to take advantage of this limited-time offer: 281-720-3456.


In this episode, Joe welcomes Sal from Service All Stars to discuss a common homeowner's query: why do premium air conditioning systems or water heaters cost so much? Sal explains that the higher price often reflects superior service quality and skilled workmanship provided by premium companies. Investing in high-quality home services ensures not only the best products but also top-tier customer service tailored to exceed expectations.
By comparing home service purchases to buying luxury goods like cars, Sal illustrates how premium services like those offered by Service All Stars involve meticulously trained professionals and high-quality materials, similar to how a Mercedes outshines a more budget-friendly car option. Tune in to learn why the best investments in your home are worth the extra cost for lasting satisfaction.

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Today on the show Check A Pro Joe is joined by Jon Phillips from A1 Garage Door Service, headquartered in Phoenix, AZ.
Joe asks Jon this question: "How Does The Cold Weather Affect My Garage Door And Garage Door Springs?"
Check out this episode for the answer to this commonly asked question...
For assistance with your garage doors please call A1 Garage Door Service -
(844) 214-2025.
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Podcast Transcription:0:00it's spring snapping season we're not0:04talking about fishing or something it0:06sounds like a fishing thing it's it's0:07the season four no we are talking about0:09your garage door spring when the0:13temperature goes up in the summertime0:15and down in the winter time as we are0:17now in winter time we go to these0:20extreme changes your spring on your0:23garage door is more likely to snap I've0:25asked a garage door expert John Phillips0:28from A1 Garage Door Service to join me0:30here on the program to discuss this hi0:32John how are you0:34Hey Joe how's it going thanks for having0:36me back on no absolutely so0:39um I've known this for some time in the0:42extreme heat and you know we get that a0:45lot in the Phoenix area for instance0:46where A1 is based0:50um the Springs don't like the extremes0:53and also in the winter time we can get0:55cool too or cold and that's not good so0:59tell us what happens when we hit these1:01extremes1:02right so Springs metal uh hot oil1:05tempered there's galvanized but at the1:07end of the day the base is metal and1:10you'll have a spring and maybe it's a1:12little bit out of its cycle life it's a1:13little bit older and just that that last1:16straw that broke the camel's back is1:18that fluctuation in weather whether it1:20goes from hot to cold or cold to hot1:22that's just the last piece that it takes1:24and then bang hear that loud noise in1:27the garage you don't know what it was1:29until you can't open the door you know1:32that's just it that's a Telltale sign if1:34you hear a bang in your garage and your1:37kids aren't playing with firecrackers1:38and your husband's not in there with the1:39gun it's likely right it's likely the1:44spring because it makes a big bang and1:46when that happens please do not try to1:48move your door you really can't it's1:50very heavy isn't it yeah it's super1:52heavy especially if you're on like a1:54single spring system then we don't have1:57anything to lift up that door so1:59whenever you get the opportunity always2:01put two Springs on a door when you can2:04so let's talk about ways of keeping the2:08cool air out in the winter time and the2:10hot air out in the summertime with2:13weather seal and also kind of keeps the2:15critters out too right so whenever2:17starting with the spring snapping you're2:20going to get a garage door Tech out2:21there and it's going to come to a point2:24where you're putting money into the door2:25now of course at A1 Garage Door we have2:28the best Springs that last over 80 0002:31cycles and you'll never have to worry2:32about it again but at the same time do2:36you want to put that work into a door do2:38you even like that door2:40so yes we can repair the door but we got2:43to talk about the investment value and2:45is the garage cold so you want to put2:48money into the door but you never go out2:50in the garage because whichever heat or2:52cold is going on outside makes it2:54unbearable in your garage so what can we2:58do to make your garage comfortable and3:00work for you and going from the trim to3:03the bottom rubber to the actual door3:05installation itself and what it's made3:06out of how about we get you into3:08something that you actually like and3:10gives you a good Roi or return on3:13investment for you3:14and John you know what's nice about3:16getting an entire new door is you have3:19the opportunity to get a new track3:21system new rollers new hinges new3:23everything the new seals and it is brand3:27new right so every it's like getting a3:29new car you're not just getting a new3:31transmission you're not just getting new3:33Wheels you're getting a whole new car3:36and it's not that expensive for a huge3:39makeover not only are you getting a3:41great mechanical device which is your3:42garage door but it you know3:43aesthetically3:45it's huge uh in general doesn't the3:49garage door make up to 40 of the facade3:52of people's homes yes it does it's the3:55number one curb appeal I mean I've had3:58I've installed new garage doors before4:01and then the Neighbors come home and4:03then they come up to me they see my van4:05it says garage door guy on it and they4:08come up to me and the house looks so4:10different they'll come up and be like4:11hey can I get your business card do you4:13paint paint houses did you just paint4:14their entire home it looks so different4:16I'm like no we just replaced the garage4:19door it's a huge huge deal4:21and John you know that can be done in a4:24matter of hours versus actually painting4:28a home which doesn't give you that brand4:30new garage door it doesn't give you that4:32feature so let's say that you just have4:33a builder grade garage door but now you4:36want some Dimension to it maybe you want4:38those external looking hinges like a4:40carriage house look maybe you want some4:42windows in it maybe you want an4:43insulated door let's talk a little bit4:45about that yeah so if we're going to4:48talk about reinvesting in your home and4:50giving your home like a facelift and it4:53comes upon insulation so some people you4:55have a Pandora which is just sheet metal4:58essentially that's stamped uh you have5:00vinyl backed uh which is just styrofoam5:03so it has this thing called polystyrene5:05it looks like this it's like the packing5:08foam for all your old Christmas stuff5:10that you keep in the garage that makes a5:12little snow globe every year when you5:13break it out to decorate these holidays5:15and then it's just got this nice little5:18glue that's it so this is just sitting5:20inside of a Pandora and the insulation5:23is is minimal it's not really do5:25anything because the typical exterior5:27wall if you got 2x4 exterior walls it's5:30going to range in between 13 to 15 R5:33value5:34but then you got two by six walls and5:36then that ranges from 19 to 21. so5:39just average home we're going to say is5:41around 13 on an exterior wall so that's5:44where we should start so that's going to5:46happen and polyurethane doors and you5:49can see in a polyurethane door it's an5:51injected foam and it fills all the5:53cracks and crevices in there and it5:55expands the structural rigidity the5:57insulation value the quietness because6:00it's heavy so if you get some nice nylon6:02rollers you get some good hinges we get6:04it up on a maintenance plan you're never6:06even going to hear that thing so6:08whenever you're picking do you want to6:10spend a little bit of money on something6:12that you're going to have to spend more6:15money down the line because you're just6:18getting a product that warps and shapes6:20and doesn't do anything and your water6:23heater you got a washer to dryer out in6:25the garage or do you want to invest a6:27little bit more and have like a6:28bulletproof door and essentially if your6:31garage is sealed and you have a good6:33insulated door we have a good trim and6:36weather seal and bottom rubber because6:37it doesn't matter how thick the door is6:39if I got all four corners of it exposed6:42to the outside it's not doing anything6:44but if I have good seal good6:45polyurethane6:47you should be able to open your man6:49dwarf to your kitchen or whatever you6:51have it and have it the same temperature6:52as your house6:54yeah it's uh really makes a big6:57difference I have a three-car garage and6:59both of my garage doors I've got a7:01double garage and a single and7:04years ago I replaced my 18 year old7:08garage doors that were barely working7:11with insulated doors that have the glass7:15in it the windows and those are double7:18pane so we're talking about a highly7:21insulated door with high r value yes yes7:25usually they can fill those with a argon7:27gas which is in between which is a good7:30filter and bracer between the R value so7:33insulated Windows depending on the style7:35the thickness of the door just if you're7:38gonna spend a little bit of money at7:42least let's fit in something that's7:43going to benefit you and you can get7:45your money back because garage doors7:47have the number one Roi of any home7:49improvement over your kitchen which is7:51going to go out of style in 10 years7:53over bathrooms over anything the garage7:55door is going to hold its value so7:57you're not losing anything and you're7:59going to save on your electricity bill8:00your home is going to look Stellar it's8:02going to look brand new this just makes8:04sense to get a good insulated door8:07for more information go all of John's contact8:13information with A1 Garage Door Service8:15is in the description of this podcast8:19John thank you so much I really8:21appreciate your expertise today8:23thank you so much Check A Pro Joe, I'll see8:25you next time


Join us on this episode of The Wise Attic Podcast as we explain the intricacies of solar attic fans. Tom, an expert in attic spaces, explains how the thermostat works on their 25, 30, and 70-watt solar attic fans.
Discover how the built-in humidity and temperature sensors on the 30 and 70-watt models help maintain optimal attic conditions by kicking on the fan at 85 degrees or 75% humidity. Learn about the goal of keeping your attic temperature within 10 to 15 degrees of the outside ambient temperature through 10 air exchanges per hour.
Tom also highlights the differences in operation for the 25-watt fan, which runs purely on temperature. Understand the benefits of mechanical over passive airflow for effective attic ventilation, ensuring your home stays comfortable year-round.
Don't miss this informative session on how smart technology in solar attic fans can significantly benefit your home.


"We can actually set it up when we order something from Amazon for the Amazon driver to have a one time use to come to our house,open the garage door,put a package in and he can't leave until that door is closed and secure. And that's just one little thing that it does."
- Jeff Gabelsberg, Garage Door Expert

Today on the Check A Pro Radio Show, Jim Klauck, aka Check A Pro Joe invites garage door expert, Jeff Gabelsberg from Jolly Goat Garage Doors to the program. Jeff and Joe talk about the advantages of installing a new MY Q Garage Door Opener. Watch and listen to find out more...


24624 Interstate 45, Ste 200
Spring, TX



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Check A Pro / Katy Pros offers local residents a resource to search for local pre-qualified Home Service Providers in the greater Katy and Houston Area. From air conditioning repair to window replacement, our exclusive resource of local professionals are here to serve you. Check A Pro Houston has interviewed a select group of service providers and have "pre-qualified" them in order to assist you in making informed decisions. Check A Pro Houston members are based in the Greater Houston Area, serving our community. To find a pre-qualified provider visit us online at