Norton Farms Cattle Co.

Norton Farms Cattle Co. My name is David Norton and I am Propietor of Norton Farms Cattle Co. We raise cattle for both meat and market, with no antibiotics, steroids, or hormones. C.

We have both a commercial heard and a registered heard. Our specialty is the registered balancers with some of the nations top genetics. We raise, break, train, and sale ranch horses. We also hold monthly team ranch sorting competitions here on the farm. Every third weekend of the month, we hold the N.F.C.C. team ranch sorting competition. It is 25 dollars per rider (50 per team) for three rounds

with 50% payback in prize money. In the competition, the competitors are broken down into five brackets: 1- Beginner, 2-Rookie, 3-Ranch Hand, 4-Cowboy, and 5-Professional. Up to five places will be awarded in each bracket depending on the number of contestants. This is an event for the whole family, from grandparents to grandchildren, so come out an enjoy the fun. Periodically, we hold free team ranch sorting clinics. At the clinic you will learn how to properly read, sort, and move cattle to get the job done in a timely manner. We also, teach you the techniques and fundamentals required for proper horsemanship, while working with cattle. From time to time, we will hold practice sessions at a cost of 10 dollars per rider (20 per team). This is a perfect oppertunity for you to tryout new horses and to increase your experience and knowledge of working cattle by horseback. The team ranch sorting competition season begins in June of each year and ends in May of the following Year. To become a member of the N.F.C.C. there is a 15 dollar per rider registration/membership fee for the year. We look forward to seeing you at our next event. N.F.C.C. RULES OF COMPETITION;

future events will be every 3rd. weekend of the month
There is a $15 reg./membership fee for the event season
The event season will run from June 1'st. to May 31'st. of the following year. The reg./membership fee will allow each rider to participate in the competitions and the practice day/nights for that event calander year. Practice day/nights;
Will be held at different times between the competition dates at $10 per rider
Competition day/nights;
$25 per rider{$50 per team=3 rides}
5 brackets+ 3 rounds with 50% payback in prize money
up to 5 places awarded per bracket depending on # of riders
spectaters are free,concessions avalible
competition is open to all level riders and any breed of horse
so bring your horse, spend the day,lets work some cattle!!!! NORTON FARMS CATTLE CO. Ranch Sorting Rules
1. The Object of Ranch Sorting
The basic concept of Ranch Sorting is that there are ten numbered cattle, 0-9, and one unnumbered cow
(for a total of 11 head) at the beginning of a run behind a foul line in an arena with two riders mounted on the
opposite side. At N.F.C.C. rider levels are broke down into 5 brackets;
1.beginner=must sort 1-5 cows in 90 sec.
2.rookie =must sort 6-10 cows in 90 sec.
3.ranchhand=must sort 10 cows in 75 sec.
4.cowboy =must sort 10 cows in 60 sec.
5.professional=must sort 10 cows in 45 sec. The above bracket structure is used to place a first time team into their appropiate bracket, once placed in bracket the team will remain in that bracket until they are forced to advance in the following manner;
1.beginner=TEAM must place 1'st or 2'nd at a N.F.C.C. EVENT to advance to next bracket.
2.rookie =TEAM must place 1'st or 2'nd at a N.F.C.C. EVENT to advance to next bracket.
3.ranchhand=TEAM must place 1'st or 2'nd at a N.F.C.C. EVENT to advance to next bracket.
4.cowboy =TEAM must place 1'st on three different occasions at a N.F.C.C. EVENT to advance as a professional team. uses this structure to make it difficult to obtain professional status as team members of NORTON FARMS CATTLE CO. Once a team reaches pro. status they will be reconized for their efforts and will also become pro team members of the N.F.C.C. a team will ride 3 rounds in their bracket and be given 3 scores.out of the 3 scores,the worst score will be discarded and placement will be determined by the 2 best scores.
2. Sorting Pens
Ranch Sorting will take place between two pens of approximately equal size with the event producer's option
of working cattle back and forth or only one way. Two Ranch Sorting arenas may be placed side by side with
teams alternating odd and even numbers.
3. Settling Each Herd
If cattle are to be worked back and forth then they need to be moved to the opposite pen and back before
each new herd entering the arena is worked. Each herd must be settled in a uniform way and for the same
amount of time. Two riders only should be used to settle herds, one rider in the herd and the other in the
4. Readable Numbers
All cattle must have back numbers or neck numbers
5. Recommended Pen Sizes Sorting area to be 50-60‟in diameter with no 90 degree corners, i.e. 60‟
round pen or octagonal "stop sign" design
6. Gate Opening
The start foul line will be recommended as a 12'opening between the two pens.
7. Time Limits
There will be a 90, 75, or 60 second clock for each class, at the option of the event producer.
8. Split Timer
The split timer clock, set at 60.01 seconds, is the official clock for Sorting. The official time of each run is
determined by the amount of the time used until all ten cattle are sorted or the time limit has expired.
9. Judges
There will be one judge and one split timer on the judge stand. It is recommended that the judge operating
the split timer for Sorting should be the same judge the entire go-round (but not mandatory).
10. Stopping Time
Time will continue until all cattle are sorted in the correct order or the time limit is reached, either of which
becomes the official time for that team.
11. Bunching Cattle
All cattle will be bunched on the cattle side of the gate within the designated area before the time begins. Judges will designate the need to bunch cattle.
12. Starting the Run
The judge will raise the flag to signal when the arena is ready. The flag will drop when the nose of the first
horse crosses the start/foul line and the announcer will provide the number to be sorted first. The riders will
be given their number instantly. Any delay in crossing the foul line may result in a "no-time" for the team. The next team has 30 seconds to enter the arena and cross the time line after the previous team sorts, and
after the announcer calls the team to ride. Upon the decision by the judges, the announcer will call the team
a no-time unless waived for a good cause. No team member may enter the arena after the time has started.
13. Roughing
Includes, but not limited to, running over cattle with horses, stepping on cattle while in pursuit, running
through the herd in such a manner that the cattle are knocked down or off stride, horses consistently biting
the cattle, and entering the pen with such force on the cattle causing them to collide with the back pen
panels. A Judge’s call for “roughing” will result in immediate disqualification of the team.
14. Order of Sorting
The cows are sorted in order; if any part of a numbered cow crosses the start/foul line prior to its correct
order, then the team receives a no time. If any part of a sorted cow re-crosses the start/foul line the team will
be disqualified. If any part of any unnumbered cow crosses the foul line before the tenth cow is cleanly
sorted, it will result in a no-time.
15. Random Start Number
The order of Sorting is determined by the picking of a random number by the Announcer/Timer and then that
cow must be sorted first; for instance if 7, is drawn as the first number, then the 8 cow must be sorted, 9, 0,
1 and so on.
16. Cow Considered Sorted
A cow is considered sorted when the entire cow is completely across the start/foul line. Disputes: In the event of a dispute between a team and a judge that team must not leave the sorting pen
after their run until the dispute is satisfied. Once a team leaves the sorting pen, no disputes will be
-It is the teams sole responsibility to confirm/verify how many clean cows their team sorted and in what time
before leaving the sorting pen. Once they leave the sorting pen, whatever the judge has recorded will stand
as the official #/time.
17. Cow Leaving the Arena
If there is a malfunction of the Sorting pen, or a numbered cow jumps any fence and either leaves the arena,
or ends up in the opposite pen, but did not pass through the gate, it will result in a re-ride for that team
immediately, (assuming either instance was not caused by roughing of the cattle). In the instance of a re-ride,
exhibitors will receive a full (90, 75 or 60 second) clock but the exhibitor’s time cannot be improved. However, the number of cattle sorted during the allotted time can be improved. [Example: If a team has
Sorted 5 head in 55 seconds (with a 60 second clock) when the cow jumped the fence; they would get a re-ride
with the full 60 second clock. In the re-ride, the same team sorted 10 head in 50 seconds. Their official
time would be 10 head in 55 seconds.
*In the event there is an LMRSA competition or finals with more than one Go-Around
18. Split Time
Split times are cumulative in multiple go round events, as well as the number of cattle sorted. . In case of promoters who own electronic display clocks
without a split timer, a stop watch will be used. The stop watch used for split time purposes will also be the
back-up timer in the event of a malfunction of the electric display clock. Split times are cumulative in multiple
go round events, as well as the number of cows sorted, but do not replace the official time of each run. Split
times only come into play when the cattle counts and the official times are identical. Prior to starting the next
run, the back-up timer/judge needs to confirm that their record of cattle sorted matches the Display Split
Timer record of the split timer judge
19. Minimum/Maximum Number of Go-Rounds
Each bracket will run 3 rounds and given 3 scores. The lowest score will be eliminated and placement will be determined by the two remaining best scores.
20. Must Sort Clean to Advance
This does not apply at N.F.C.C..
21. Calculating Placing by Clean Sorts
The lowest score will be eliminated and placement will be determined by the two remaining best scores.
22. Re-Ride Situations
A. Should a herd be miss-numbered or have too many or too few non-numbered cattle, only the team that is
in the arena at the time the problem is identified will receive a re-ride, unless an unfair advantage or
disadvantage had resulted for previous teams as a result of the error. (For example: In the case of there
being two #9's in a herd and team #1 had started at cow #8 and only sorted clean to cow #6 - they would
never have noticed there were two cow #9's. But received an advantage by having two cow #9's to choose
from to sort clean.) The re-ride will be a clean slate and will be done immediately:
B. If a team observes an unfit, injured, or unidentified animal before committing to the cattle; the team must
notify the judge. Once the team is committed to the cattle, no re-ride will be given. In the rare instance that a team rides out of order, their time and number of cattle will stand. No re-ride
will be given for teams riding out of order. Once the problem is identified, the going forward teams will be
correctly aligned, and in the case of sorting, placed in the proper arena and follow the order as posted. All
go's must be posted before the round starts.
23. Dress Code
All contestants must wear western attire western shirt tucked-in and
buttoned properly, and boots. Exceptions will only be given to first time competitors.or In the event of extreme
temperatures, .
24. Optional Protective Helmet:
Instead of a western hat, any rider may choose to wear a properly fitting protective headgear which meets
or exceeds federal safety standards for equestrian use. Helmet harnesses should be worn securely and be
properly fitted. Youth riders are encoraged, to wear protective helmet. (Person 13 years of age and under
as of Jan 1 is considered a Youth)
25. Inhumane treatment of any animal in the show arena, warm-up arena, stall, runway or elsewhere on
the show grounds is strictly forbidden. Likewise, any cruelty to or the abuse of any horse is a violation of
N.F.C.C. rules. emphatically desires to avoid all cases of cruelty and inhumane or abusive treatment
of any horse. Treatment of any horse will be considered cruel, abusive or inhumane if a reasonable person,
educated in accepted equine training techniques, could perceive the conduct of an individual to be abusive
or an attempt to abuse the horse. Furthermore, any behavior by an exhibitor, trainer, or rider that could be perceived by the general public to
be harmful to any horse should also be avoided. It is the responsibility of each member to report each and
every incident which could be perceived as an abusive act toward a horse during a N.F.C.C. Event. The following is a list of criteria specifically prohibited at N.F.C.C. Events.
1. Excessive jerking, spurring, whipping, slapping or kicking while on the ground, or any other act with the
intent to cause trauma to the horse;
2. Slapping or hitting a horse in the head with hands or any other object;
3. Using a bit in a manner that causes a horse to bleed from its mouth or face;
4. Using any object held in the rider’s hand, other than the bridle reins or riding crop(used properly) to hit a horse;
5. Repeatedly and excessively pulling on one or both reins;
6. Riding a horse that is visibly lame, sick or emaciated. If any of the above actions are observed, they should be reported to a N.F.C.C. Director, judge or show
management. In the case where the soundness or health of a horse is in question, the decision should be
based on the assessment the show judge and two N.F.C.C. Directors if a veterinarian is unavailable
26. Inhumane Treatment – Inhumane treatment to horses, including, but not limited to, physical abuse
towards the animal by the rider or owner to cause the animal further injury or competing on an animal that is
visibly hurt or lame. It is considered inhumane treatment if a team member exhibits any unnecessary roughness or contact with
cattle. If excessive roughness continues, any team or team member may be disqualification by the judge.
27. Unsportsmanlike conduct by an exhibitor, trainer, rider or spectator will not be tolerated. Activities and
behavior that shall be considered unsportsmanlike are listed below:
1. Any act of abuse or an attempt to abuse any horse
2. Any person who threatens another person or actually inflicts injury to another person;
3. Any person who is publicly intoxicated or disorderly;
4. Any public display of outrage that could tarnish the image of N.F.C.C. ;
5. Any person who approaches the Judge’s or Announcer’s stand in a threatening manner; Any N.F.C.C. Director or Judge shall determine a violation of the rules listed herein. Immediate removal of the offending


5821 Borthick Road
Springfield, TN





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