Planning a trip on the Bourbon Trail? Book your stay at Maple Hill Manor B&B to experience Kentucky History and Hospitality. or 859-336-3075
This was painful to see, but had to be done. The plaster needed some repairs, and we had to empty the entire room to be able to do it. Of course they don't make the wall paper anymore, so we have ordered all new wall paper. Yes, the room will look a little different, or "refreshed."
Penny asked that I film her a couple weeks ago with her pretty red coat on, so I did. She was all snug as a bug in a rug!
More changes coming! Don't worry, this one is subtle. #maplehillmanor #bedandbreakfast #oldhomes #repairsneverend
Let us help you with those 2025 Goals!!!!
Meet Adam Wheeler! He and his wife Angie just stayed here to celebrate their anniversary. He has written songs for Clay Walker, Scotty McCreery Megan Mooney and others.
Be sure to follow him @adamwheelermusic
You can find his music on Spotify or iTunes.
We just might have him back to play for guests!
Had a wonderful time in the Springfield Christmas Parade Friday Night.
Rocky and Daisy love carrot scraps!!!