🚨Its that time again….Parents are you ready to unlock your kids “Travel Key”?!? Keluxurytravel started The TRAVEL 🔑PROGRAM” sponsoring passports to kids ages 5-17….2 kids every 3 months. 📚 📖 📕 📝 ✈️ 🌎 🗺
Get those progress reports/report cards and your child’s short letter on what country they would like to visit and why…Drawing will be done 11/30
-ages 5-17
-progress report/report card
-parent must have passport already or in process of obtaining one (as in mailed off)
-short letter stating what country child would like to visit and why
Lets get these babies stamps all 2023!!! Travel gives children the opportunity to see that there is so much more in the world than what they see around them every day. It gives them a different perspective of culture and diversity, educational learning, and real life experiences on what they learn in school.
Black Kids “DO” Travel, they will continue to travel and they will grow up to raise travelers of their own. ❤️✈️🌎