Kentucky Deer Hunters Achieve Record Successes in 2024-25 Season!!
Hunters collectively recorded a near record harvest of deer during Kentucky’s just concluded 2024-25 season.
Hunters took 149,868 deer – the state’s second-highest harvest ever recorded. Additionally, hunters harvested more deer from public land than any previous year. The percentage of antlered deer taken this past season also set a record.
“We’re very pleased with harvest results,” Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Deer Program Coordinator Joe McDermott said. “We had a great season, even with subpar weather at times.”
The 2024-25 deer hunting season closed on January 20. The season’s harvest is second only to 2015, when hunters took 155,730 deer. The recently completed season’s total is more than 6,000 higher than the 10-year average of 143,442. Kentucky also saw its highest buck, or male deer, harvest on record at 86,071 deer (57.4%), including buck fawns.
Check out our website for all the harvest results: https://fw.ky.gov/Hunt/Pages/Harvest-Results.aspx