Happy Ahsoka Tano Day!! I couldn’t let this day pass by without acknowledging my absolute favorite Star Wars character!!!
#ahsokatano #ahsoka #ahsokatanoday #ahsokalives #travelwithamy #travelwithamymtc #ahsokalivesinallofus #ashleyeckstein #rosariodawson #clonewars #theclonewars #starwars #iamnojedi #lookforthehelpers
I love this affordable theme park option for a meal.....especially if you are in the parks around the holidays!!! What a great feast!!!
#universalorlando #islandsofadventure #wizardingworld #wizardingworldofharrypotter #threebroomsticks #thegreatfeast #universalthemeparks #universalthemepark #themeparkfood
Happy Birthday to Disney's Fort Wilderness Resort! On this day in 1971 this unique resort area opened! Have you ever stayed in a cabin at Fort Wilderness?
#fortwilderness #fortwildernessresortandcampground #disneyfortwilderness #disneyfortwildernessresort #waltdisneyworld #wdw #disneyworld #disneyresort #disneyresorts
Today marks the start of the holiday season at Disneyland! What is your favorite thing about the holidays at Disney?
#disneyland #christmasatdisney #disneycastle #christmas #christmastree #holidaysatdisney #merrychristmas #happyholidays #disneyparks
Today is the first night of Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas party!!! This is one of my favorite parts of the night!
#mvmcp #mickeysverymerrychristmasparty #waltdisneyworld #wdw #disneyworld #toysoldier #marchingsoldiers #christmasparade #disneyparade #christmasatdisney #disneyworldorlando
CinderPool story time at California Adventure as told by Deadpool and Wolverine.
LOVED this fun twist on things and such a great way to introduce Deadpool and Wolverine into Avengers Campus.
#deadpool #wolverine #deadpoolandwolverine #californiaadventure #avengerscampus #storytimewithdeadpool #cinderpool #disneyland #disneylandcaliforniaadventure #disneylandcalifornia
Deadpool and Star Lord performing the lift from Dirty Dancing during Guardians of the Galaxy Dance Off.
Deadpool appears at some of the Dance Offs, it seems like it’s usually after his last Story time of the day.
LOVE the addition of Deadpool to Avengers campus!
#deadpool #starlord #swayze #dirtydancing #danceoff #guardiansofthegalaxy #guardiansofthegalaxydanceoff #avengerscampus #wolverine #avengers #californiaadventure #californiaadventurepark #deadpoolandwolverine #disneyparks
Universal’s Halloween Horror nights opens tonight! One of my favorite parts, this guy was spot on! At the end, it is my husband he is threatening to ‘gut like a fish’.
#halloweenhorrornights #blackphone #theblackphone #blumhouse #blumhouseproductions #abracadabra #hhn #riptour #halloween #halloweenfun #halloweenhorror
Tonight is the first night of Oogie Boogie Bash in California!! Who would you be most excited to see?
#oogieboogie #oogieboogiebash #disneycaliforniaadventure #disneyland #disneyparks #coco #ernestodelacruz #rememberme #disneyvillains #obb
Highlights of one of my FAVORITE Walt Disney World deluxe resorts to stay at!! Did you know this bit of trivia?
#contemporaryresort #contemporaryresortdisney #disneycontemporaryresort #disneycontemporary #disneyresorts #waltdisneyworld #wdw #disneyworld #disneyparks #waltdisneyworldresort #deluxeresort #deluxedisneyresort #deluxedisneyhotels
The headless horseman rides at Walt Disney World!!!
#mickeysnotsoscaryhalloweenparty #mickeysnotsoscary #mickeysnotsoscaryhalloween #mnsshp #magickingdom #headlesshorseman #headlesshorsemandisney #disneyheadlesshorseman #wdw #waltdisneyworld #disneyworld #sleepyhollow #ichabodcrane #bootoyou
BOO TO YOU!!! It’s the first night of Mickey’s Not so Scary Halloween party! To celebrate a clip of my favorite part of the parade!!
What is your favorite part of the parade?
#bootoyou #mickeysnotsoscaryhalloweenparty #mickeysnotsoscary #mickeysnotsoscaryhalloween #magickingdom #hauntedmansion #hauntedmansiongravediggers #bootoyouparade #wdw #waltdisneyworld #disneyworld