Reposting from another group as asked to inform all off-roaders.
As a frequent ride leader I am starting to hear more and more complaints from home and business owners over speeding, loud mufflers and especially super loud stereos. If EVERYONE with sxs stereos doesn't start turning them way down AND slowing down when approaching a residential area, a campground, or a pristine mountain lake (to mention but a few instances) then ALL side by siders will start losing access to many many areas and trails. 😞
Following is Very well said from Barbara Elliott-Rowland on another site.
Thoughts to ponder..
Lots of discussing on this Subject
Let's talk about the Hot Topic of roof stereos, I'm mainly speaking about the Western half of the US.
My problem with stereos are, especially here in the west. We've alot of off road destinations to bars and historical sites, that are in very small rural areas, The Joint,, Middlegate Station, Cold Springs Station, Pioneer Saloon, Pappy and Harriet's, Laurels 5 five finger pub, Iroondoor, and Indian Wells Brewery Landers Brewpub,are just a few.
The Joint in Randsburg put a plea out to all OHVers to obey the speed limit, turn down the tunes and be RESPECTFUL, they have people on both ends of the access points into town, that want to close it to OFF ROADERS.
A few towns are starting to not allow OHV's to access trails, that were able to.
Some of the locals are getting VERY annoyed with the BLARING tunes, speeding and the biggest is not being RESPECTFUL of the communities.
Witnessed it yesterday a few times while sitting at the Pioneer Saloon. 3 BLARING tunes and 1 hauling ass through the residential area.
Lots of open land to put the foot to the floor. Around campsites slow down, be Respectful.
This is giving all of us a bad name. We're losing a lot of destination rides.
With so many NEWBIES coming into the sport, this has gotten to be a real problem, I know I'm probably preaching to the choir, but something has to change, before we lose all areas to ride and camp.
The garbage being left behind from campers, I'm not saying just from OHVers but from alot of Campers. PACK it in PACK it out, what is so hard about that.
So the conclusion of this, is be RESPECTFUL, around others. residential and businesses.
Riding these areas are a privilege, they don't have to let us ride there. We don't want to loose our privileges of riding these areas.
Copied from another group