Have you checked how many carbs in your dogs food? Most companies do not put this on their bags. Call the company and find out, as this is the effect on dogs with high carbs in their food.
Carbs make one hungry (one means a dog, a cat, or you)
Carbs push the blood sugar skyward
Insulin rushes in to lower it
When the spike and drop in blood sugar takes place over and over (as it does in the SAD and most pet feeding scenarios based on kibble), insulin resistance sets in (estimates: 80% of people in the US have it now)
That means insulin fails in its job to get the blood sugar under control
IR also means insulinemia: high blood levels of insulin remain, as it tries and tries to do its job
Insulin is a growth hormone, in simple terms. Itās all about anabolism, build up.
Unlike most hormones, it affects almost every cell in the body, including the fat cells.
ā>Too many carbs + too much insulin = fat bodies, in pets or their peeps.