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Save Over 50% When You Fly Cathay Pacific Business Class to the Orient. Visit us today for a free quote.
Save Over 50% Business First Class International Airfares
For more than a decade, every time you travel globally in business class or first class our travel agents remain vigilant round the clock to help you find the best first class airline tickets coupled with die-hard discounts and cozy services. We also manage business travel for small businesses owners, SME’s and large companies’ top executives. We will help you find exclusive selections of business class and first class seats on long haul international flights to major destinations around the world. Not only do we service corporations and business travelers but also the individual luxury traveler. Don’t pay more when you can pay less in the luxury and comfort of business and first class airline tickets.
First Class Airline Tickets. Business First International Inc.
Business First International Inc. specializes in finding you the best prices for BUSINESS & FIRST CLASS airline tickets! We service corporations and leisure travelers from all over the world since 1998. We understand the need of business travelers and we can schedule discounted flights with last minute notice. Our tickets can originate from anywhere in the world. We use only major commercial airlines from around the world.
We are a professional company providing professionals with first class service and total reliability. We not only service business travel but also individuals. Whether for business or for pleasure, Fly First Class International Inc. will get you there in luxury and comfort and at the same time save you money.