Last week, Nimitz 3rd grade students participated in The Hour of Code, a global event that introduces kids to computer science through fun, one-hour coding activities. The goal is to show that coding is for everyone and that anyone can learn the basics. In each of our 3rd grade classes, students learned about code by using the Scratch Jr application to build a scene with cars and explored movement with these, used an Hour of Code Dance Party program to use code to create an avatar, select music and make the avatar dance, and students even experienced coding using a Minecraft application that required them to created a home with their code. We hope these experiences last week continue to inspire our students to explore computer science in the future! ๐ฌ
De Vargas students being creative, programming Dash Robots to dance, spin, "walk" the runway, respond to commands, and more!
Mr. Scharmen and the 6th grade exploring density through kinesthetic, real-world experimentation at Kennedy Middle School.
A huge thank you to the Homestead marching band for coming and performing at West Valley. It was great to see some of our former students! Our students, staff and parents were impressed! ๐๐๐ผ๐๐พ๐ฅ๐ป๐บ๐ถ๐ท
West Valley's Walk-a-thon is right around the corner! Our mascot, Wiley, and a few silly teachers got the students excited about this upcoming community event. There will be LOTS to do and LOTS of fun to be had!
On Monday, we greeted our 50+ new teachers with cheers as they toured CUSD. Welcome to the team!
District Priority #4: Sense of Belonging for every employee #thisiscusd
Cupertino Union School District Board of Education visiting the Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival! The District is proud to participate in the Sister City program, helping children become invested in parts of the larger community and world. #thisiscusd #cupertinocherryblossomfestival #portraitofalearner #wholechild