Today you woke up happy or you woke up mad because of the outcome from an election.
Today we should have all woke up thanking the good Lord above for allowing you to wake up another day.
Remember, when you are not happy with the outcome of something, don't sit back and complain, get up each day, pray for your country, its leaders and YOU do something to make it a better place.
I have always been one to give an analogy in simple terms as to why I do things a certain way so here it goes.
When you were growing up, you anticipated starting school each year and counting down until you found out who your teacher or teachers would be. Some of us knew certain teachers and wanted them and some we heard things about how bad they were and prayed we would not get them. Sometimes we got our wish and our prayers were answered and sometimes we were disappointed and had to accept what teacher we were assigned to.
We did not go marching in the school and pitch a fit and start destroying things, we accepted it and continued to do what we had to do to make it a good year. Now, I do not know about you, but I can name for you a few teachers that I heard so many bad things about and absolutely dreaded it when I found out they were going to be my teacher. In the end, that teacher was one of the best teachers I ever had. Why? Because I did my part, accepted it and had the right attitude to accept what I could not change. I made a decision to do my part to make it the best year ever. When everyone does the same, positive attitudes give off positive vibes and it makes everything around you positive.
If you grew up in Anson County I would have to remind you that there are 2 teachers that come to my mind that we all dreaded but in the end, they were the best and in my case they were Ann Hough and Marsha Wilks.
You see, it's not about what someone can do for you that makes it better, it's about what we can do to help make it better.
So today if you are unhappy with your parties outcome, don't act like a toddler when they don't get what they want. Pull up your big girl panties and big boy boots, get out there and do your part to make our country great again.
No one wants to see negative or complaining all the time. Be positive and send out positive vibes. Don't throw out nasty jabs at someone you do not agree with, instead turn it around and say something positive. After a few times of having an attitude change it will get easier. Put your trust and faith in God, not man or woman.
God already knew the outcome. He holds your future and he just wants you to trust Him enough that you should not worry about anything but yourself and doing your part to secure your spot in eternity.
I love all of my friends no matter your skin color or your political or religious affiliation. I pray that we all come together as a nation, get back to our roots and love one another. Life is too short to be unhappy.
Have a blessed day and let's help make our nation great again❤️🙏❤️🙏