Richeson Properties LLC in Ocean Lakes

Richeson Properties LLC in Ocean Lakes Our homes are located in Ocean Lakes Family Campground, Myrtle Beach SC.

The owner of this company is not affiliated with Ocean Lakes Family Campground, the operator of Ocean Lakes Family Campground, Ocean Lakes Properties or the Jackson Companies or any of their subsidiaries in any way.

Watch and share! Alllmost done!

Watch and share!
Alllmost done!

TikTok | Make Your Day

It is with a heavy heart I share this post from one of the homeowners that we manage their beach house. Please join us i...

It is with a heavy heart I share this post from one of the homeowners that we manage their beach house.
Please join us in praying for them as they go through this tough time. Mr Chuck will be missed. 🙏🙏🙏
May they find peace in knowing they will see him again on those beautiful shores of Heaven. 😢🙏

Allllllmost done! A couple more chandeliers to hang on Sat, mirrors to put up in the cabinets, lights in the cabinets an...

Allllllmost done! A couple more chandeliers to hang on Sat, mirrors to put up in the cabinets, lights in the cabinets and a couple of glass doors.
I will share a video tomorrow!
Exterior will be finished next week then final inspections.
Carriage arrived and was put together today. If the weather is nice next week, we will paint the horse white that Donnie named Prince and I will put his Prince attire on.
I am very impatient and excited because I am so excited to start letting our rental family start enjoying it.
Everyone keeps asking if we are going to be staying here and the answer is no. Donnie and I will be the first to spend the night in it but this is an investment property and we will not be staying in it.
We are very thankful for this home. We sold several to get this one and we are excited to share it with you.
I pray that families will make precious memories and will never forget the experience that we want to share with our Pink Palace.

We are so excited to be managing this house! These owners have got something exciting to share with everyone. Take a rid...

We are so excited to be managing this house! These owners have got something exciting to share with everyone. Take a ride by house 1177 and see "The Deep Blue" AND have your picture taken with the life size SHARK!!
They did an awesome job and want everyone to enjoy the photo prop! You ate welcome to take a picture but please do not touch.
You can also go on our site and rent this beautiful 5 bedroom 3 bath house located steps away from the ocean.
Call our office to book now. 843-429-0498.

When you go by to see the shark, make sure you share you pictures on Facebook, instagram and Tik Tok. Tag us in it too!
We also manage the house directly across the street, 1195 and the house a few houses down, 1197A just in case you have several friends and family wanting to stay close to each other. They are all 5 bedroom houses and come with a complementary golf cart or a voucher for a free OL golf cart. 2 of the also have an option of 2 carts. Call our office for more details.

If you woke up today and were told it was your last day here on earth, what would be the first thing you would rush to d...

If you woke up today and were told it was your last day here on earth, what would be the first thing you would rush to do or take care of?
Would you be certain that all of your worldly things were in order or would you be on your knees making sure that your heart was right with God?
This may seem like a question that you would just blow off but in all of reality it's deep. It's deep to the core. It's so deep it could mean that you will spend eternity in the presence of God and with loved ones that you have longed to see again one day or it could be spending eternity in hell.
Unfortunately, we do not know when our time on earth could tragically end and we may not be given a few hours to get things right with God before facing death, but isn't it a blessing when someone you love passes and you know without a shadow of a doubt where they will spend eternity? Absolutely!
Wouldn't it be a great feeling of comfort knowing that even though you will miss your love ones here on earth you will spend eternity in Heaven walking those beautiful shores with Jesus and those that have gone on before you?
So today as you start your day, ask God to help you live every day like it's your last. Live with no regrets. Make a mark on this earth that when you are gone people will say, I want to live my life with peace, happiness and the love of God like they did.
It's not hard to do and it's free. All you have to do is ask him into your heart and live your life the best you can according to his plan. It's a simple choice and one you will never regret doing it. 🩷🩷🙏🙏✝️

Are you looking for a house for the summer but can not afford to put the large payment down all at one time? Well we are...

Are you looking for a house for the summer but can not afford to put the large payment down all at one time? Well we are here to help you with that and offer payment plans when you call our office to book. You can put down as little as 500.00 to hold your vacation house for this summer. We have tons of repeat renters that have become like family that do this every year and they even book year to year now.
We have over 30 houses to choose from and most all come with a complementary golf cart. Some even have an option of 2 golf carts for an additional user fee. Our homes are extremely clean and very nice.
We also have some that are pet friendly upon approval by our office and owner.
Don't wait any longer worrying over waiting until the last minute to book. We are here to help and would love to have you as part of our rental family!
Call 843-429-0498 and you can also check out our houses on
Let's get this vacation booked now!🌴🏖️🏝️⛱️
Please do not ask for rates below. All rates are listed on our site and you can call our office and save on some of the fees.

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I am going to check on the pricing of some oyster shells on Etsy from another vendor. It takes ...

Ok ladies and gentlemen, I am going to check on the pricing of some oyster shells on Etsy from another vendor. It takes long skinny ones to do the pineapple. I get the styphome eggs from Amazon.
Eggs are costing about 10.00 each for the right size.
Oyster shells are running about 52.00 for 100 shells.
It takes about 70-80 shells to do a pineapple.
If you bring your own glue gun and glue sticks that would be great.
I can order the shells by bulk and order the foam from Amazon.
For those of you wanting to do it virtually if you can not come, we can set that up too and you can order your own stuff.
I am not charging for this at all. I just think it will be fun to get everyone together to make it.
There is a lady that teaches the classes that is down towards Pawleys Island and she charges 100.00 for your supplies and the class. She is great and that is a great price as you can see. She provides the shells, foam, sticks, glue gun and glue sticks. That is a great deal as you can see. That is where I took my class and made my pineapple.
If you are interested in getting together to make one here at the beach, please put your name below so I will know how many to plan for and put the dates you can be here. I will see when the best time for everyone will be and we will do it here at my house at the beach. It will take about 3 hours to make. If the group gets too big I can check on getting the rec center. I can fit about 40-50 people here at my house around tables. I doubt we will have that many but we could try. I will do it with 1 person or 100. Who ever wants to come.
So put your name and available dates below. I will get a date and make it happen even if I have to do 2.
Below are pictures of what I pay for shells and foam.
If you have a better source, please feel free to share.

It's beautiful and it's cold! We have SNOW at the beach!

It's beautiful and it's cold! We have SNOW at the beach!

We have some amazing new houses added to our rental list for 2025. Please go on our web page and ...

We have some amazing new houses added to our rental list for 2025. Please go on our web page and check them out or call our office for more details at 843/429-0498.
DO NOT ask for rates below or send a message. We would spend hours answering those questions if you did. Our site is very user friendly and when you put your dates in, it gives you all of the details based on your needs that you check.
Some are pet friendly for tiny dogs and some up to
25 lbs non shedding and house broke.
Most all houses come with a complementary golf cart and most have an additional cart for an additional user fee. We even have a few that come with a Moke pictured below for an additional user fee.
We have a few with elevators or ramps for those needing this accommodation.
This year we are offering grocery pickup if you need it.
All houses come with a gas grill.
We have several houses that are next to each other on the same street if you have groups wanting to stay close to together.
We would love to have you as part of our rental family.
When you call our office to book, we can help you save on some of the fees and also offer you a payment plan to help you out.
So do not wait any longer! Call us now to book one of our beautiful homes!

Richeson Properties LLC in Ocean Lakes
843-429-0498 office
843-353-8943 cell

Just a little update on MH37A. Taking bookings now for summer 2025!4 bedrooms 3 baths2 king bedrooms1 queen bedroom1 roo...

Just a little update on MH37A. Taking bookings now for summer 2025!
4 bedrooms 3 baths
2 king bedrooms
1 queen bedroom
1 room with 2 queen beds and 2 queen loft beds
Sleeps 14
2 living rooms
Has over 11 outdoor sitting and dining areas
Outdoor kitchen
2 complementary golf carts and we are working on a surprise golf cart as an option😜
Call our office for rates and to reserve your dates for any time in 2025 starting in May.
Plenty of parking
The views are beautiful looking at the ocean.

Construction is coming along. Hoping to get hardy board on this week and start painting it PINK! We are now taking booki...

Construction is coming along. Hoping to get hardy board on this week and start painting it PINK!
We are now taking bookings for summer 2025. Call our office at 843-429-0498 to save your dates.

Today you woke up happy or you woke up mad because of the outcome from an election. Today we should have all woke up tha...

Today you woke up happy or you woke up mad because of the outcome from an election.
Today we should have all woke up thanking the good Lord above for allowing you to wake up another day.
Remember, when you are not happy with the outcome of something, don't sit back and complain, get up each day, pray for your country, its leaders and YOU do something to make it a better place.
I have always been one to give an analogy in simple terms as to why I do things a certain way so here it goes.
When you were growing up, you anticipated starting school each year and counting down until you found out who your teacher or teachers would be. Some of us knew certain teachers and wanted them and some we heard things about how bad they were and prayed we would not get them. Sometimes we got our wish and our prayers were answered and sometimes we were disappointed and had to accept what teacher we were assigned to.
We did not go marching in the school and pitch a fit and start destroying things, we accepted it and continued to do what we had to do to make it a good year. Now, I do not know about you, but I can name for you a few teachers that I heard so many bad things about and absolutely dreaded it when I found out they were going to be my teacher. In the end, that teacher was one of the best teachers I ever had. Why? Because I did my part, accepted it and had the right attitude to accept what I could not change. I made a decision to do my part to make it the best year ever. When everyone does the same, positive attitudes give off positive vibes and it makes everything around you positive.
If you grew up in Anson County I would have to remind you that there are 2 teachers that come to my mind that we all dreaded but in the end, they were the best and in my case they were Ann Hough and Marsha Wilks.
You see, it's not about what someone can do for you that makes it better, it's about what we can do to help make it better.
So today if you are unhappy with your parties outcome, don't act like a toddler when they don't get what they want. Pull up your big girl panties and big boy boots, get out there and do your part to make our country great again.
No one wants to see negative or complaining all the time. Be positive and send out positive vibes. Don't throw out nasty jabs at someone you do not agree with, instead turn it around and say something positive. After a few times of having an attitude change it will get easier. Put your trust and faith in God, not man or woman.
God already knew the outcome. He holds your future and he just wants you to trust Him enough that you should not worry about anything but yourself and doing your part to secure your spot in eternity.
I love all of my friends no matter your skin color or your political or religious affiliation. I pray that we all come together as a nation, get back to our roots and love one another. Life is too short to be unhappy.
Have a blessed day and let's help make our nation great again❤️🙏❤️🙏

Best of luck today for someone that is like our son, Austin Theriault. His is running for Congress in Maine. As some of ...

Best of luck today for someone that is like our son, Austin Theriault. His is running for Congress in Maine.
As some of you know, he was the former NASCAR driver for our race team. He was our Champion and still is in our book. He is such an upstanding citizen and has unfortunately had to learn the hard way of how cruel and dirty politics is.
He does not waver when it comes to what he stands for. He will always be a champion in our book.
Best of luck today Austin. We love you and are praying for Great things to come! ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙

Today our world could change forever. Today could be the start of some of the worst days ahead or some of the best days ...

Today our world could change forever. Today could be the start of some of the worst days ahead or some of the best days ahead. Today, our futures could be in the hands of people that care absolutely nothing about your future, your children or grandchildren's futures. Today, your future and your families futures could be taking a turn in one of the best directions you have ever been in.
These are thoughts and feelings that many are anticipating today as our next Government officials are chosen.
Will it be fair? Will it be legal? Will we ever know if our votes were really honest votes? Probably not. There are so many uncertainties in our country and our legislature.
What we do know is the real answer to who holds our future. Our trust has to be in none other than God at this point because our nation has completely turned away from what this country was built on. There is no longer a solid foundation or integrity. People have changed their way of thinking and have no morals or respect for human lives. People say hateful things and fill their lives with things that hurt others.
Today, we must put our trust and faith in God and pray that no matter the outcome, we must stay focused on Gods plan in our lives. One party may control our government but only you can control how you choose to live your life and what road you choose to take. There is only 1 way to get to heaven so do not let some government officials choose where you spend eternity.
Today we put our trust in God and pray for our future.
Today, stand behind what you know is right and do your part to help take our country back in the direction that we need to go. Pick your officials based on what they stand for and not the color of their skin or a popularity contest.
You choose a restaurant to eat at based off of reviews and previous meals that you have eaten right? You don't keep going back to eat at a restaurant that has proven to you that the food is bad or not good for you right? Take the same approach when choosing the right person for the job. Choose someone that has already proven to you what they stand for and the ingredients it took to make them a great choice.
Pray for our nation today as it either becomes a Great place to live or the start to the countdown to the rest of our lives.


I want to vent here for a minute and I will try to be nice when I do it.
If you are looking at someone else's page and you don't like something, don't be rude and post negative comments. Keep your thoughts to yourself if you can not say something nice.
Be happy for others.
I may not like the style clothes that you wear, the hairstyle or hair color that you have but I sure don't go on your page and tell you. I may not like how you decorate your house or the color of your car but it is not my place to tell you how I feel about it because I am not the one paying for it.
People this day and time are rude and I am not talking about the younger generation either, I am talking about older people.
So the next time you see a picture of something that someone else has posted and you don't like it, keep your thoughts to yourself.
Rant over. I hope you get a heart attitude adjustment and learn to be nice and happy for others. 🙏🩷

I have not posted many pictures lately because I have been so busy but here is an updated picture that Donnie took today...

I have not posted many pictures lately because I have been so busy but here is an updated picture that Donnie took today along with a picture of what the house will look similar to. We have decided the house will be pink as you can see a touch of the color painted on the front.
Dormers will be added and the roof will go on next week. We hope to get the windows and doors put in next week and hardy board will start going up.
The guys are doing a great job!
We can not wait to get it finished for families to enjoy.

I love when people share pictures that they took using our props for the October month. I have never liked Halloween so ...

I love when people share pictures that they took using our props for the October month. I have never liked Halloween so I try to do all of the fun and happy things to celebrate Fall. I did not think I was going to do the Barbie box this year but when Donnie went home earlier in the week he brought the box back. back.
So feel free to share your pictures and tag us or post them on the Richeson Properties page.
We had a real life Barbie and Ken to come visit and we had the cutest little Barbie's to come by to get candy.
Happy Fall Yall!
We will be decorating for Christmas here at the beach as soon as I get the Christmas show done and I will be putting up lots of Christmas decorations in the outdoor living areas for you to see.

Barbie made it to the beach and could not wait to see her new house we are building. You can ride by and wave at her sta...

Barbie made it to the beach and could not wait to see her new house we are building. You can ride by and wave at her standing on the porch and get your picture made in her box at MH37A!


6001 S Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach
Surfside Beach, SC


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