As we enter the middle of the summer, there’s no better time to enjoy the freshest flavors that New York farms have to offer, which is why this month’s photo contest category is “Summer Harvest Snapshots!” 🥒🫐🫐🌭🌶🫑🍤🧀🥩🦪🍔🥕🧅🍒
With an abundance of fresh produce like cucumbers, radishes, zucchini, berries, cherries, peaches, and so much more blossoming into season, we invite you to share the delicious and colorful array of summer eats that decorate our plates and nourish our minds and bodies!
Whether it's a fresh farmers' market haul, a sizzling backyard barbecue showcase, or a handful of warm, sun-ripened berries fresh off the vine, show us how you savor the flavor of summer and contribute to a sustainable food system by shopping seasonally and locally!
(PS…we DEFINITELY want to see your 4th of July cookout plates!)
To submit a photo for consideration, email it with a brief description of the photo to [email protected] with the subject line: “AGM Photo Contest_July_Your Name”. All submissions for July must be submitted by Friday, July 26. Please visit our website to see the FULL contest details: https://agriculture.ny.gov/2024-agricultural-photo-contest