Sangria Sunrise is proud to be a part of this fantastic event for yet another year. Ocean studies charter school is an amazing school that focuses on teaching the next generation core values around conservation! Last year, with the community involvement, we were able to collect over 13k lbs of trash! If you are local we invite everyone to stop by and show support. If you're not local then we would still love to get you invovled by asking you to take 15 minites and clean up trash in an area near you! Get out there and keep our planet beautiful and clean!
It's that time again!! Marine Debris Derby time!! Last year, we had over 150 kiddos from Ocean Studies Charter School, Key Largo School, Plantation Key School and Treasure Village Montessori collect over 13,000 pounds of marine debris in ONE MORNING! It's time for these to do it again!! Be sure to register your kids TODAY so they can:
🌊 Clean and collect marine debris on our Keys Coast!
🌱 Visit our Eco-Booths with FUN learning games for our kids!
🏆Win AWARDS for MOST debris, HEAVIEST debris, TIRE collection, microplastic collection and MORE!!
🏓Play, play, play! After the derby - stay and play all the GAMES to win prizes!
🍔Enjoy a FREE breakfast before and lunch after for all Derby participants!
🎸 Chill out on the water with some live music!
Register👉 https://go.rallyup.com/marinedebrisderby
All of this couldn't be possible without the help of SO MANY amazing sponsors. HUGE thanks to Reef Conservation Association & Regan Roth Insurance Agency as our main sponsors!
Gratitude to I.CARE, Robbie's of Islamorada, Dr. Alvaro Maya-Overseas Dental, , Vital Signs, The Fish House Key Largo Florida Keys!!
Appreciation to our event support sponsors - Caribbean Club, Florida Bay Outfitters, The Juice House, and County!