St. Scholastica was the twin sister of St. Benedict of Nursia, and is revered as the patroness of Benedictine nuns and as a symbol of piety and devotion. Born around 480 AD in Nursia, Italy, she was raised in a deeply Christian family. From an early age, Scholastica was drawn to the religious life, dedicating herself to God in a way that mirrored her brother’s own commitment to monasticism.
While Benedict founded his famous monastery at Monte Cassino, Scholastica established a convent nearby. Although their paths diverged, the siblings maintained a close spiritual bond. The two would often meet to discuss matters of faith and prayer. One such meeting, just a few days before her death in 543 AD, is marked by a miraculous event. When Scholastica expressed her desire to stay longer in conversation, Benedict, unable to remain, prayed for a way to keep her with him. A fierce storm erupted, preventing his departure, and they spent the entire night in prayer and discussion. It is said that this final meeting deepened their shared commitment to monastic life.
Scholastica died soon after this event, and Benedict, heartbroken, buried her in the same tomb where he would eventually be laid to rest. She is remembered for her deep spirituality, her dedication to the monastic way of life, and her role in supporting and sustaining the Benedictine tradition. Her feast day is celebrated on February 10.
If you’d like to learn more about the live of St. Scholastica, visit the convent she founded, or visit her grave at the Abbey of Montecassion, please contact Faith Journeys. We can build a customized itinerary to meet your needs. Call us at 877-732-4845 or email [email protected]