This is an antechamber into the royal apartments.
The queen's bed chamber.
The Great Hall. King Ludwig II was christened in this room on August 26, 1845.
#dwyersretirementtravels #nymphenburgpalace
Yes, the palace is that big!
Part "zwei" of the Glockenspiel experience.
A rare and special experience, witnessing the Glockenspiel come to life!
Leaving Aarhus.
I know it looks like there isn't a photo. Never fear, it's a nostalgic tune.
Here's the sauna video. A young woman from Poland took it, so sorry for the sideways and up and down.
#oslonorway oslo
Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!
Douglas Zimmer, Molli Mcgee, Kathy Morrissey, Emilia Rösing, Inka Dittmann, Kim Wilson, Dana Kelley Limperis, Robert Hoge, Sue Green, Beth McMullen, Donna J Morton
The best part of our snorkeling trip was the unexpected whale sighting. It looked to be a mother and baby.
Cyndi Dwyer
This is a video of the gates opening. They move at 1.8 meters per minute
Sunrise when arriving into Cartagena.