Celestial Tarot

Celestial Tarot Professional Tarot Reader with over 20 years experience. Phone and person readings available. or have a reading over the phone.

Jennifer is a professional tarot reader with 18 years experience and has done over 5000 professional readings. Working from Celestial Rites call (520)344-4203 to book an appointment.


Jennifer will be here today from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your cards read today or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 09/01/2024The Empress From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Earth Pay attention to your feminin...

Daily Tarot Card For 09/01/2024

The Empress From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Earth
Pay attention to your feminine powers, listen to your inner goddess and your emotions. People are attracted to you in every sense of the word today, they seek wisdom, a shoulder to cry on, friendship, and even romance. You should be feeling very appreciated now. In regards to work you should be feeling pretty good about how things are going, people are inspired by your ideas and suggestions, allow yourself to follow your intuition and the rest will follow. If you're looking for work this is an excellent sign that you have what it takes to please potential employers, now is the time to prepare and get the word out that you are looking for work. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a deeper connection with your partner, this is a good influence if you are trying to become pregnant. If you're looking for love this is an excellent time to find someone who really meets your needs and wants, both men and women are very attracted to you now all you have to do is make yourself available. Financially speaking this is a high time in abundance, not just with your finances but look at your life what else do you have that you should be great full for? Money is picking up and this is the time to make investments.
Jenn ♡

Jennifer will be here today from 10-7 and tomorrow from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your...

Jennifer will be here today from 10-7 and tomorrow from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your cards read today or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 08/31/2024The Ten Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Water Happiness and family are ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/31/2024

The Ten Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water
Happiness and family are what's important for you today, those who you are most concerned about are experiencing happiness today, as well as yourself. this points to spiritual content and positive growth for you and those around you. You're on the right path at work lately, the key here is to keep up the good work now. You're getting noticed for the quality of work you're doing, and this is about to pay off. If you're looking for work this is your time to shine now, show them your work ethic and just how much you have to offer. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a lighter happier phase in your connections with your partner now. If you're looking for love this is the time to meet someone who is very family oriented and holds family as a priority, get out and make yourself available. Financially speaking money should be flowing pretty good right now however it's not a big priority right now for you. Make sure that you share your good fortunes with someone who needs it.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/30/2024Death From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By WaterThe more change your willing to allo...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/30/2024

Death From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water

The more change your willing to allow and the less you try to control things right now the better off you'll be. Change happens for a reason and you will be in a better future if you allow it. It's time to let go of the past and things not meant for you so that your future isn't held back. If you hate your job or feel underemployed but have stayed because you need the check you may find yourself being forced out now. This will ultimately lead you to a better place for you even if it doesn't seem like that now. The same goes for relationships if you're holding on to a relationship simply because it's familiar or you still think that you can fix it, you may need to stop fooling yourself and step away from it in order to get involved in the right relationship. Take some time alone to figure out what that looks like for you before jumping into a new relationship. Financially you may need to make some sacrifices in order to keep up right now however if you need help you should not hesitate to ask for it, there are people who want to help you.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/28/2024The Page Of Pentacles From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By EarthIn general you have ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/28/2024

The Page Of Pentacles From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Earth

In general you have some tedious tasks that are less glamorous then you could hope for however the page is giving you the back bone and energy to get through it. Don't try and side step or cut corners or you will likely fall on your face. At work it may seem like you have more work than is possible to get done, but now is not the time to panic just keep focused and keep working you'll be rewarded in the end. Remember slow and steady and there's always someone who can help you if you need it. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may feel that your relationship has lost it's glamor, and you will have to fix it if you want to continue the relationship. Now is the time for action. If you're looking for love you may need to let go of your ex before moving on, now is the time to make those releases. Financially this is the time for good old fashioned hard work, be realistic as to what your skills are worth and try not to be unrealistic.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/27/2024The Four Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Fire This is a time for celeb...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/27/2024

The Four Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Fire
This is a time for celebration, you deserve a little break but make sure that you don't take too long you still have work to do. If you're in business for yourself you should be proud of yourself as business is doing well and others are also noticing! Give yourself a pat on the back! As for work, things are finally looking up you've reached a point where you're almost irreplaceable now however you have to keep up the good work if you plan on seeing any return. If you're looking for work this is the time to reach out to friends or family members as they probably know the perfect place for you. Romantically speaking, those who are in committed relationships will see more commitment and it will become sweeter than it has been in a while. If you're looking for love this is the time to meet someone special at a special event of sorts a celebration. Financially speaking, money should be already starting to show improvements now and this is because of your hard work so keep pushing forward and have faith in yourself.
Jenn ♡

Jennifer will be here today from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your cards read or call in ...

Jennifer will be here today from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your cards read or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 08/25/2024The High Priestess From The Thoth Tarot DeckRuled By WaterYou should rely on your intuiti...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/25/2024

The High Priestess From The Thoth Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water

You should rely on your intuition instead of your mind and intellect right now. Pay close attention to your dreams as they play a huge role on what path you should be on. It's possible that a new job opportunity will be offered to you and you will be able to come up with an unconventional system to make it go more smoothly. Romantically speaking this is a mystical time for any serious relationship enjoy this power. If you're a man who is interested in women and find yourself attracted to a woman who seems unapproachable trust your instincts, however if you're a woman you may find men throwing themselves at you right now be careful with this power as it's very powerful. When it comes to your finances someone may not be totally honest with you, don't be afraid to dig deep get the answers you seek. Be careful not to give out financial information that isn't needed and be careful with financial transactions in general right now.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card 08/24/2024The Two Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By FireNow is the time to focus on th...

Daily Tarot Card 08/24/2024

The Two Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Fire

Now is the time to focus on the balance in your life and relationships. If something feels unbalanced you are the only one who can fix it. If it's a relationship that is out of balance you have to speak up. Try to remain positive and let your intuition guide you. When it comes to work you're about to fit things together in an unusual way and work will become more smoothly because of your creative ideas. Don't let anyone tell you differently, you know you're right. If you're looking for work this is a great time to literally find the perfect fit for you and your needs. Start hunting the right job for the right pay is waiting for you. Romantically those who are currently in committed relationships will see your relationship becoming more balanced then it has been in a while, but now you must do your part. Think about how you would like to see the balance in your relationship shift and what it looks like to you and share this with your partner. If you're looking for love someone who is already a part of your life may already be interested in you romantically don't rule them out simply by physical appearance, this person may be just what you're looking for in love. Financially speaking money is probably feeling pretty balanced right now and even though it might not be a lot you have enough to get by. Don't be afraid to ask for what you're worth.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/23/2024The King Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Fire The drive and focus on y...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/23/2024

The King Of Wands From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Fire
The drive and focus on your goals is strong today, and this is a great time to start the process to achieve those goals. You have what it takes and the energy to do so is strong with you today. You have a lot to be optimistic about. In regards to work learn what you can from men you work with, think for yourself but always be ready to learn more. If you're looking for work this is an excellent sign that the job you have really been wanting is about to enter your life now, be ready for this opportunity. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a new passion come into the relationship, a breath of fresh air so to speak. Use this energy to have fun with your partner, the goal here is to be spontaneous together. If you're looking for love this is a perfect time to meet someone who is very loving and passionate about you, get out and mingle, make yourself available for something other than work for a change. Financially speaking money should be flowing pretty good right now and it's about to get better. If you have been wanting to open a business of your own, now is the time to push towards that goal. Dream big but do your research.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/22/2024The Three Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Water Celebration is in order...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/22/2024

The Three Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water
Celebration is in order for you! This is a time for reunions, and celebration for you and people you care about. Someone who has been missing from you is about to reenter your life, this doesn't necessarily mean a romantic reconnection. In regards to work this is also a good omen, money should be flowing pretty good right now and you're about to get noticed for the quality of work you're doing. This can even point to a promotion. If you're looking for work this is a great sign that you'll be very successful in finding the perfect job for the right amount of money. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a reconnection between you and your partner now is the time to be spontaneous together. If you're looking for love this could mean a reconnection between you and an old love, however be careful remember ex's are ex's for a reason. Financially speaking money should be flowing pretty good right now and it's about to get a whole lot better. Remember to share your good fortunes with someone who can really use some help. Time to invest in your future.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/21/2024The Chariot From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By WaterYou have what it takes to get ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/21/2024

The Chariot From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water

You have what it takes to get things done, you have the determination, skills and ambition to move forward. Now this is a sign that you should go forward with whatever is in your mind and heart, you'll need to use both to truly be successful. When it comes to work, it's important not to let things get to you whether this be an annoying co-worker or tasks. Just keep moving forward if you know that you're doing what is best. Romantically those who are in committed relationships should be sure to communicate with your partner now, unfortunately miscommunication may happen during this time so make sure that you both0 are on the same page. If you're starting a new relationship now it's important to pace yourself, it's possible either you or your new partner are going too far too fast so make sure that your boundaries are set. If someone is interested in you and you're not really digging them it's important to make it clear instead of leading them on. Financially speaking if you're interested in making some big ticket purchases now you can do it as money is flowing pretty good however make sure that you pay off your debts first you can do both if you try.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/18/2024The King Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Water Kindness and compassion ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/18/2024

The King Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water
Kindness and compassion is what's in store for you today, there's a lot of love that surrounds you now regardless of your current situation. Allow others to nurture you and allow yourself to nurture you. When it comes to work, things are about to improve your work is getting noticed and you are appreciated for what you do. Those who are looking for work this is a sign that you should approach new job opportunities with love in your heart, now is the time to get out and get those applications in and score your interviews. Romantically speaking those who are in committed relationships will see more compassion now is the time to focus on your partner and give some pampering back. If you're looking for love this is the perfect time to get out and mingle, you will have the opportunity to meet someone who is balanced, romantic, and most importantly compassionate. Financially speaking you may need to really get a handle on your finances, if you have been feeling like your stuck in a financial block the best way to open this up is to offer what you have. No matter how tight money is right now, you have something for someone less fortunate than you, even a smile can go a long way, the key here is to give some compassion.
Jenn ♡


Jennifer will be here today from 10-7 and tomorrow from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get yours done today or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 08/17/2024The Moon From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Water You're in a more intuitive phase...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/17/2024

The Moon From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water
You're in a more intuitive phase now, your psychic awareness has been heightened lately. Your emotions are also heightened right now. Go with your intuition when making decisions. Things may seem unclear at work now, and it's important to make sure that you and your co-workers understand each other. If you're looking for work now is the time to reflect on where you want to be going in life. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may become heated and emotional, take some time away from each other if you need to. If you need to hash it out make sure that you understand each other and don't say anything you will regret tomorrow. If you're looking for love now is not the time to start or end a relationship. Financially speaking money should be flowing fine right now but now is not the time to make investments unless you're absolutely sure about what you're getting yourself into.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/16/2024The Nine Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By WaterWhat you want most is abo...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/16/2024

The Nine Of Cups From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Water

What you want most is about to enter your life right now and bring with it happiness and joy. Good things are about to come into your life right now. A spout of good luck is about to come your way at work as well, a project or whatever you are most focused on at work is going to move forward in a big way for you this month. If you're looking for work this is a great time to get out there and find it, the job you really want is waiting for you all you need to do is grab it. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a time of the relationship becoming closer and sweeter than it has been in a while. If you're looking for love this is a great time to get out and mingle, you can expect to meet someone who fits what you're looking for in love, the idea is to have fun. Financially speaking this is also good news, an issue that you have been focused on in regards to your finances is about to pass and probably not the way you expected it to.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/15/2024The Wheel Of Fortune From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Fire Know that your world ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/15/2024

The Wheel Of Fortune From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Fire
Know that your world is always changing and whether you are sitting on top of the world or at the bottom this too will change. Learn to go with the changes, they are there for a reason and it's always to benefit you in the long run. Above all else, think positively. Those who are currently employed may choose to leave your job even if it is a good job simply because your heart is no longer in it. Now is the time to follow your heart and dreams, start by getting advice from someone who is already doing what you want to be doing. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may feel that you need to refocus the relationship between you and your partner if you wish to save the relationship. If you're looking for love this is the time to get very clear as to what you're looking for in a partner then get out and mingle. Financially speaking money is also changing, if you have been struggling financially this is an excellent omen that this will change for the better now and money will start to flow for you. If money has been good for you however, things are about to get tight financially and even though it may not be fun this will teach you how to appreciate things more important than money.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/14/2024The Sun From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Fire You should be seeing that things a...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/14/2024

The Sun From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Fire
You should be seeing that things are starting to smoothen out, and in general you are feeling pretty good about most every aspect of your life. This is a good time to try new things, go on a vacation at experience new cultures. Now is a time for self expression and really getting in touch with yourself. When it comes to work, you should be feeling pretty good about how things are going here as well now is the time to push for new opportunities and improvements, if there is a chance for you to move up the ladder take it. If you're looking for work this is an excellent time to find a new job opportunity, your confidence is impeccable now and will work to your advantage provided you give credit to those who it's due to and keep your ego under control. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may need some space for yourself right now and it's ok to take it, give yourself an opportunity to express yourself and for self exploration. If you're looking for love you will have the opportunity to find someone who you really connect with if you go out and play a bit. Don't be such a workaholic or a homebody. Financially speaking money is already showing signs of improvement, now is a good time to save up for a rainy day and start investing in your future.
Jenn ♡


For Star subscribers: To woo renters, Tucson apartments are adding unique amenities, including facilities to wash the pooch, EV charging stations and private studios for work-from-home meetings or recording podcasts.

Daily Tarot Card For 08/13/2024The King Of Swords From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Air This tends to lend a ver...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/13/2024

The King Of Swords From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Air
This tends to lend a very forceful energy, perhaps you are finding it difficult to convince a man in your life to see things your way, you may have to change your approach or your aditude about it. You may also be struggling to see things from other people's perspectives, be careful with that aditude as you're not the only person involved. In regards to work you may feel that the way someone is talking to you is upsetting, however you may just be taking it out of context or being too sensitive. Don't let others get to you. If you're looking for work you may have to impress someone who is very arrogant and quite the stickler of things to land the right job, if you can get past him the job itself will be well worth it, but set boundaries with this person. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may find it difficult to communicate with your partner under this influence, set boundaries with your partner it's one thing not to see eye to eye on everything it's another to feel mistreated. If you're looking for love and are female/or interested in men, you may find yourself interested in a man who is very much a man's man and he is opinionated turn on your feminine charm to sway him. Financially speaking this may be a reality check, know exactly where you are financially and know how to budget yourself accordingly. This is a good time to give a little back to open any financial blocks you may have.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/12/2014The Lover's From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By Air When possible follow your heart...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/12/2014

The Lover's From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Air
When possible follow your heart in all aspects of your life. If you're heart is telling you one thing and your heart another, follow your heart and the rest will follow. When it comes to work, if you have to make a tough decision it's best to gather all the information possible and make the best decision for you. It's most likely not as bad as you think it is. If you're considering having a relationship with someone you work with, know what the stakes are before you take the risk. If you're looking for work this is the time to follow your heart, apply for a job that you will love what you are doing and the money will follow. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will see a happier phase in the relationship, in fact love is likely on the forefront of your mind. If you're looking for love this is the time to get out and mingle, you will find someone very compatible with what you're looking for if you make yourself available. Financially speaking money is not the most important thing to you right now. Be careful taking on that aditude, you don't want to loose sight of where you are financially because you're in the mood for love.
Jenn ♡


Jennifer will be here today from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get yours done today or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 08/11/2024The King Of Pentacles From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck Ruled By Earth You are in charge of...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/11/2024

The King Of Pentacles From The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck

Ruled By Earth
You are in charge of your own journey now, this is the time to push for what you want in the traditional way of doing things. Now is not the time to rock the boat and change things up. Push forward but follow the rules, you'll do better by doing so. when it comes to work you may encounter a man who is older than you and a bit of a critical soul however if you're willing to handle a little criticism he will help you reach your goals. if you're looking for work , you may be stuck having to try and impress a man who will question you and your ethics, stand strong and you will do very well. Romantically those who are in committed relationships should see that things are going pretty smoothly, however if they are not now is the time to speak up about what you want from the relationship and your partner. If you're looking for love this is the time to meet someone who is older than you and ready to sweep you off your feet. This person will truly like you for who you are, so don't bother putting on a show for them. Financially speaking money should be flowing pretty good right now and it's about to get better. Now is the time to make investments of the traditional sort within what you can afford.
Jenn ♡


Jennifer will be here today from 10-7 and tomorrow from 12-7 doing Tarot Card readings for only $30 stop by and get your cards read or call in advance for availability at (520)344-4203

Daily Tarot Card For 08/10/2023The Nine Of Pentacles From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By EarthHappiness and the fe...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/10/2023

The Nine Of Pentacles From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Earth

Happiness and the feeling of success are yours today. You have a lot to be proud of and optimistic about now, you're in the position to help others if you choose to. In regards to work those who are currently employed and wish to stay with your current job, things are about to change for the better now and you have a lot to be great full for. If you're looking for work this is also a sign that the right position for the right amount of money is going to come to you so be prepared to answer when opportunity comes your way. Romantically those who are in committed relationships will reach new and exciting levels of romance and intimacy. So get out and enjoy your partner. If you're looking for love this is a great sign that someone exciting is about to enter your life now and you will have the opportunity at a long term relationship. Financially speaking money, money should be getting better and will continue to increase in ways that you don't yet foresee. However you must also think of other ways you are wealthy as they are more important to you than money itself. Share what you can.
Jenn ♡

Daily Tarot Card For 08/09/2024The Ace Of Swords From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck Ruled By AirYou may be afraid of some ...

Daily Tarot Card For 08/09/2024

The Ace Of Swords From The Light Seer's Tarot Deck

Ruled By Air

You may be afraid of some big decisions that need to be made right now, the key is to feel the fear and do it anyway. You already have an idea of what must be done but the hard part is getting it started, now is the time for a leap of faith. When it comes to work you may decide to leave your job even if it is a good job because your heart is no longer in it. However if you're set on staying you may want to try new tactics, you can accomplish great things if you don't worry so much about who gets the initial credit, you will eventually get the credit if you are patient. Romantically those who are in committed relationships may find that there's something that you have been wanting to put a stop to if this is the case don't hesitate to speak up. Financially speaking it's important to know when enough is enough and don't spend or invest money you simply don't have.
Jenn ♡


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Tucson, AZ

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Monday 10am - 7pm
Tuesday 10am - 7pm
Wednesday 10am - 7pm
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