In case you didn't know I love dogs. Right now Janet and I are looking to either adopt or foster a little girl that has had a rough start in life. She was adopted from Tulsa Animal Welfare by someone who then dumped her at a Vets Clinic where my grand daughter works. They won't return calls or answer their phone. We know they adopted her from TAW because she was chipped and when the chip was scanned it came back registered to TAW. So the clinic called and got the contact information from TAW and tried to contact the worthless owners and they have been trying for 3 weeks so that's when Bailey called me. Buddy and I went to meet her yesterday. The shelter named her Debbie. I mean who names a dog Debbie? So we are going to call her Baby Girl. She is as sweet as she can be and Buddy seems to be ok with her as well. We will foster her at first and then from there, who knows, we may end up loving her so much and wanting to turn her life around we may adopt, only time will tell. It will depend a lot on how she and Buddy get along. He is our number one priority but we also want to help this sweet little girl help her find her fur ever home with someone who will love her unconditionally and make her forget her terrible past.