Habana Cuba International Boxing Day
Trento Italy
Tunnel, history of the Olympics exhibition
So in southern Sicily, they’re working on a lot of the train tracks so they are bussing us instead of running the trains. Kind of messing up my whole mapping out of locations. Anyway, I actually paid for a different bus line so I can get to Catania early in the morning. I will most probably be going back down south to Syracuse and.Toarmina , and then start working my way up Eastern coast of Italy
I didn’t take any pictures, but I ended up walking 45 minutes down to the beach. I had heard that it wasn’t that great and was a little dirty and when I got there, I really wish I had brought all my stuff to go swimming, the beaches looked good .
At least I got some exercise. Definitely will be doing some swimming when I go back down south again.
This just happened
Graduation day
Zagreb Croatia
One more safari on horseback, very small reserve just outside of Johannesburg. Heading back to the states later tonight, I have to get this shoulder fixed 😞😞😞
Small herd with babies
Hot outside
Today we took the horses to the dam, and did a little swimming
So a little bit pissed off and embarrassed today was supposed to do the all day ride. We got started, and after the first lope my back was absolutely killing me.  I was gonna stick it out. Most of you that know me know that I don’t like quitting and I’ll pretty much work through any pain or sickness.  we had to turn around because one of the other riders horses needed to be changed out and I guess that was a sign, when we got back to the stables, I decided I better not go out. So at least I got to do some archery and a few bull’s-eyes, a slow ride, and some team penning. back is killing me again Sign for some pain pills and let’s see what’s going on tomorrow.
Well, I made it to Tucson still feeling only about 50% better. About to go Horseback riding staying at White Stallion Ranch last time I was here was about 25 years ago. Plan on getting a lot of riding in before I go to South Africa middle of January.