Old man winter was at Myrtle Beach this week. So Debbie and I just had to go for a golf cart ride in the snow!
Spring and summer will be here soon. We already have many reservations that have come in.... call us and we would be delighted to get your family on the calendar!
Bill & Debbie Lambert 704-577-4473
Another fun year for Bill doing the Polar Bear Plunge at Ocean Lakes and another year that I managed to escape the plunge...yay A win for all!!!
We are getting ready for halloweekends at Ocean Lakes! Debbie has her halloweekends transportation now and she is ready to ride. Call or pm us to get your reservation for 1 of our 7 Ocean Lakes vacation homes...halloweekends are sooo much fun!!!
Bill Lambert. 704.577.4473
Debbie Lambert 704.661.7704
It was the first trip for three of the puppies this year and the first trip ever for our newest puppy Gemma. They did not want to get too close to the water...lol
All is well at Myrtle Beach... my guess is we had about 6 inches of rain... and now we are ready for a beautiful Labor Day weekend.
All 7 of our Ocean Lakes homed are booked for this weekend. Come see us in September, October or November.
Bill & Debbie Lambert. 704-577-4473
Polar Bear Plunge... New Years Eve 12/31/2021
Bill's first time doing the Polar Bear Plunge at Ocean Lakes!