Please share your nerdy love story with me!
I love romance and love stories, but especially when it is between 2 nerds.
I know, but hear me out.
When you watch a typical ROM com, it's usually someone like Cameron Diaz or Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, or Matthew McConnehy, or other similar model types, and it's beautiful to watch them fall in love.
But take 2 nerdy, average, slightly flawed, gawky people who have a few issues as well.
Say, even, an older, quirky, chubby, extroverted introvert with ADHD who's passions include dressing up in Renaissance faire costumes and making fairy garden houses, and sleeping in caves in other countries.
Who can we match her with, who is going to fall head over heels in love with her and all her foibles and flaws and anxiety and dreams of owning a magical villa along the sea somewhere in Morocco?
Well, an equally quirky, nerdy, flawed, but extremely intelligent, super funny character like my man.
He tracks my flights whenever I travel, he goes crazy over blood moons and insists we eat under the stars gazing at the sky, he speaks multiple languages (including French, which I find so hot), and he can debate just about any topic under the sun.
Oh, and do not challenge him to a word duel, because his vocabulary is much, much more extensive than mine, and I like to think I am a writer.
He loves me no matter what, (mostly) ignores my craziness, and doesn't seem to care whether or not I shave my legs. Can a girl be any luckier?
I think I knew he was the one when I was visiting him a year or so ago,
And I asked him if I could bring him anything.
He refused.
He never asked for new Jordans or an iPhone or clothes or anything.
But when I insisted over and over, he finally, reluctantly agreed when I said,
"Are you sure there is absolutely NOTHING you wish you had that you cannot get where you live?!"
And he shyly replied, "Well...there is one thing. I have searched everywhere for years, and I have always wanted...
The Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary."
That's when I knew this was the nerd for me.
Do you have a nerdy love story?
Please share yours with me below!!