Kingfisher Lodge

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Kingfisher Lodge Kingfisher Resort is a drive-in resort located just three hours north of International Falls. MN MN on Hwy 105, also known as the Red Lake Road.

Kingfisher Lodge is a small, quiet camp, located 165 miles north of International Falls Minnesota, in northwestern Ontario. We are a drive-in resort located just three hours north of International Falls. Kingfisher is located on Wabaskang Lake, near Perrault Falls and is considered by many avid fisherman to rank among the top lakes in the region. Wabaskang is unique in that it produces five major

species of fish: Walleye, Northern, Small mouth Bass, Lake Trout and Jumbo Perch. As for walleye and northern, you will have to sample many lakes before you can top Wabaskang in term of sheer numbers and size. This lake has a reputation among pros and beginners alike to consistently produce large numbers of fish that range from average size to wall hangers. Much work has been done over the past fifteen years to improve spawning areas, cleaning feeder streams and limiting access. We consistently see the fish numbers and average size increasing each year. Kingfisher Lodge is family owned and operated by Gerry and Linda Moran. Email us at [email protected] Come and visit with us!!!


Hello again, as I promised, I will update everyone on the status of our national postal strike action. As of yesterday the Canadian postal union were mandated back to work by the federal government. As of yesterday we started getting our backlogged mail delivered again. If anyone is holding off sending their deposit checks in the mail, you can do so again. It may take a week or two to arrive but rest assured, when I receive the check I will mail out a receipt to you which will be your confirmation. I should also mention that May and June are getting pretty booked up but we still have a few cabins still available for those people dedicated to the opening months of fishing season. I get some enquiries from people asking about the weather and lake conditions for the opening months. I usually tell those people that statistically the early months are a little cooler but the ice will have been gone off the lakes for several weeks prior to your arrival. One positive factor is the general absence of hungry mosquitos and most of the flies. The water level is usually higher in the spring as well the lake weeds are lower. You may experience a few spring showers but if you come prepared with rain gear, that shouldn't present a major problem. If anyone has any questions, concerns or requests please don't hesitate to call or text me and I will make every effort to respond to them. My update pamphlets and rate sheets will be on display at the All-Canada sports and fishing shows this winter. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New years. Stay warm, Gerry and Linda Moran/ Kingfisher Resort.

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Hello again to all our Loyal Kingfisher Resort friends and guests. Some of you may think I'm getting carried away with this newsletter thing but I've got a good reason. On my last letter I neglected to tell you one important thing. As of approx. one month ago our Canadian postal service has opted to go on strike which resulted in a complete shut-down of all postal service in Canada. We are optimistic that the postal service and the government will come to a resolution very soon . Now the reason for the update is to inform anybody that mailed out their deposit check and are wondering if we received it yet, the answer is "no". When the dispute is settled and I start receiving my mail again I will notify everybody on the camp face-book site as well as a mailed receipt. Please hold-off mailing anything until I give you the go-ahead. Linda and I are both just about ready for Christmas and are anxiously looking forward to the arrival of our son from Winnipeg before Christmas. For those of you who had a trying 2024 we hope that the up-coming year will see an improvement for you. We are looking forward to the return of our helper "Diki" this year as well as a friend of hers. We are currently beating the bushes for an experienced dock foreman so if you know of anyone please feel free to drop our name. That's about it from Thunder Bay. In closing, stay warm and please enjoy your Christmas and New Year. See you in 2025 !!

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Hello, to all our American friends and guests. Well, now that all the election hoopla is over with, its time to celebrate Thanksgiving as one big happy family. We were able to close camp down for the season in September. We had a successful but trying season this year. We didn't have the invaluable services of Lester and Dianne but we did manage to retain the services of Dikki (our lady student from Nepal), who stayed with us for the whole season along with Tom and Roger jumping in to offer valuable advise and assistance along the way. We also had more than a few out-board lower units damaged this summer but that comes with the territory. We had several interested parties looking at buying the camp but for various reasons we weren't able to close the deal. We will however keep on trying and will also stay on to run the camp pending a sale. The fishing for 2024 was certainly different than previous years. I learned from other camp owners that the Walleye bite on their lakes was changed as it was on Lake Wabaskang. The other species seemed to be unaffected as we had guests report to us that they seemed to catch their share of Northerns, Perch and Bass as well as the occasional Crappie. Linda and I are hunkered down for the winter and getting all our neglected doctor, dentist and mechanic appointments taken care of. We will be re-hiring Dikki back again but will be in the market for an experienced dock-foreman. I will be putting feelers out for that position in the future. The bookings are starting to roll in and as I've mentioned before, don't wait too long to call to reserve your date and cabin before they get spoken for by another party. Once again, Linda and I would like to wish everybody an enjoyable Thanksgiving and upcoming Christmas. Stay safe, Gerry and Linda Moran

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10 year old boy from Thunder Bay. Early this August he was fishing off our dock with a Walleye rod when he latched onto ...

10 year old boy from Thunder Bay. Early this August he was fishing off our dock with a Walleye rod when he latched onto a 47 1/2" Musky.


Hello Kingfisher Fisherpersons, Well, here we are into mid August. This has certainly not been an uneventful year. We have had many challenges to get through this year. We started the year without our (recently retired) long-time employees, Lester and Dianne. We were able to hire a couple from eastern Ontario who after about 1 1/2 months with us decided that the camp life wasn't for them. That left us with one cabin-cleaner to pick up the slack. This young lady (Diki) is a student from Thunder Bay Confederation college via the country of Nepal. She picked up the challenge and has managed to work the dock as well as cabin-cleaning and a myriad of other jobs. She has a great work ethic and gladly accepts the challenge of anything asked of her. We also were able to secure the volunteer services of a longtime friend of the camp, Tom. He is also an asset to the camp by working alongside Diki and keeps our guests updated on fishing information. Because of these two workers as well as help from one of our neighbors (Roger), we have been able to get through this season. We had some challenges but with everyone pitching in we were able to get through and even created a few memories for some fishermen. Early in the season we had one fisherman come in with two landing nets brimming with black Crappie most of which measured 16" plus. We also were able to provide a lifetime memory for one lucky 10 year old boy from Thunder Bay. Early this August he was fishing off our dock with a Walleye rod when he latched onto a 47 1/2" Musky. His dad and half the camp were on or near the dock cheering him on and taking pictures. He was able to land the prize fish with the able assistance of his dad on the net. The first thing out of his mouth was ,"this is the best week-end of my whole life". He was also able to successfully release his catch back into the lake. I have every reason to believe that this Musky is still lurking around my dock as they are very territorial and hang around where they were born. For anyone booked to come up I suggest you bring along your heavy-duty rod and try your luck off our dock. We are getting some enquiries from our past and present guests as to whether we have had any offers on the camp. We have had several enquiries and viewings but have not had anything that we all agree on just yet. We will however continue to run the camp until we get the right person to buy it. Our 2025 season is already shaping up for May and June so if anybody is thinking of treating them-self to a fishing holiday, give me a call and we'll get you into the book. If anybody has any questions please don't hesitate to call us anytime during the winter. I will probably try to post another newsletter on line this fall. Stay well and happy fishing !! Gerry Moran/Kingfisher Resort.

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Hello to all our friends and family. I thought it was about time to update everyone on what's been going on with Kingfisher Resort. We have retained the services of a couple from Elliot Lake, Ont. for the dock foreman and cabin cleaner position.
We also hired a young lady who is attending college in Thunder Bay. She is originally from Nepal and is a very interesting source of information about her side of the world. We all arrived in camp on May 11 and proceeded to get the camp up and running. Right off the start we had a few start-up hiccups but were able to quickly resolve them . I would like to thank our early season guests for their patience and understanding as we worked through our minor issues. The season has seen higher than expected water levels as well as an unusual amount of rain and the expected mosquito plague. Most of our guests have done well with their fishing. We had one gentleman casually comment that he caught a 26'' Walleye yesterday. we have also seen an unusual amount of Crappie coming in from the Keynote area. I also must advise everyone that the provincial government Liquor Control Agency ( who control the sale and distribution of all alcoholic beverages in the province) is set to go on strike in the next few days. This may turn out to be a long protracted union strike so you may want to take steps before crossing the border. If you haven't already stocked up on your alcoholic beverages it might be an idea to stock up in the U.S. before crossing the border and pay the duty or buy at the duty-free outlet at the border. We have a store near us that is a privately-owned, licensed liquor distributor but I'm not totally sure if they will be prohibited from selling their stock or if delivery is the only thing that will affect them. I will keep everyone appraised when I find out. As most of you are aware Linda and I are in the midst of trying to sell the camp. We’re still hopeful but if we don’t sell we’ll be back as your hosts next year ( health permitting). We’ve had a few interested parties that we are still dealing with. The bookings so far this year are about on par with the last few years. We have been able to accommodate most parties but if you leave it too late we would hate to disappoint you. If you have a specific week or cabin in mind please give us lots of lead time to work our magic on the reservation book. I will try to post a follow-up newsletter on line as the season progresses. If anyone has any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call or e-mail and we'll get right on answering it. Stay well and enjoy your summer, Gerry and Linda Moran/ Kingfisher Resort

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Hello to my fishing friends. We're starting the count-down to returning to camp for the 2024 season. We were fortunate enough to track down a married couple to take the place of our retired Lester and Dianne. This couple come to us from Elliot Lake, Ont. and possess many of the skills needed to work successfully at a tourist resort. He says that his fish-cleaning skills are a little rusty but just be patient and bear with him and I'm sure he will be up and running in no time at all. This gentleman's wife will be head of house-keeping and we have also retained the services of a young lady (from Nepal) as a cabin-cleaner and helper around the camp. I have interviewed all our new staff and I'm sure you will find them personable and very friendly. This will be a new chapter for Linda and I as we'll be relearning and teaching a lot of duties that Lester and Dianne just did automatically. We have had a relatively uneventful winter and spring and hopefully there will be enough moisture from the snow and rain to keep the lake levels up and the ditch levels down. We will all be heading up to camp soon to start preparing for opener-week ( May 18). Our efforts at selling the camp haven't resulted in a sale yet but we've had a few potentially interested parties and its just a waiting game now. our head-count for this up-coming season is on par with where we were last season so things seem to be bouncing back since Covid. We've taken the liberty of bragging to any potential buyers that we have an exceptional number of repeat guests at Kingfisher and for that we are very grateful. The booking season is in full swing right now and as usual May and June is filling up very quickly but I'm pleased to report that we also already have some very busy weeks in July, August and September as well. If you are toying with the idea of a fishing vacation, give me a call and we'll try to accommodate you for the week of your choice as well as possibly the cabin of your choice. If anybody out there is a Musky fisherman, you might consider bringing up some big Musky baits in anticipation of the big trophy-size Musky returning to our docks this season. I will report back when we arrive at camp and update you on what's going on. Stay well, Gerry and Linda Moran/ Kingfisher Resort

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Hello to all my Kingfisher Friends. I am writing this to update everybody on what has been going on this winter. Linda and I are both well and enjoying the mild winter. I have a feeling we're going to pay for it in the upcoming summer but here's hoping for spring rains. I would just like to remind everybody that Lester and Dianne are not planning on returning to Kingfisher this season as they have chosen to retire. As many of you can appreciate they will be missed and we are currently trying our best to find suitable replacement employees to fill the void. We have had quite a few applications but they will be hard to replace. I will reiterate that the positions are for a dock foreman and a head of house-keeping. The dock position entails a general knowledge of outboard motors and boats as well as some construction knowledge as it pertains to docks and general cabin maintenance. The position requires that the successful applicant must be personable, friendly and honest with the guests as well as have the ability to clean fish for the guests (for gratuities). This is a full-time seasonable position with many perks. The full time cabin cleaning position will be for a person with past experience and knowledge of cabin cleaning as well as being personable and honest with the guests. A husband and wife team would be ideal for these positions. Anybody who is a Canadian citizen , has a green card or has landed immigrant status is eligible to apply. We are also attempting to sell the camp but it has proven to be a lengthy process. We will be running the camp for as long as necessary and our health holds out (so far so good). The bookings for this season are pretty much on par with last year and are slowly improving since Covid. May and June are getting pretty much booked-up but there are still some openings. July and August historically are slower to fill but they eventually do fill up. September has still got openings but there again once the season progresses, September tends to fill up as well. Having said all this, it would be wise to call sooner than later if you have a certain week or cabin you would like to claim. We are always close to a phone and look forward to hearing from you. Take care and stay healthy, Gerry and Linda Moran/Kingfisher Resort


Kingfisher Lodge Box 905 #1 Kingfisher Road Perrault Falls, Ontario P0V2K 0



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