Hello again, as I promised, I will update everyone on the status of our national postal strike action. As of yesterday the Canadian postal union were mandated back to work by the federal government. As of yesterday we started getting our backlogged mail delivered again. If anyone is holding off sending their deposit checks in the mail, you can do so again. It may take a week or two to arrive but rest assured, when I receive the check I will mail out a receipt to you which will be your confirmation. I should also mention that May and June are getting pretty booked up but we still have a few cabins still available for those people dedicated to the opening months of fishing season. I get some enquiries from people asking about the weather and lake conditions for the opening months. I usually tell those people that statistically the early months are a little cooler but the ice will have been gone off the lakes for several weeks prior to your arrival. One positive factor is the general absence of hungry mosquitos and most of the flies. The water level is usually higher in the spring as well the lake weeds are lower. You may experience a few spring showers but if you come prepared with rain gear, that shouldn't present a major problem. If anyone has any questions, concerns or requests please don't hesitate to call or text me and I will make every effort to respond to them. My update pamphlets and rate sheets will be on display at the All-Canada sports and fishing shows this winter. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Christmas and New years. Stay warm, Gerry and Linda Moran/ Kingfisher Resort.
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