Time: Friday 10pm-Midnight
Writer: Chris
Mod name: On the Brink
Tags: Fear, Cannibalism, Potential for Combat
Description: Having been closed for the last month, some folks outside the facility have begun panicking. Food must be running low and water must be gone. Tensions are high and fear is fueling that. All over the posting boards are missing posters of various people who have not returned from the facility. A small group of people in the compound are looking for anyone willing to dive into the facility and find their friends. There isn’t much to offer, just a hope that their friends are still alive.
Time: Friday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Zak
Mod name: Mortus Somnum
Tags: Mortis, Experimentation
Description: With the doors opening up again everyone is finding their way to try and learn the secrets hidden inside of this facility under the Restorator encampment. As they do, the halls become like a maze with dark corridors, opening and closing hallways, and a strange smell in the air. The kind that lives somewhere between the stale air of the present, and the metallic tang of a past that feels. Just out of reach.
Time: Friday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Tori
Mod name: Bad Vibes
Tags: Forced Medical Experimentation, Body Horror, Hallucinations, Investigation
Description: A new door opened up in the depths of the facility with a switch to further release the lockdown protocols, but for whatever reason the Restorators refuse to step foot in there. They’re claiming it “sets their teeth on edge” and have called it “unsettling” and “just bad.” Despite being no strangers to abandoned places and being relatively combat-trained, they’re asking for assistance in checking out this room. Either they’re all collectively hallucinating or something is actually going on in there, so if you’re going in, keep your guard up.
Time: Friday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Santi
Mod name: Dissociative Dissonance
Tags: Horror, Potentially Lethal, Science, Experimentation
Description: One of the lab levels needed to unlock the main bulkhead leading further into the complex has been opened. Desperate to get to more of the trapped Resorators down below, The Restorator are asking anyone willing to delve into this lab to find the opening mechanism to please help
Time: Saturday Noon-2:00pm
Writer: Alex Guzzo
Mod name: Flickering Hopes
Tags: Body Horror, Gore, Stealth, Risk of Infection Loss, Prey
Description: Alright I get it no one wants to go down there it reeks of bad juju but we got people down there. I'm not looking for any heroes I just need some people to go with us and see if any of this situation is salvageable. Theirs already Restorators down their trying to figure this place out. Even if we can't find any people surveying the area should be helpful.
Time: Saturday Noon-2:00pm
Writer: Chris
Mod name: Drop the Beat
Tags: KQC, Body Horror, Combat
Description: Having seen the missing posters, a small group approaches whoever will listen. This group of KQC mention their Front Man went into the facility last month, but hasn’t come out since the door opened. They don’t know where their front man could have gone, but they truly need some people to go in and find their front man. They’re not sure the band will continue without them.
Time: Saturday 4pm - 6pm
Writer: Alex Guzzo
Mod name: Frequency Source
Tags: Possible Gore, Looming Threats, Conspiracy
Description: We noticed that some of our transmissions out of the area have been disturbed for the last few months. Turns out when the doors opened, we found where that signal was coming from. it's under our feet and we intend to go down and find out what's going on. This place has been dangerous so we would really appreciate some back up incase stuff gets too hairy.
Time: Saturday 7pm - 9pm
Writer: Zak
Mod name: Birds In the Building Syndrome
Tags: Puzzle, Combat, Experimentation
Description: There have been many reports over the last few weeks over several people hearing the sounds of a large grouping of high pitched birds singing and calling behind the halls of the mountain. The noise is thought to be in some way or another connected with the security lockdowns that keep happening around the facility trapping people inside and changing where people have access. A group is being put together to where a possible security area is to help disable it, and maybe stop that awful noise.
Time: Saturday 7pm - 9pm
Writer: Tori
Mod name: Breach & Clear
Tags: Investigation, Combat, Body Horror
Description: In a newly opened area of the facility, some strange noises can be heard from behind a door. The door SHOULD be unlocked, but the issue seems to be with opening it given that the handle appears to have been ripped off. There may be another lever behind it to further release the lockdown, but also if whatever’s behind that door is a threat, then we need to handle it quickly before it can get out and wreak havoc.
Time: Saturday 7pm - 9pm
Writer: Alejandro
Mod name: Purpose Unbound
Tags: Body Horror, Cruel Experimentation, Mortis, Faith
Description: A Lot of the people who have shown up to help with this situation seem to have disappeared. I heard that it was because of something going on down in that lab, someone should take care of that before more people get hurt.
Time: Saturday 10pm - Midnight
Writer: Chris
Mod name: Send the Pain Below
Tags: Jonesing, Exploration, Puzzles, Body Horror
Description: As the gather has progressed, more and more people have come out of the facility. Talks of a horrific hellscape have spread throughout the compound, yet rumors of immaculate treasures also come through. Doors have opened and halls have been left unexplored. There are things to be found in this facility and treasures to behold.
Time: Saturday 10pm - Midnight
Writer: Zak
Mod name: Site-14
Tags: Lethal, Puzzle, Eyes in the Dark
Description: In the abandoned halls, an empty chambers of this new and strange facility, secrets and danger run hand in hand. With most of the Restorators still unaccounted for, parties are being asked to scour the facility to look for any and all possible leads. One such lead has led to what is being called Site-14, where a few of the Restorators have already been sent on a rescue mission to find their lost allies. They have not returned. We need more people.
Time: Saturday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Alex Guzzo
Mod name: Behind the walls into the deep dark
Tags: Possible infection loss, Gore, Conspiracy, Stealth , possible mortis
Description: This is the lowest of the labs we have found yet. We have already sent some teams down there to investigate but none of them have come back up yet. We are so close to getting to the bottom of this whole situation. Maybe if we send one last team down of people who can hold their own, we can turn this whole situation around.
Time: Saturday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Tori
Mod name: Sneaking Suspicion
Tags: Stealth, Potential Combat, Undead, Potentially Lethal
Description: This area of the facility is a bit different from the others that have opened up. It appears to have been a storeroom more than a lab, but for whatever reason, it’s filled with undead. Far more zed than any reasonable group of people could likely manage. We know there are levers in there and need to get to them to release more of the lockdown, but likely the best way to handle this is to sneak around the zed and pull the levers and then sneak back out.
Time: Saturday Midnight - 2am
Writer: Alejandro
Mod name: The Depth of Zealotry
Tags: Faith, Trauma, Lethal, Cruel Experiments, Psychological Horror
Description: A Fallow Hope Acolyte has been researching where the elusive Rambo Templars came from as well as mysterious disappearances of various NoA's in the local area, having found some clues leading to this facility they need help to find the truth behind this Project Archangel
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