Day 21 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 21 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Diamond Light
Diamonds symbolize luxury, beauty and strength. They are considered to be the hardest substance in the world and also one of the most beautiful. This is a rare and amazing combination that represents an important truth: we can exude strength and beauty in all its forms – kindness, love, gentleness, understanding and compassion.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in the incredibly high energy vibration of the pure diamond, including the knowledge that YOU are precious and deserve the best in everything life has to offer. This Alignment also activates your cells, DNA and energy bodies with the full power of Diamond Light vibration.
4.Dolphin Alignment
The sweet, joyful Dolphin is an incredibly intelligent, and spiritual being. Dolphins have the effortless ability to communicate and live with one another in pure harmony and they embody the energies of love, peace and play.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in high vibrational Dolphin Energy. This includes the energies of play, joy, peace and the ability to connect, communicate and live in harmony with any community you choose to belong to. This Alignment will also help you open up and/or amplify your psychic abilities.
Andarian Opalescent Pink
The energy of the Divine Mother is the energy of unconditional love, understanding and compassion. When this energy is strong in our life, we are able to heal ourselves and others, quickly and completely.
This Alignment Will…
Awaken the energy of the Divine Mother, bringing in deep love and compassion. It carries the energy of the dove and the rose. It will help you see clearly through the eyes of unconditional love. This alignment is heart healing, as it clears and activates the heart chakra. It is especially beneficial if you are suffering from grief, heartbreak and heartache.
Day 20 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 20 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Some Maui Energy!!
The earth beneath our feet – the land – supports us, holds us up and it is the plane on which we live our lives. Aina is the Hawaiian word for “Land” and the land on these gorgeous islands is sacred land.
This Alignment Will…
Connect you to the sacred lands of the world, assisting you in returning soul fragments or aspects of self you may have lost there. This alignment will clear trauma experienced in these places, as well as resolve oaths, vows, contracts and curses attached to specific places, that you may be holding throughout time and space, from your ancestors, or from the collective.
Blessings of the Rain
Rain was considered as a blessing from the Gods in ancient times. Rain cleanses and clears. It revitalizes and restores. Rain has the power to transform – from barren to fertile, from empty to full, from scarce to abundant. This alignment came through to me in the center of the island of Kauai in Hawaii, during an intense rainfall.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in the vibration of life-giving rain that falls after a drought. It embodies the energy of abundance - the feast after a famine. You can also use this alignment to send the energy of rain to anywhere that needs it, on this planet.
Sonjia healed multiple things with Sacred Soul Alignments- including a chronic precancerous digestive issue she was in medication for for 10 years! Sacred Soul Alignment starts in just 2 DAYS!!
Day 19 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 19 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Setting Up Your Day / Travel
White Seamless Suit
Healers are highly sensitive, and often empathic, souls. We can often pick up dense, negative energies such as emotional stress, pain, heartache, anger and difficult experiences from others, taking them on as our own. This is energetically draining and can cause fear and resistance to living and working as a healer. An energetic “White Seamless Suit” provides the ultimate protection from negative energies so we can feel safe, centered and calm at all times.
This Alignment Will…
Generate an energetic White Seamless Suit around your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. If you are in a location or situation where several layers of this suit are needed
Activate Your Magnetism
We’re born with our own natural, distinctive magnetic energy that attracts the right people and opportunities to us.This magnetic energy acts as a beacon shining our light out. But over time, many of us learn to hide or suppress this energy because of the messages or lessons we learn around shame, guilt and shining too bright. This can leave us feeling empty, lonely and isolated.
This Alignment Will…
Activate your innate magnetism so authentic confidence can flow through you. You will also have your pheromones – your physical body’s individual signal of attraction – turned up. This combination will magnetize people to you - not just your romantic soulmate but other kindred spirits such as loving, supportive friends, ideal clients, perfect business partners.
Ground Yourself & Stabilize Your Emotions
So many things can unground and destabilize us, and once we get ungrounded, it can be challenging to stabilize.
This Alignment will…
Bring in several supportive frequencies to pull your energy back into your body, and anchor into the Heart of Gaia, as it recalibrates your emotions and emotional body. This is also clearing trauma related
Day 18 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 18 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Focus: Releasing Dense Trapped Emotions
Digestive Disorders 1
This Alignment Will…
Bring into harmony the body’s ability to accept, process and utilize fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It clears and resolves Anger, Fear, Guilt, Trauma from abuse, resentment, and the inability to accept love. It brings in the ability to feel safe, protected, and secure, as well as how to accept and receive love, how to live with discernment, what it feels like to be loved and cherished, and to embody Source Love .
Digestive Disorders 2
This Alignment Will…
Activate the body’s ability to be in harmony with the digestive system and body parts, hormones and body chemistry, and the bacteria within the digestive system. It pulls trapped emotions being held in the digestive system and affecting the digestive system. This alignment dissolves negative hooks, cords and attachments to people, places and lower vibration energies and emotions. It brings in the ability to experience joy, worthiness, harmony, freedom.
Fascia is the fabric that holds our bodies together and gives us shape and structure, it is a web-like membrane that wraps, interweaves and connects all body parts. Every single part of our bodies, every single single cell, is connected to this crystal-like lattice.
The fascia brings in energy and information through its own independent nervous system. Fascia is an expression of how we feel and think—our past experiences, our attitudes and our patterns.
Metaphysically, issues within the fascia can lead to feeling restricted, helpless, fearful, frozen, angry, frustrated, brittle. We hold Sadness, pain and past trauma in our fascia
“Fascia plays a vital role in the following functions: Cellular respiration; Elimination; Metabolism; Fluid and Lymph flow; Repair by deposition of repair tissue; Conversion of body heat; Fat storage; Ce
Special 7/7 Portal Edition- Day 17 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Special 7/7 Portal Edition- Day 17 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Sacred Soul Symbols:
This Symbol is primarily used to open up to new possibilities and to bring awareness to the possibilities that are being offered or that exist
Quantum Leap
This symbol is primarily used for life and soul evolution to quantum leap into a higher timeline where your desires exist
Highest Intentions
We are powerful Creator Beings, and our intentions hold the power to create in our reality. Our intentions color and flavor every one of our experiences and the results we achieve in all areas of our life. It is important to set conscious intentions that are in alignment with our true self so we can easily create what we desire to experience in our reality.
This Alignment Will…
Allow you to gather the full power behind your intentions and channel that energy in the direction you want it to go, thus amplifying the potency of your intentions. You can use this alignment also to infuse an object, image, etc with the energy of your intentions. For instance, you will be able to "charge" a crystal, a candle, a beloved photo or any other object with this Alignment so it can hold your intentions and send them out into the Universe in the Highest and Best way. This Alignment will also clear blocks and resistance to fully having/doing/being and stepping into your intention.
Citrine unlocks creativity, brings clarity and magnifies manifestation work. It helps to open to Divine Will and heals feelings of powerlessness. Citrine also strengthens physical stamina and endurance, and supports the endocrine system and balances metabolism. It carries the Fire Element and works with the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.
*note that most stones sold as citrine are actually heat treated amethyst. To find natural citrine look for pale yellow rather than orange/amber.
This Alignment Will…
Assist you in manifestation work, clea
Day 16 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 16 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Gratitude is foundational for creating happiness, and for manifesting our desires! There are studies that have been done that have shown 5 minutes of daily gratitude journaling raises happiness more than doubling income!
This Alignment will…
Bring in a powerful infusion of gratitude and the ability to be grateful for every now moment
so you can tangibly feel that frequency in your body and direct it into your life! You will feel more joyful and connected to the Oneness of All.
We are beings of light and love. We are inherently worthy but we stay small and dim our light without even knowing it because of layers of fears and doubts around our infinite value. These false thoughts and beliefs of unworthiness continuously emanate into all areas of our lives. They cast shadows, and create struggles and challenges in our relationships with others, with ourselves, with time, money, health and with life itself.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in unconditional love and acceptance to where your mind or your ego is desiring to keep you small, because of fear, doubt or beliefs around unworthiness. This alignment will also bring in divine healing light to your cells, your subtle bodies, and also into your Pillar of Light, which begins above your crown chakra at your soul star chakra, through to your 12 chakra column and into the earth to your earth star chakra, allowing for extraordinary expansion.
Day 15 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 15 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Activating the Ability to Heal Self and Others
Some of us carry unconscious (or sometimes even conscious) embedded beliefs, and energetic oaths, vows and contracts that we simply cannot heal or be healed by others. We believe that sickness, pain and struggle will bring us closer to God or serve to help us expand and reach our highest potential as healers. This belief often manifests as persistent illness, causing healers to remain sick in their own bodies even as they heal others.
Healers often also carry beliefs that they are not worthy of “being a healer”, that being a healer means walking the path in poverty, in struggle, in sacrifice, in pain in illness or that doing healing work is wrong, bad and only God, Priests or doctors are allowed to do healing work.
This Alignment Will…
Clear your beliefs, oaths and vows that you must suffer in some way, experience illness or feel any kind of emotional or spiritual pain to live and work as a gifted healer, and the beliefs around being unworthy, undeserving or lacking the ability to do healing work. This alignment is also activating your OWN natural ability to be physically, emotionally and spiritually healed and to heal others, through your OWN Source connection.
PLUS stay on for a special class where I will be discussing
❓ What are Sacred Soul Alignments?
❓ HOW do they work? What are they doing??
❓ Can ANYONE learn how to use them, or do you have to be "gifted" or already a practicing healer?
Today, I am peeling back the curtain like never before to give you a sneak peek inside an alignment, to show you how I create them and exactly what they are doing!
THEN - in my FB Group only- I will be staying on IN MY GROUP where I will be doing live healings for those who join me LIVE - and ALL can receive the healing, both live and on replay ❤️
Day 14 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 14 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Free At Last
We can be held in an invisible prison that is made up of many things - the past, our own beliefs and emotions, such as anger, guilt and shame, outdated oaths, vows and contracts and hooks and cords to people or places that are not serving us. Being in this energetic prison causes us to stay stuck where we are even if we have big dreams and desires that we want to bring forth into reality.
This Alignment Will…
Free you from what is holding you prisoner. It will give you Source’s understanding of true freedom on every level and it will help you to live in this energy of freedom so you can move forward and create the reality that you desire.
True Freedom
So many of us believe that specific situations, people or circumstances are blocking our freedom. This causes us to hold back from living in line with our true purpose and being who we truly are and in this way, true freedom will remain out of reach.
This Alignment Will…
Clear and resolve beliefs and blocks around believing that we cannot experience true freedom because of specific situations, people or circumstances. This Alignment brings in the energy of true freedom, that you are worthy, safe and allowed to experience true freedom, and bring you into more embodiment of your Sovereignty.
7th Ray of Light: (Violet)
The 7th Ray of Light is the Ray of Freedom and Ceremonial Magic. St Germain and his Violet Flame, Merlin and Archangel Zadkiel you in connecting to and anchoring in the 7th Ray of Light to bring Transmutation and the mastery of creative energy. This is the most tangible and expressive of all rays and it holds the Divine qualities of love, mercy, compassion, spiritual transfiguration and transformation, and freedom.
This Alignment Will…
Bring forgiveness, understanding, diplomacy, tolerance, true freedom and transformation of fear into love.
When you are spiritually sovereign, yo
Day 13 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 13 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Unwinding Self Sabotage & Procrastination
This alignment goes deep into unwinding and dissolving patterns of Self Sabotage, including procrastination, going to the root of unworthiness and fear that created these patterns, including trauma from past occurrences of sabotage, and the “frozen” energies of procrastination. It is also dissolving patterns of perfectionism, not being able to take action due to fear of “not being perfect”, and the patterns that are creating fear of being seen, being visible.
It brings in the knowledge and understanding of what it feels like to take aligned, inspired action, and to have that action be successful.
Unwinding Collective Fear & False Lack Matrix
This alignment goes deep into unwinding and dissolving trauma from eons of being in the fear and lack matrix, and oaths, vows and contracts that are keeping you stuck in or connected to the fear or lack matrix that is creating cycles of poverty, struggle and suffering.
It brings in the knowledge and understanding of what it feels like to be truly sovereign.
Unlocking Financial Freedom
This Alignment brings in the energy of true financial freedom, independent of reliance on governments, companies, other people, or any other being or entity, in order to be and feel financially free, that you are worthy, safe and allowed to experience true financial freedom, to be in your own sovereign power, independence, and recognize your own unique power to achieve your goals and dreams in a way that supports your Highest Good and the Highest Good of all. It is activating the cellular memories of all times you have been or felt financially free.
Day 12 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 12 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
You Can Have It All
We are all familiar with the phrase, “you CAN’T have it all.” This phrase or something like it is often used to soothe and console those who are struggling with or facing a difficulty or challenge in one or two aspects of their lives while enjoying happiness and success in other areas. While this phrase is often uttered with good intentions, it is completely false. Releasing any and all related fears that support this false belief will set you free to finally experience what it means to have it all.
This Alignment Will…
Brings in the knowledge, understanding and perspective that you CAN have it all. It clears fears around having to choose, about losing one thing in order to have another - such as losing love to experience wealth. This Alignment also brings in what it feels like to have it all, that you are worthy and safe to have it all as it clears fears of external judgment, punishment, and jealousy others may have around you having it all.
Abundance of the Ocean
Universal energy is available to every one of us at all times and because abundance – like all things – is a form of energy, we can connect into abundance as deep and as vast as the ocean, anytime we want.
This Alignment Will...Allow you to tap into abundance that is as vast and as deep as the ocean and channel it into your life. This Alignment brings in the knowledge and energy you need to bring abundance into all aspects of your life and it will connect you into the unlimited abundance available to us on this planet.
Expanding Into Infinite Abundance
This Alignment works with your Divine Aspect through your own Source Connection, and with several sacred technologies, to open to and expand into Infinite Abundance, expanding your abundance consciousness in all areas of your life, so you have the energetic space to receive infinite abundance, and the ability to hold and anchor that
You're here for a reason.... ❤️
Have you been praying for something to open up for you to step onto your path? 🙌 👼
Sacred Soul Alignment could be the answer to your prayers ✨
We start our journey July 11, are you coming? ❤️
Day 11 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 11 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Cosmologist and astrophysicist Carl Sagan said, “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the Universe to know itself” and this is absolutely true. In our human existence, it is important to remember who we truly are and to bring all of ourselves to every part of our lives.
This Alignment Will….
Strengthen your connection to ALL That Is. It will call back all of the parts of you- the stardust- that has been scattered throughout time and space so you can feel strong, whole and authentic as you move through the world .
Miracles happen every moment of every day and most of us miss them. One of the reasons for this is we feel we are unable or powerless to create what we want. Our dreams and desires feel out of reach or even impossible. This is simply not true. You can create anything – including miracles - because you are a miracle yourself.
This Alignment Will…
Bring the energy of miracles. It will allow you to see the miracles that surround you right now, as well as the belief and ability to create miracles on a daily basis.
Day 10 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 10 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Crown Chakra Alignment
The Crown Chakra is located at the crown of the head. A balanced Crown Chakra allows us to reach higher spiritual truths including the truth that we are all one and that we are part of a unified field of love and light. This Chakra is essentially our center for universal energies and our own Source Connection. It is related to mystical powers and intuitive knowledge that exist far beyond the realm of thought.
This Alignment Will…
Clear unhealthy attachment and traumas connected to withheld information, forced religious beliefs, misinformation, lies, spiritual abuse, and spiritual addiction. This Alignment brings in the energy of transcendence and belief in something beyond yourself. It also brings in the energies of union, vision, knowledge, awareness, meaning, intelligence, openness to new ideas, and being guided by your inner wisdom as well as Higher Power.
Skeletal System Alignment.
The Skeletal System is the support of our physical body. It includes all of the bones and joints in the body. Each one of our 206 bones is an elaborate living organ that is made up of many cells, protein fibers, and minerals. The skeleton also protects the soft tissues that make up the rest of the body. Feeling supported and protected are emotional and belief issues of the skeletal system, as well as issues around trust. The skeletal system is directly connected to the crown chakra.
This alignment will...
Align the bones of the body, reduce inflammation in the joints, soothe the nerves, and bring into balance the communication of the skeletal system with all parts of the body. It will clear any programs of untruth, distortion, lies, deception, hidden agendas, any implants and control devices in the skeletal system. This energy will cleanse, clear and expand the crown chakra and attune each individual to the vibration of truth from their I AM and bring in clarity and disc
Day 8 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 9 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation
Nervous System
Our nervous system is the central communication system in our body. It carries messages between our brain and spinal cord to various parts of our body. A healthy nervous system allows the smooth coordination and control of all parts of the body for complete internal harmony.
This Alignment Will…
Create a perfect connection between your body and your brain as it balances perception, emotion, thought processes and your response to the environment. This alignment also brings
healing to your brain and nerves, spinal cord and nerve endings. It allows full control and
smooth coordination of body functions and reflex patterns that were both inherited and
learned. It releases negative thought forms, and patterns of addiction and brings in the
ability to communicate effectively and with love, while activating truth and discernment from Creator’s perspective.
Limbic System
We have a 3 brain system that allows us to go from thinking, to doing, to being: Reptilian or Primal Brain (Basal Ganglia) Paleomammalian or Emotional Brain (Limbic System) Neomammalian or Rational Brain (Neocortex)
The limbic system contains four main parts: the hypothalamus, the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus.
The limbic system is in charge of memory storage and retrieval, establishing emotional states, and linking the conscious with the unconscious.
Damage to the limbic system can result from physical trauma, or emotional traumas such as witnessing or enduring abuse, violence, loss/death of a loved one, and childhood abandonment or neglect.
These traumatic events can physically alter the parts of the brain that govern sensory inputs and emotional response.
Issues with the physical structure or chemical balance of the limbic system have been associated with PTSD, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, depression, anxiety, rage, epilepsy, schizophrenia, dementia, and ADHD.
The limbi
Day 8 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 8 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Broken Release
So many of us struggle with the belief that we are not enough. We believe we are somehow broken and this belief may be buried deep in our unconscious or we may have clear, conscious thoughts and fears about it. This creates a great deal of needless emotional and mental pain because the divine truth is we are all born absolutely perfect - just the way we are.
This Alignment Will…
Release the feeling that you are broken and that there is something wrong with you. It will release the belief that you need to be fixed, and it brings in the knowledge that you are whole, perfect, untarnished just as you are.
Believe in Yourself
Forms of self doubt, unworthiness and fear can lead to a lack of belief in ourselves and our own abilities. Even a fear of our own power, if we have misused it or had power wielded against us, can cause us to lose belief in ourselves.
This Alignment will…
Bring in the ability to love, accept and believe in yourself through the lens of your own Source Connection, as it ultimately brings you back into remembrance of your true divine nature.
To see Sacred Soul Alignment Certification-
Day 7 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 7 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
PLUS Intimate Heart Gathering with several of my Sacred Soul Alignment Practitioners.
You can ask us ANYTHING you want to about working with Sacred Soul Alignments to heal yourself and others and manifest your big goals and dreams 🤩
Divine Recognition and Clarity
The gift of divine recognition and clarity is essential for our health, happiness and spiritual expansion as it gives us the invaluable ability to distinguish and discern who and what is right for us. It allows us to connect and communicate only with that which is for our highest and best good.
This Alignment Will…
Strengthen your own ability to intuitively recognize that which is in your highest and best good through the lens of your own Divinity. It clears the channel between your human self and your Divine self that already exists within you so you will have a powerful, unshakeable connection that brings through Divine recognition and clarity.
Spark of God Alignment
We are ALL Divine...we are all sparks of God. Sometimes we have just forgotten that we are so much more than these human bodies. “We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ~French philosopher, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
This Alignment Will…
This alignment reminds you of who you actually are- Sparks of God! This will bring in the knowledge of your true self at this level and allow you to embody the Human expression of the Divine.
To see Sacred Soul Alignment Certification-
Day 6 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 6 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Pain as Sacred Healing
Painful experiences that purify our soul are a part of our journey into spiritual evolution and ascension. However, it is important to know how to tell the difference between pain that purifies and pain that causes us harm or that does not belong to us.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in the energy of purifying your pain and integrating it as sacred healing. This Alignment will release the pain and negative emotions that do not belong to you, giving you discernment to decipher the difference between pain as sacred healing, pain that does not belong to you, and pain that is an echo of the past so you can let go of pain that does not serve your spiritual evolution.
Ground Yourself & Stabilize Your Emotions
So many things can unground and destabilize us, and once we get ungrounded, it can be challenging to stabilize.
This Alignment will…
Bring in several supportive frequencies to pull your energy back into your body, and anchor into the Heart of Gaia, as it recalibrates your emotions and emotional body. This is also clearing trauma related to and connected with Gaia herself that may be making it difficult for some to stay anchored in. This alignment also offers an energetic protection.
There are many things that can knock us “off kilter”- from illness, to low frequency emotions, taking on other’s energies, disappointing, painful, or traumatic experiences, just to name a few.
This Alignment Will…
Bring in a recalibration of your 4 body system: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical bodies, including recalibrating your chakras, nervous system, meridians and energetic bodies.
To see Sacred Soul Alignment Certification-
If YOU are feeling stuck, Sacred Soul Alignment can get you UNstuck!
Day 4 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Day 5 - 21 Day Immersion into the Heart of Creation with Elysia Hartzell
Authority Trauma Disconnect
Most people have had some sort of traumatic experience with authority, whether it is early in life with a parent or caregiver, in school, at work, or with a religious, societal or another person in authority over us (or who we believe is in authority over us)
This Alignment Will…
Dissolve the trauma around these experiences multidimensionally, bring deep healing into those relationships and dissolve false programming around authority, putting you more fully back into your own authority, through your own Source connection.
Claiming Your Voice
Your voice is a beautiful, energetic bridge of self-expression. It connects you to the outside world, and allows others to know and understand you. It works like a magical channel that lets you claim your rightful place as you move through life.
This Alignment Will…
Work magic on your Throat Chakra. It will clear the traumas, emotions and beliefs that have accumulated there, causing you to lose your voice in any area of your life. This Alignment will activate your Throat Chakra so you can speak up and stand up for yourself and what you believe in a way that supports your Highest Good.
To see Sacred Soul Alignment Certification-