Monday evening NYS Tour Boat Association members enjoyed a great dinner & socializing at Seneca Harbor Station in Watkins Glen, NY.
Yesterday, NYSTBA members had their fall meeting aboard Captain Bills Seneca Lake Cruises vessel “Seneca Legacy” with presentations by:
Sarah Ferretti from the National Passenger Vessel Association,
U.S. Coast Guard Great Lakes Inspector, Corey M. Parish,
updates sent by NYS Parks Marine Division,
a discussion about electric tour boats,
James Robinson of Robinson & Son Insurance,
updates/slides sent from New York State Tourism Industry Association,
a discussion about merchandise for businesses,
Bill Sweitzer from the NYS Canal Corporation,
Remembering member David Kay of CLAYTON ISLAND TOURS,
a discussion about things that worked well & challenges for member businesses this season,
+ a business meeting.
During lunch everyone enjoyed a 1-hour cruise aboard “Seneca Legacy” on Seneca Lake on a BEAUTIFUL day.
Thanks to:
Mark Smiele of Captain Bills for hosting,
Monday dinner sponsor - Robinson & Son Insurance,
our presenters,
& our members who attended
for another great meeting.
Our next meeting will be in April 2025
(Details in progress)