Immigrant Masters Unite

Immigrant Masters Unite Do You feel like you are meant for something BIGGER, help others, be the change in the world? Then Can you imagine what will happen? I know it will! I promise you!

Tony Robbins says and I echo his words:

“I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.”

Do You feel like you are meant for something BIGGER, something that IMPACTS THE WORLD around us, where YOU matter, where you help someone else, where YOU ARE the change in the world? If that speaks to you, the

n like this page and join Masters Unite Movement and be apart of a NEW Change! Imagine being apart of a movement where EVERY person is a Master in their own right, coming from a different walks of life and each person is a giver looking to make an impact on the world. Now imagine that movement having millions of like minded people who drive towards a New change helping other around the world, from giving a homeless men his next meal to donating $1million dollars to a impactful organization to just spreading the word within their own circle. That’s when impossible becomes possible. That’s when things that have never moved are now moving. That’s when each individual Master collectively bonds with others to create new change in the world! That's what we're here to do with Masters Unite. We are going to grow ourselves & we are going to allow other people to grow with us & around us. And my goal, from the bottom of my heart, is that this is going to create a ripple effect, that's going to create an entirely new movement around this world to really create a different way we live. Think about it, what if there is a charity that is doing something that really helps people out, but doesn’t have the resources and we are able to donate $100,000 to it? Would that make a real difference for them? As part of Masters Unite, You will be able to take your life to the next level. You will be able to grow, gain experience and powerful knowledge. Most importantly, you’ll be among other Masters like yourself that will be impacting the world. You’ll not only grow yourself but we’ll grow collectively as ONE body! And you’ll have the opportunity to impact a world in a way that you have never thought would be possible for you! So, consider being apart of this movement...

(1) Like this page
(2) Share it with your Facebook friends
(3) And most importantly, do something today, help someone, donate a $1, $2, $100 or even $100,000 to someone in need and then SHARE it Right here on Masters Unite page so others can be impacted by your contribution to the world...

because here...

Masters Unite & Transform Lives. Live As a Master,

Polish Peter

Many of you know I'm a coach and run one of the most unique events that I GET TO DO, the Lifeonaire Get-a-Life Getaways....

Many of you know I'm a coach and run one of the most unique events that I GET TO DO, the Lifeonaire Get-a-Life Getaways. I love helping people create amazing, abundant lives, and then seeing that transformation spread among their friends and family.

The way all of this starts is with having a VIsion - a blueprint that guides and outlines exactly what that dream life looks like, and how to actually achieve it in the real world.

We show people how to create a Vision at our 3-day Get-A-Life Getaway. It's an incredibly powerful event that has changed the lives of over 10,000 attendees. Check out or the video attached to this post to give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

The reason I'm telling you this is because our last Get-A-Life event of the year is coming up November 7-9 in Orlando FL.

So, if you're sick of compromising or settling, or if you feel stuck in life—or if life is decent but you know it could be better and you're ready for a change—please DM me, and I might be able to get you into the event.


Have you ever heard of the terms upper cervical care, upper cervical adjustment, or atlas bone adjustment? Do you have health problems such as gut problems, headaches, migraines, stomach issues, neck pains, sinuses, different pains in your body? Listen to this episode & remember this phrase: Atlas b...


Great podcast episode for Immigrant Masters Unite that went live today. Check it out. Have you ever heard of the GOLD Method? If not, listen to this...


Earlier today, I had a group coaching call with my students and this is what I told one of my students. What do you think? I like to keep it simple. :)

Have you ever heard of someone building a multi-million dollar company and wondered how they did it?  I am sure you have...

Have you ever heard of someone building a multi-million dollar company and wondered how they did it? I am sure you have as it happens all the time. But how, right? Or.. Have you ever someone build this successful company starting from scratch AND because of their own need? Or... Maybe you already have a business and are looking for ways to grow it. [ 417 more words ]

Have you ever heard of someone building a multi-million dollar company and wondered how they did it? I am sure you have as it happens all the time. But how, right? Or.. Have you ever someone build this successful company starting from scratch AND because of their own need? Or… Maybe you already ha...


Here's something that I feel compelled to share. (Got a nudge so here goes..)

I was listening to a live stream today from my church about the Palm Sunday. If you know that story behind it, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and crowd gathered praising him, cheering and HOPING that he will do what they knew of him, perform miracles, save them or whatever it is that they wanted from him.

He didn't end up doing exactly what they wanted from him though.

5 days later, they crucified him.

Here's the takeaway from this...

We all want God to show up for us in a way that we FEEL and want for him to show up, especially during this time. We have a vision, a plan, a prayer that we want and hope that he will fulfill for us.

The thing is... we don't see the BIG plan that he has for us. We don't see the bigger picture. We only see OUR own limited picture.

And... we don't get what we want, pray and hope for.


Let us consider this...

That God comes through for us in a way that we NEED him right now. Not how we want him (how we think, feel, hope) but what HE KNOWS WE NEED right now. Because he knows the bigger plan for each one of us.

So, right now, as we are going though this, for some of us, it's tough, it can be scary, it can be fearful, maybe we lost a loved one already because of the virus.

And right now, he gives us exactly what he knows we need right now. For some of us...'s more time with our kids (because we haven't really been WITH THEM that much before this virus).
.. it's more time in the bible (because we lost the relationship with him)'s more time at home (if you are alone, maybe he knows you need to grow in being with yourself. If you are with your significant other, maybe there's tension and this time can teach us how to communicate better)
.. it's more time outside in the nature (you have no idea how many people I saw walking today with their dogs, riding bikes with their kids and so forth).

and much more...

So, reflect at this time and ask, what is it that during this time, during the quarantine, I am suppose to learn and GROW or CONTRIBUTE to others, or even myself?

And maybe, that will change the entire perspective for you.

Hope this helped.

Polish Peter

I will tell you this... looking back at my tough times in my own life, like my divorce in 2011, I see now how God gave me exactly what I NEEDED at that time, not what I wanted. During that period, I grew the most I have ever grown in my life. And, he was there, walking alongside of me, THE ENTIRE TIME! And he is there with you NOW!

picture: taken from the service at Kensington Church in Michigan.


Join me on a FB live tomorrow April 3rd, 2020 at 12pm EST. Here's what we'll cover. :)


Hope you can make it this Friday for this powerful FB live I'm doing. This needs to be said during this time. :)

What if I told you that in order to succeed in life, you have to follow certain universal laws?   And what if I told you...

What if I told you that in order to succeed in life, you have to follow certain universal laws? And what if I told you that one of the most important laws you need to follow is the Law of Love? Would you listen, would you try it out? If you said yes, then you have to listen to this episode of Immigrant Masters Unite. [ 486 more words ]

What if I told you that in order to succeed in life, you have to follow certain universal laws? And what if I told you that one of the most important laws you need to follow is the Law of Love? Would you listen, would you try it out? If you said yes, then you…Continue Reading →


8785 Hall Road Suite #181101
Utica, MI


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