I’ve never been to a pet shop in my life and not been bitten by something! The worse was a Goanna! But I’m willing to bet this Scarlet Macaw right here was going to change that so I didn’t let him! All these birds are about 40 years old, that’s gods honest truth! Look how nappy all’of’em are! What’s the deal with Parrots they only like one person in their life, that’s it I don’t like that and they definitely know how to use that beak! As delicate to open sunflower seeds and flip the fruit out with like one bite, or full on Goanna! Them 2yellow Napes live as long as I say in the video! I mean I guess you just will them to like three generations! Why can’t dogs live that long? #parrots #scarletmacaws #yellownapes
How many Lash’ens does it take, to get to the center of the eyeball?! Normally I drop atomic elbows, but sometimes I’m lazy and just use the bat! We still have some dates available this summer, remember this is been the absolute greatest year we have seen in over A long decade! Please contact us at SafariBlueCharters.com 504-559-3556 @londonfishes @capefearcats @simradyachting #yellowfintuna #yellowfintunafishing #yellabacks @venicemarina__ @venicelouisianafishing #venicelouisiana #tunafishing #offshorefishing #charterfishing #gulfofmexico #rigfishing
Real nice Swordy that we reeled I’m in less than 5 min! Gotta love it! Still have dates open contact SafariBlueCharters.com to get in on some of this action! @capefearcats @londonfishes @mercurymarine #xgenerationrods #swordfish #swordfishing #daytimeswordfishing #yellabacks #tunafishing
Throwing circles on a daily! Yesssss sir! Before most ppl get out of bed for work we done did this ump-teen times! Extrapolating pogies by the hundreds to get the party started! Create a school anywhere! @venicemarina__ @pelagicgear @simradyachting @mercurymarine @tunaskin #castnet #baitfising #yellabacks #yellowfintuna #tuna #tunafishing
Past two days we caught well over 50 #largemouthbass Wade fishing in Cow-ponds in a pasture! About a total kick in the ass can’t wait to go back! Vegas went 5 1/2 and the rest were small ones, about to make some fish tacos with a couple of them right now! #bassfishing #freshwaterfishing #pondfishing #bluegill
Catching and milking the venom on the extremely mean and dangerous #watermoccasin don’t try this at home kids! P.s The stench from snake sh*t will sting your nostrils! #cottonmouth #copperhead #bassfishing #snake #venomoussnakes #poisonoussnake @zebralivesmatter @peteragart @tunaskin
@capefearcats 35’ with not a drop of spray! @simradyachting @mercurymarine @venicemarina__ #venicefishing @peteragart #yellofintuna #tunafishing #yellowfintuna
Slice’en through #yellabacks like they free! Get down to Venice La to get on the greatest yellowfin note we have ever seen! @londonfishes @capefearcats #mercurymarine @simradyachting #yellowfintuna #tunafishing @venicemarina__ #pelagic #charterfishing
Good morning and Happy Easter Every1 sorry for the language but people tend to get a little amped up with adrenaline seeing 175 pound yellow fin getting slapped on the deck! @venicemarina__ @londonfishes @capefearcats @peteragart #tunafishing #yellabacks #yellowfintuna #tunafishing #charterfishing #charterboat #rigfishing #pelagic #pelagicfishing @tunaskin
Sweet lil 130lber my father got to reel in all by himself! So proud of my pops! He finally got to enjoy his boat! he got to come down there and go fishing and not work on it all day. I’ll never forget that day!! thank you for all you do for us father! Fishing is still on fire! Please contact Capt. Mikee Mayronne @ 504-559-3556 we are still open to fish private charters, the only people you will be around is your own group plus the CAPT. and Deckhand who are not sick, this yellow fin tuna bite on the other hand I cannot say the same! This has been absolutely the greatest year we have ever seen 200Lber’s are the new 150’s! @mike_mayronne @auz58 @capefearcats @simradyachting @mercurymarine @safaribluecharters @venicemarina__ #yellabacks #yellowfintuna #yellowfintunafishing #offshorefishing #travel #charterfishing #charterboat