In today's fast paced world, the mode of transportation that revolutionized this country has been sidelined. Often, it is relegated to museum spaces alongside the horse and buggy. In certain parts of the country passenger rail service thrives (namely along the East Coast), while two-thirds of the country hardly gives it a second thought.
It's time to reconsider the benefits and advantages of how this, once marvel of technology, currently contributes to the lives of modern day Texas citizens:
1) Economic Impact - passenger rail services creates jobs. With new initiatives in infrastructure, rail service slated to produce up to 160k new jobs over the next few years. It brings tax revenue to local communities by those who use this form of travel. It also spurs new economic development.
In Texas alone, TXDOT estimates 17,862 industry related jobs are created annually. $2.3 Billion in annual salary income to the state with $7.6 Billion value added by the industry itself. More than $14 Billion in business output. $1.5 Billion in local, state and federal tax revenue is generated annually. Texas Rail Advocates estimates that $144 million annually is generated by the single longest line in Texas from Beaumont to El Paso.
2) Reduces Congestion - because of effective train ridership, fewer cars are on the road, relieving congested highways and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It offers a reliable alternative to auto traffic and reduces the need for future interstate expansion.
3) Reduced Travel Times - High Speed rail services offer additional fast and safe transportation options for distance travelers.
4) Weatherproof - with worsening weather conditions trains can travel when cars and planes cannot.