I’m thinking Miranda wanted me to leave her alone…she was quite loud about it. No more eggs yet for today except one that I got when I fed at 8a. I’m getting 5 or 6 eggs a day. Sure helps having “homemade” eggs for guests at DRR.
Mudpie is right on time. She is due on 2/14 and it sounds like she’s about to bring me some Valentine babies. As of noon, no babies yet. I’ll keep you updated.
The Birthing Suite is ready for Mudpie. Checked on using the pine needles as the top layer…. It’s safe for her. She’ll only eat what she feels she needs and the pine needles & dry leaves are a tasty treat along with hay. Stand by for babies!
On this gorgeous WARM day, I’m going to get the “Birthing Suite” ready for Mudpie. She’s due on Valentine’s Day, so I’ll see how she likes the “DRR accommodations” ahead of time and make adjustments accordingly. Using straw bales from Christmas decorations as the bottom layer, topped with regular good hay, and then pine needles on top of that.
Success! DANG!!! It’s cold but everyone of the DRR babies are where they’re supposed to be and I’m heading for Texarkana. Thank heavens for friends who will be looking after the ranch while I’m gone (Erica!!!!) and Billy will be checking in as well. Stay warm.
This makes me happy…cozy and warm. My family of origin….the five “Littke Women, Daddy, and Mother. And then my own little family. The boys and Ben and Morgan’s wedding. Can’t wait to see my little girls tomorrow.
Woke up to a beautiful and COLD day, as did everyone else. Going on a chicken hunt…no idea how/why they got out. No open doors. No broken wires. Missing 3 out of 6 chicks.
I meant to post this on Friday. Someone let ‘em in…..I got ‘em out. My back yard is a little worse for wear.
Here’s my ride….to Texarkana. Let the eating begin.