Drying, fermenting, and root cellaring more each year and less canning and freezing. So many passive, resilient ways to put up food without depending on electricity and other damaging fragilities.
"The best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, the second best time is now."
#treeplanting #agroforestry #silvopasture #regenerativeagriculture #reforestation #treesaretheanswer #nativeplants #firewood #growyourown #pollinators #beekeeping #organicagriculture #sustainableforestry
Black locust - like printing money as Ron Finley famously said, plus you get a huge honey crop, wood more rot resistant than chemically-treated lumber, salads, living fences.. rapid topsoil formation.. a life fountain.
Getting a start on the 2023-2024 strategic wood reserve. The IBC totes have been worth their cost already in just two years and if ya don’t trash em with the tractor should last a couple decades plus. Saves 10,000 lbs moved each year.
I drifted in and out of sleep for hours, each time waking up to a shifting view of the heavens above.
Banks of clouds scuttled by closing and opening apertures into the rest of the universe. Shooting stars sparked across the sky. At some point any tiredness in me evaporated and I found myself gazing at Cassiopeia smack overhead. The rest of our galaxy had rotated from north-south to east-west and the seven sisters had climbed up toward the Milky Way with Mars trailing shortly behind from the east. Saturn led the way further west, followed by Jupiter. Owls called back and forth on the hillside to the south. The warm strong winds swaying the oak overhead.
As the night wore on I could see ever more and a couple of hours later I realized that there was a star cluster coming into clearer view as it moved toward apogee. I grabbed my binoculars and peered through to behold the Andromeda galaxy. Two trillion-odd solar systems emanating as a tiny luminescent cloud. Our neighboring galaxy. The ancient light from Andromeda, traveling for millions of years now streamed into my eyes. Laying on my back in the summer breeze, time traveling.
Earlier in the day I had listened - for as long as I could stomach - to an interview a friend sent me. It was between one of the world’s wealthiest tech billionaires and a podcaster. Both men shared their excitement for virtual and “augmented” reality. Apparently the computer guy spent 10 billion dollars on developing these approaches in 2021 alone. Is the given world not interesting enough for them, or just not a business opportunity, or both? He spoke about the possibility of soon having “realistic human presence” without well, actually being present. It felt like an endless string of jokes with no punchline. I didn’t understand why it was even a topic worth spending energy on much less billions of dollars.
As the first birds began to sing the dawn chorus I couldn’t help but wonder that if the infinite given world wasn
Happy birthday my best little adventure pal Jangles! Reminding me that if you’re gonna go, go wicked hard. And if you’re gonna rest, rest completely. And if you’re gonna love, do it without conditions. Here’s to a big 71st dog year, a ten year old puppy you still are. An inspiration to all of us, love B,E, A, J and even Flow the cat.
Today began to complete a circle that began in the fall of 1999. It was then that I read the Permaculture Designer’s Manual where I found out about J Russel Smith’s work, Tree Crops a Permanent Agriculture. Both of these works changed my life immediately. A few years later I began planting trees. From 2003 to 2013 I planted every spring but the chestnuts never amounted to much (yet), the site being too heavy a soil. In 2013 I began planting a new site, much more well drained. Now in 2021 they are in their second year of bearing and our cows are eating them (as are we a little), most being saved for seed for new trees.
Spending years reading about mythic systems where trees feed animals and people, then seeing them in Corsica once was inspiring but it always felt like a dream. A motivating dream but not probably something that would ever be totally real. Because after-all, no one really does that anymore. The dream was based on faith and mostly just faith. So how could I really believe it?
And I was even mostly fine with it never being real.
But it is real now and it feels strange and satisfying at the same time. The strange part mystifies me.