Making of a Lie-Nielsen Saw:
Part 4 - Assembly & Test Cuts
Before assembly, we test cut each saw blade using a temporary frame. We then install the blade into the brass back and attach the handle. The finished saw is then test cut once more by a different person to ensure straight and precise cuts.
Making of a Lie-Nielsen Saw:
Part 3 - The Handle
Our saw handles are carefully hand shaped and finished for a comfortable, three finger grip.
Rough cherry boards are milled into precisely dimensioned wood blanks. Next, we machine the blanks in our CNC mill and sand them by hand, gently blending the hard edges. After sanding, we dip handles in a gun oil finish and let them cure overnight. The next day, we polish them with a buffing compound on a soft buffing wheel. Now the handles are ready to be fit with blades and backs.
Making of a Lie-Nielsen Saw:
Part 2 - The Blade
Our back saw blades are made from tempered Swedish spring steel (Rockwell 52 for durability and ease of sharpening).
After cutting each blade to length, we punch holes for the handle, precision grind the teeth, and set them with a minimum set to prevent binding while ensuring straight cuts.
Making of a Lie-Nielsen Saw:
Part 1 - The Brass Back
Solid, precision-milled brass backs stiffen the blade and add weight to the saw for well-balanced, smooth cutting. First, the brass is cold drawn using a carbide die. Once the brass backs are delivered to our shop, we cut them to length and machine, stamp, and slot each one.
A new documentary short from British film maker Ben Spilling tells the story of Peter Korn, founder and director of Center for Furniture Craftsmanship.
We were thrilled to have Jeff Miller @furnituremaking join us this past weekend for our annual Open House. Our newest video launch, Chippendale Chairs with Jeff Miller, was just released in a streaming option on our website, and will be available as a DVD very soon.
The Chippendale-style Chair is a project you’ll want to show off, and building one will greatly increase your capabilities as a woodworker. Carefully worked out methods make this chair an accessible — but still challenging – hand tool project.
#woodworkingvideo #handtoolsonly #chippendalefurniture #chairmaking #handtoolthursday #lienielsen #lienielsentoolworks
Watching the No. 62 in action never seems to get old. Come for a tool demo and stay for the company at our Open House until 5:00pm today and all day tomorrow!
#lienielsenopenhouse #handtools #woodworking #madeinmaine #lienielsen #lienielsentoolworks
It may be raining outside, but it is nice and dry inside our showroom! Open House 2019 has officially begun!
#lienielsenopenhouse #handtools #woodworkingcommunity #handtoolsonly #madeinmaine #lienielsen #lienielsentoolworks
Our saws receive their initial filing on machines, as seen in our last video. Once the blade has its teeth cut and set, every saw is hand filed for final sharpening.⠀⠀
Patrick, who has been with Lie-Nielsen for nearly 12 years, has hand filed over 8 million saw teeth for their final sharpening. Counting as he goes, he takes a step after a calculated amount of teeth to maintain a consistent body position. Once sharpened, he checks his work before taking a test cut with every saw to ensure good cutting action. ⠀⠀
Patrick keeps track of how many saws he completes each day, and has sharpened a Dovetail Saw in one pass of 78 seconds! Though speed is not key, his experience and skill speak for themselves as you watch him work. Be sure to say hello to Patrick when you stop in for a tour!⠀⠀
#sharpening #handsaw #handtools #madeinmaine #lienielsen #lienielsentoolworks
Lie-Nielsen Open House & Lobster Bake July 13-14, 2018
Are you ready for the 2018 Lie-Nielsen Open House? Here are some of the highlights fromlast year's event. Lobster Bake tickets are available on our website, and the Open House itself is free and oep to the public on July 13 and 14, 2108. We hope to see you there!
We are at the historic waterfront in down town Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for our #HandToolEvent® with the Independence Seaport Museum! Come visit us today and tomorrow and try out some high quality tools.