Satyani McPherson, Founder, Kozmique Light Meditations, facilitates introspective self-care practices, trainings, & retreats for individuals & organizations that support people to reach their potential while living more consciously as Awareness In Action. Sister Satyani passionately supports healing and self-empowerment through trauma-informed awareness practices and indigenous systems of collecti
ve cooperation that uplift individuals and communities (particularly for people of culture who’ve been traumatized by racialized, patriarchal, hierarchical, colonized societies). Satyani loves inspiring people to reach their full potential while living more consciously as awareness in action. Satyani serves as:
• Co-Founder, Freedom Together
(Mindfulness Teacher Training by & for
Black & Indigenous People of Color)
• Member, Teacher’s Leadership Council,
Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC (IMCW)
• Founder / Awareness Mentor, Kozmique Light Meditations
Satyani is a founding board member of 501c3 non-profits offering trauma-informed awareness practices to heal and empower striving communities of color in Washington DC and New York NY:
• Insight on the Inside (IOI) -
working with incarcerated and returning citizens
• Institute of African American Mindfulness (IAAM)
Satyani creates curricula and facilitates mindfulness sessions and presentations for:
• Insight Meditation Community of Washington DC (IMCW)
• Early Childhood Innovation Network (ECIN) through
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
• EducareDC
• AppleTree Schools
• American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP)
• Population Action International (PAI)
• Hemophilia Association of the Capital Area (HACA)
• Minds Inc.
• Martha’s Table
• Project Youth MIND
• Wellesley College (alma mater)
• Mindfulness Yoga & Meditation Training Program
(Spirit Rock Meditation Center)
• Teach .b (Mindfulness in Schools Project)
• Lineage Project (Mindfulness Practices for Youth at Risk)
• Naturopathic Reiki
Sister Satyani originates from Harlem New York and Northern
New Jersey, having also lived and worked in Uganda, Belgium, and India. Her ancestors are African, Hawaiian, English, Chinese, and Choctaw. She enjoys life with her husband in the Washington DC metro area, along with family, music, dance, meditation, nondual teachings, yoga, international travel, and nature. May we open our heart/minds, as the infinite potentiality of our true nature, aware presence, which is limitless and liberating, interconnecting and interpenetrating all as ONE. Let Go & Be! Flowing & Free! Contact: [email protected], (202) 505-7720