Who Me? Who Commits Insurance Fraud and Why
Join us for an eye-opening webinar where we delve into groundbreaking research that exposes the candid responses of Americans from various racial and age groups concerning thoughts on committing insurance fraud. Prepare to be astonished as we unveil insights that challenge assumptions and redefine our understanding of this critical issue.
This week kicks off The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners International Fraud Awareness Week 2022!
Fraud is growing globally and we are excited to join the ACFE to help combat insurance fraud scams this week.
Please share their video and check out all the activities happening during International Fraud Awareness Week 2022 here: https://www.fraudweek.com/
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud #IFAW #IFAW2022
Wrong answers only...
Where was he running?
Wrong answers only.
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud #caughtin4K
Was this a trick...or a treat?
You be the judge.
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud #caughtin4K
Executive Director Matthew Smith joined SAS Software's Stu Bradley on "Fraud in Five" to discuss the future of the insurance fraud fighting community and the new $308 billion dollar insurance fraud estimate.
Additionally, the dynamic duo discussed our 2022 State of Insurance Fraud Technology Study and the trends it uncovered.
Please share.
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud #data #insurtech
Top 5 insurance fraud claims?
The Future of Insurance Fraud is Now is our third cycle/quadrimester theme of the year!
As we head into the last 4 months of 2022, we're reflecting on the past year of insurance trends and looking forward to what 2023 holds.
Thus, we're kicking off our Friday video share series with a consumer post from Think Insurance's CEO Mark Flockhart.
Flockhart details the top 5 insurance fraud claims he's dealt with as a fraud fighter in Florida.
Do we think we'll see more of the same bogus claims Flockhart discusses in 2023, or will new ones arise?
Please share.
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud
Fallin' into Fraud
Have a nice trip?
See you next fall?
#September #insurance #fraud #insurancefraud #caughtin4K
Curving cyber scammers in 2022
Did an online BF ever ask you to let them see your phone? Or for the password?
Curve 'em.
They just might be trying to steal your #insurance info with #cyberfraud scam.
Share this FraudNY help others avoid cyber scammers.
#cyberscam #ITsecurity #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cyberscam #fraud #insurancefraud
Blind Eye Approach
Is this the blind eye approach to insurance fraud?
You be the judge...
#insurance #fraud #insurancefraud
FraudNY's 2022 Campaign
Consumer: Are there resources to help prevent cyber fraud?
Fraud NY after revealing its 2022 cyber security fraud toolkit (link here https://bit.ly/3ygLXfB):
#cyber #insurance #NY #NYC #cyberfraud #cyberscam #cybercrime #cyberattack #insurancefraud
When you have to use the bathroom, but need that #insurancefraud money first... 🤡 #insurance #fraud
Cyber security issues are also leading to more insurance fraud issues since we all rely on the internet more than ever!
Please share Fraud NY's 2022 campaign video to help other consumers avoid cyber scammers & cyber fraud!
#insurance #fraud #cybersecurity #insurancefraud