Did you know that in 1860, the mean center of the United States population was in Pike County? That year, the center of the U.S. population moved a record 80 miles westward from Wirt County, WV—right here to Pike County! As the U.S. expanded to the Pacific, with western states like California growing throughout the 1850’s, our county became the geographical heart of the nation.
To highlight this unique piece of history, we’re sharing a 360-drone video near the actual location. Can you pinpoint this spot?
If you said near State Route 32 and Gravel Washer Rd, you’d be correct! The mean center of the US population in 1860 was located just off of Gravel Washer Rd, about 2 miles southeast of Beaver, OH.
Ohio really is “The Heart of It All”—and in 1860, Pike County was the heart of America!
If you wanna learn more interesting history about Pike County and about Ohio, go follow our friends, Pike Heritage Museum & America 250-Ohio.
#VisitPikeCounty #HeartOfAmerica #OhioTheHeartOfItAllf
The crowd put their dancing shoes on for the Buffalo Wabs & The Price Hill Hustle. Inaugural Grassroots Music Festival in Pike County, OH! Grassroots Music Festival Ohio
Union Soldiers from Dogwood Pass perform a cannon salute during the dedication for a new historical marker for the Gravesite of the Unknown Union Soldier at Pike Lake State Park. #VisitPikeCounty #PikeLake
The Inaugural Pike County School Bus Derby was a smash-hit at the Pike County Fairgrounds tonight!
#VisitPikeCounty #PikeCountyFair #BusDerb
The New Grandstand Will Be Rocking on Monday Night!
Let's put this new grandstand to the test on Monday night! Come out to a great night of live country music featuring Nate Smith with "a mix of gritty backwoods soul, rock ‘n’ roll swagger and velvet-thunder vocals." The party kicks off at 7pm with Trae Myers followed by Restless Road.
Start Your Week Off Right at the Fair Tonight!
Join us at the opening ceremony of the Pike County Fair and dedication of the brand new grandstand! Following that celebration will be the crowing of your 2023 Fair King and Queen, Awards Ceremony, Scholarship Recognition, Pie Auction and more!
Come out tonight and support the Pike County Fair and the youth of Pike County!
#VisitPikeCounty #PikeCountyFair
Here’s how you can celebrate Independence Day Weekend in Pike County!!
The Village of Piketon Ohio
Lake White Boat Parade
Lake White Marina
Lake White Club
Anyone who would like to donate to or sponsor the Canal Kaboom community-led fireworks at Bristol Park, check out the event link below.
#VisitPikeCounty #OhioTheHeartofitAll #IndependenceDay #4thofJuly #Fireworks #LiveMusic #BoatParade #Waverly #Piketon #LakeWhite
The start of the 50K (31 miles!!) this morning at the Pike Lake Ultramarathon hosted by TINAR Race Series!
The rain just won’t go away, but The Goodwin Brothers still brought the party to the Budweiser Beer Garden!
SamJam Bluegrass Festival
Breaking Grass on stage tonight!
Does your Sheriff sing Bluegrass!?
Shoutout to Sheriff Evans for joining Bourbon Revival for a song at SamJam Bluegrass Festival!
Plenty of good music left tonight and even more this weekend!
Bluegrass isn’t the only genre you may hear at SamJam Bluegrass Festival.