Bump & Beyond Doulas

Bump & Beyond Doulas Bump & Beyond Doulas is a mother daughter support team for birthing Mama's and their partners. YOU can birth your baby.

Our role is to encourage a positive birth experience with love, guidance & empowerment.



I love this message so much from Ren the Doula and Pregnant Chicken!! As soon as we become pregnant it’s like everyone feels like they have a right over us. The right to touch our stomachs, the right to be in our space, the right to say anything in their head, the right to show up while we’re birthing, the right to show up in our spaces right after birth, the right to see and hold the baby. It goes on and on. Oftentimes we are uncomfortable to tell people that we’re not ready. But get it in your head that you have a right to say that. It doesn’t matter who it is, you have a right to your space and your baby and your body. And you have a right to tell everyone that they need to wait.
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“Visiting a new baby is a privilege. .
In our culture we have this idea that people are supposed to be in the room with you. People feel forced to give birth in front of broken relationships and/ or people they don’t feel comfortable around.
Do yourself a favor and wait until the time feels right. Birthing in front of birthing people is not a right. Visiting a new baby is not a right.”
I'm Lauren. A mother, doula and artist in Baltimore. I love art! Hope to connect with other birth workers, artist and people!


Perspective 💕


Informed consent. This is something we preach as doulas. It is so important for pregnant/birthing women and their partners to truly understand what this means. You always have a choice. You are not at the mercy of your provider. They are not an authority figure. You have the right to ask as many questions as you'd like, over and over again. You have the right to say NO. Your body, your baby, your right. Thank you for this 👏❤

Strong Beginnings Maternity Services - Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology - University of Rochester Medical Center

UofR Midwifery Group is moving to Strong! Lots of great changes ahead ❤

Learn all about UR Medicine Midwifery Group's move to Strong Memorial Hospital's Birth Center! We know there are many questions about our move and want to try to answer as many of them as possible for you.

Frequently Asked Questions and their answers:

1. Will my care at SMH be different from my care at Highland Hospital?

No, UR Midwifery Group will continue to provide 24 hour coverage to all of our patients at Strong Memorial Hospital’s (SMH) low risk birth center. We will continue to provide compassionate, holistic, evidence-based midwifery care to all our patients. The only difference is the location change.

2. Will I be able to utilize hydrotherapy, intermittent monitoring, nitrous oxide, squatting bars, birth stools, and birth balls at Strong Memorial Hospital?

Yes! The UR Midwifery group will continue to offer and encourage intermittent monitoring to all our patients who are appropriate. Each labor room has a bathtub to use for hydrotherapy during labor. Nitrous oxide, squatting bars, birth stools, birth balls, peanut balls and mirrors are all available at SMH. We love offering these resources that compliment midwifery care and encourage the physiologic birth process.

3. Can I have a doula at SMH?

Absolutely. We encourage our patients to work with doulas as they are valuable, respected, and educated partners in the labor process. Evidence shows that patients who have a doula with them during labor and birth have lower rates of interventions such as cesarean section, forceps and vacuum deliveries, lower use of pain medications and higher satisfaction with their birth experience.

4. Will I have to share a postpartum room at SMH?

No. All our patients will continue to have private postpartum rooms as they did at Highland Hospital.

5. Will I be able to be discharged 24-hours postpartum at SMH?

Yes. Similarly to Highland Hospital, 24-hour discharge is supported at SMH for patients and their newborns who qualify.

6. Will I still get my outpatient care at the same place?

Yes. UR Midwifery Group will continue to care for our patients are our three outpatient clinic locations: 125 Lattimore Rd. Suite 200, 909 Culver Rd, and the Schottland Family YMCA in Pittsford.

7. How can I schedule a hospital tour at SMH?

You can visit www.urmc.rochester.edu/ob-gyn/strong-beginnings.aspx or call (585) 275-4058 to schedule a hospital tour at SMH. There is no charge for the orientation class and tour.

8. I’m due at the end of February/beginning of March? Where will I have my baby?

Patients who are in active labor on March 1st will be cared for at SMH. There will be some patients who may be mid-stream in the induction process or admitted in labor at the end of February, those patients will remain at Highland Hospital for the duration for their stay. There will be midwives at both facilities caring for our patients during that time.

9. Will there be a complimentary breakfast buffet at SMH like there was at Highland?

Probably our most Frequently Asked Question and the answer is YES! There will be a breakfast buffet available at SMH to all obstetric patients and one guest beginning in January 2020.

10. If I am a gynecological patient and have complications or need to be seen urgently where will I go?

As always, you would call the on call midwife and speak with them about your concerns. If needed, we would refer you to be seen in the Emergency Department at Strong Memorial Hospital.

11. What if I have more questions?

Please do not hesitate to bring up any questions or concerns with your midwife at your next prenatal visit. We are also planning another Meet the Midwives event in January. Date TBD, stay tuned!

Having a baby. It's time for planning and dreaming... a time of wonder... a special relationship between you and your baby. We at Strong Memorial Hospital's Strong Beginnings Program feel privileged to share the joy of the birth experience as we help you and your baby to a safe and healthy start. We...

New rear-facing car seat law goes into effect November 1

New rear-facing car seat law goes into effect November 1

ALBANY, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) – A new car seat requirement for newborns, infants, and toddlers will go into effect on November 1 across New York. The law passed in 2017 requires children under two-y…


YAAASSSS!!!!! 👏👏👏

What would happen if we re-framed how we talk about uterine rupture?
When preparing for VBAC, a lot of providers put a HUGE emphasis on uterine rupture risk and don't focus on your REAL chances of success or the escalating risks that come with repeat Cesarean. Take away the risk for uterine rupture and VBAC is just like any other birth.
With a 99.5% (VBAC) - 98.5% (VBAMC) chance of NOT having a uterine rupture, those are pretty amazing odds and in any other medical procedure, would be considered a no-brainier.
- Brain surgery with a 99% chance that things will go perfectly, YES, please!
- Heart valve repair with a 99% success rate? AMAZING!
- Prescription drugs with a 99% chance you will have zero side effects? I'd TOTALLY but it!
Do you see what I mean? Why do we rush so quickly to a surgery that has a HIGHER chance than that of major complications when the odds of NOT having a uterine rupture uterine rupture are so high?
Your odds of NOT having a major complication due to a Cesarean are 96.7%, by the time you are on your 3rd Cesarean it drops to 92.5% (which are still good odds, arguably).
Let's put it all together.

- Your odds of NOT having a uterine rupture: 98.5%-99.5%
- Your odds of NOT having major complications due to a repeat Cesarean: 92.5% -96.7%.
How does that make you feel??
Find out more about uterine rupture at https://www.thevbaclink.com/post/uterine-rupture
Dig more into the facts about VBAC in our How to VBAC Prep Course for Parents: thevbaclink.com/vbac-class

***Statistics taken from the National Vital Records Database Birth Reports Data from 2016.



We all remember a few months ago when Harry and Meghan introduced baby Archie to the world only two days post-partum. One of the only five questions asked to the couple at the time was: “is he sleeping ok? Good baby?”.⁣

Today, in a contrast to the first interview, a short extract of a documentary by shows Meghan, the new mum and wife, in a completely vulnerable state, like so many of us are after childbirth.⁣

The question this time was about Meghan’s physical and mental health, rather than the baby’s sleeping habits. This is the one question you SHOULD ask a new mum, but as Meghan herself confirmed, it rarely gets asked.⁣

“Are YOU ok?”⁣

“Is there anything I can do for YOU?”⁣

People often get obsessed about the baby and forget about the mum, the dad.⁣

The first question is the reason why our society believes:
good babies sleep, bad babies don’t,
good babies comply, bad babies throw tantrums,
good babies smile, bad babies cry,
good babies allow life to carry on as normal, bad babies disrupt your life and turn everything upside-down.
This poor language must change, babies are babies, they are not good or bad.⁣

Today’s interview with .bradby gives us hope that when the right question is asked, mothers will receive the support they deserve to cope with the struggles of motherhood and continue to care for their babies without the pressures of feeling validated by how well they sleep.


Love this 💕


I love this 😂😍

Too cute not to share! "This big brother hopped in the tub to help his mom labor through some intense contractions." Photo credit:


We truly carry our babies with us forever ❤


I see you, working Mama - I really do. I feel your struggle and heartbreak as you walk out the door every day. I see the guilt you hold for "missing out" on some of your little one's firsts. I see your exhaustion as you strive to have a career and be the best Mama you can be all at the same time. I see you - I hear you - I understand what you're going through and I am here for you. Be kind to yourself - for you are truly incredible.


Authentic Birth Center • Wellness Collective


This speaks to me 💛 No one taught you how to make a placenta, yet you know how. A keeper of the universe's secrets. You have power. You are magic. You are love. You are life.


The Abdominal Lift & Tuck brought to you by - this is one of my favorites for a couple different reasons. One - it allows mom and her partner to work together and build up all that good, yummy oxytocin. Mom can lean into her birth partner and feel supported. Two - the action of tucking the pelvis and lifting the belly allows for more room, so that baby can rotate into the perfect position for birth. This is also a good one to try when baby is posterior.




Whatever decision you make, Mama - it's always the right one. Trust yourself 💕



Preach. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Doula Coop meeting Tuesday, August 27th 7-9pm come meet Jennifer Gresh (Jenny Jane on FB) she will be sharing information regarding maternal mental health related to birth trauma and her upcoming group workshop.

This IS NOT an open forum to discuss trauma rather information gathering session we can pass on to those in need and to ask questions that are within the scope of a doulas role.
Revive Yoga & Massage 60 Barrett Drive Webster, 14580


It’s okay 💗

💛 Quote:


I love this! There are so many myths out there when it comes to parenting our new little ones that keep getting passed down from generation to generation. Let's stop the cycle!

Home births as safe as hospital births, study says

Home births as safe as hospital births, study says

An international study led by McMaster University in Hamilton Ont., has found that women with low-risk pregnancies who plan on home births have no increased risk of infant death in comparison to hospital births.


🌕Full Moon Affirmation🌕

"I am blossoming into fullness like the moon. I release all negativity from my life. I know that I am enough. I am happy. I am calm. I am at peace. I see you, Mama."


Skin to skin 💗
More benefits than you may realize.

Skin to Skin Contact is not "new",but Sweden certainly leads the way in making this care family -friendly even for very tiny babies.
I love this picture of big brother helping his dad care for the twins!!

"Revolutionary and innovative practices in Uppsala, Sweden. Children of 700 grams can be skin to skin on the parent's chest instead of the incubator.

A Swedish Professor Uwe Ewald, came to Hvidovre hospital (Denmark) to talk about his revolutionary practice, where even very small premature babies are taken out of the incubator to be skin to skin with their parents as much as possible. Premature babies, born three months prematurely, are put on the parent's chest instead of alone in an incubator.

Uwe Ewald points out that the parent's chest regulates the temperature better than an incubator. Skin to skin contact helps the baby to breathe better. The child becomes more calm and gains weight faster. Research shows that parents bacterial flora - compared with hospital bacteria - reduces the risk of serious infections in these delicate children.

100 doctors, nurses and other staff from all over Denmark gather at Hvidovre hospital Friday the 29.5. to hear Uwe Ewald research.
The initiator of the meeting is the Fund "A good start in life" in cooperation with the Neonatal Department at Hvidovre Hospital.
Hvidovre Hospital's neonatal department also has positive experience with skin-to-skin contact and currently has a major research project."

(Translated from the Danish) see below



Managing the Motherload: A Guide to Creating More Ease, Space, and Grace in Motherhood

Coming soon... 💗


A candid, humorous, and heartfelt guide to self-care in motherhood from a meditation expert and mother-of-five.Managing the Motherload is a practical system for sanity from a happy, ultra-productive, and sometimes tired mother of five. This five-part system will help readers create a life that th...


A much needed reminder for all the Mama's in the world. Be kind to yourself. You're raising little humans - one of the most challenging, yet rewarding jobs on earth and you're doing amazing. Sending love to you 💕


.life Thank you for sharing! Happy World Breastfeeding Week 💕🤱


Using movement and gravity to bring baby earthside - these beautiful birthing positions were used by our ancestors many many moons ago. I think they knew what they were doing 💕


The fruits of your labor 😉 Who knows what this represents?!


Bump & Beyond Doulas is official! Initial training has commenced and we are so ready to share in our birthing Mama's journeys together. Mother Daughter doula at your cervix 🤰


"Birth is not only about making babies. Birth is about making mothers - strong, confident, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength."

Doulaing it up this weekend with so many strong and beautiful women. The oxytocin is flowing ♥️

Oh baby! Chiropractic may help ease pregnancy, postpartum pains :: WRAL.com

"Moms who see chiropractors tend to have not just more comfortable pregnancies, but [sometimes] faster deliveries and tend to have babies that are in better positions because their bodies are able to move and adapt to the changes that are happening every day."

Tag a chiropractor you love who has helped you before, during and after your pregnancy!

More and more expectant mothers are seeking out chiropractic care to help them with pain, alignment issues and other physical developments that present over the course of pregnancy.


Webster, NY



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