The story of Brown’z Sweets begins as another chapter in my life ends. After fifteen years as an Accountant and Financial professional dedicated to crunching numbers, I decided creating scrumptious chewy cookies with a lot less crunch was more satisfying for my soul. My philosophy for my company is simple and sweet; create great tasting cookies and decadent treats that reflect my culture and life
experiences. I started baking consistently about 10 yeas ago in an effort to keep myself busy while my wife prepared dinners and desserts for various events and holidays. In my wildest dreams I would have never thought that I was creating a new family tradition of baking cookies. Over the years, my children, family and friends have appreciated my new found labor of love. Now, you too can also experience the distinctive flavors that make Brown’z Sweets, unique. I hope to keep folks guessing what’s inside my artisan treats after you have enjoyed some… and before you read the ingredients. Brown'z Sweets, LLC is a great tasting and healthy snack your whole household will thoroughly enjoy. Brown'z Sweets caters to the avid lover of sweets that still wants to maintain their 'girlish figure'. These all natural organic cookies are delightfully soft and chewy. They're sure to become your favorite cookie store. You'll forget about other bakeries as soon as you partake of these delicious cookies. They've got white chocolate chip which they call marble, oatmeal cinnamon, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate chip. This bakery has a story behind it, a former accountant turned businessman now earns his wages pursuing his passion for pastry catering. He's turned this into a gift store so you always have access to their storehouse and order cookies anytime you wish. Handmade gourmet cookies are the best when eaten soft and chewy.Garden City South, Franklin Square, Roosevelt Field, Garden City, Hempstead, Malverne, Stewart Manor, South Hempstead, Garden City Park,South Floral Park are close.