Meet our partners! Our partnerships allow us to successfully run our courses, seamlessly, for more students! Thank you to all of our partners.
#CMTIEMS #EMT #Paramedic #courses #training #als #bls #cpr #firstresponders
CMTI is proud to share that through our program and partnership with Brewster Ambulance that we have guaranteed job placement for students who complete the CMTI EMT or Paramedic course and pass the necessary exam.
#CMTIEMS #EMT #Paramedic #courses #training #als #bls #cpr #firstresponders
Our mission is to provide the highest quality of training and education so the EMTs and Paramedics who graduate from our programs are confident when they begin working in the field. Our team includes highly experienced EMTs, paramedics, ER nurses, and more to ensure the best classroom instruction.
#CMTIEMS #EMT #Paramedic #courses #training #als #bls #cpr #firstresponders
What is the main difference between EMTs and Paramedics?
Why become an EMT? There are so many great reasons - helping people in your community is just one!
What is the difference between an EMTs and Paramedics?
How do our students work closely with Katie, our Clinical Coordinator, through the clinical placement process? Watch to find out!
Katie, CMTI's Clinical Coordinator plays a crucial role in post-graduating steps for CMTI students. Watch to learn what those steps are!
Study tips from some of our current CMTI Paramedic students!
#cmti #paramedic #ems #paramedictraining #paramediclife #paramedicstudent #study
Back to school feels. Our team includes highly experienced individuals ensuring the best education so you’re prepared and confident on your first call as a medical first responder.
#cmti #emt #paramedic #ems #emttraining #emtlife #emtstudent
What are your career goals? What are the first steps you’re going to take to achieve them? Let’s check in on our student, Matt, about his career path!
#ems #emtlife #emtstudent #ambulance #emt #emttraining #emstraining #cpr #cprtraining #paramedic #emtcourses #emscourses #cprcourses
Why do YOU want to become an EMT? Everyone has their own reasons and brings that passion to the job. Listen to what one of our current CMTI students, Genisis, as she shares her “why”.
#ems #emtlife #emtstudent #ambulance #emt #emttraining #emstraining #cpr #cprtraining #paramedic #emtcourses #emscourses #cprcourses
Saving Lives Through Education. #CMTI
#ems #emtlife #emtstudent #ambulance #emt #emttraining #emstraining #cpr #cprtraining #paramedic #emtcourses #emscourses #cprcourses